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Despicable Deutschlanders!

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Re: Despicable Deutschlanders!

Postby Paphitis » Wed Aug 19, 2015 2:07 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Oh Yes! :D A backlash!

Despicable Duetschlanders have listened to their hearts and learned humanity from the Greeks!

Some extracts from their media on their bastardly behaviour:

" ... the German government has "destroyed seven decades of post-war diplomacy on a single weekend"."

"Merkel has managed to revive the image of the ugly, hard-hearted and stingy German that had just begun to fade".

"The German government destroyed seven decades of post-war diplomacy on a single weekend," news website Spiegel Online remarked.

Spiegel described the final deal as a "catalogue of cruelties".

The left-leaning Taz newspaper wrote that in some European countries, "they're outraged by the authoritarian and egotistical behaviour of the Germans".

"This summer, we Germans have a historic opportunity - not to behave like assholes for once." ... 84?ref=yfp

Well you see, the Deutschlanders do have some leftist correspondents which will take that approach.

However, the major consensus of the German Tax Payer is that Greece in particular, is anathema and most want Greece out. They are not the only ones either.

Czech Republic, Slovenia, Sweden, Luxembourg, Finland were the same. In fact, the only support Greece had was from France and Italy and we know why that is.
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Re: Despicable Deutschlanders!

Postby Paphitis » Wed Aug 19, 2015 2:17 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:The march to occupy and control Greece, started in WWII, continues ...

German transport company Fraport has bought the rights to operate 14 Greek airports.

The deal entails a €1.23bn (£0.87bn, $1.36bn) payment from Fraport for the entire period of 50 years and a rent of €22.9m a year, according to Greek news website Protothema. The publication also said Fraport has pledged a total €1.73bn worth in upgrades for the airports.

Fraport, which also runs Frankfurt Airport, is the first company to acquire a Greek government-owned company but a series of privatisations is expected to follow. Greece's prime minister Alexis Tsipras and the Greek parliament were forced to go ahead with privatisation initiatives in order to receive an €86bn bailout package from the European Stability Mechanism. ... ve-1516015

Everyone on this forum knows you're full of it and completely deluded.

Oh and that would be a FTA which comprises about 60% of the planets wealth so bye bye EU and good riddance to bad rubbish!

The EU started of as a Free Trade Agreement. It has gone beyond that especially with the common currency one size fits all. Greece would have had issues even if it was out, but probably its problems would have been a lot less. It has had 3 Bail Outs now. Imagine if it needs another in 3 years time.

Either the austerity will be a lot harsher, or GREXIT is back on. That is of course presuming that there will be a Eurozone in 3 years time.

The Euro project has been a great test case for the USA, Canada, Australia, China, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Phillipines, New Zealand, Vietnam who are entering into an FTA themselves. In other words, they will stick to the free movement of trade and capital and leave the rest alone.

So those countries are extremely thankful to be shown what not to do by the Europeans. :D
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Re: Despicable Deutschlanders!

Postby Paphitis » Wed Aug 19, 2015 2:52 am

You see this argument that Greece and Cyprus are blessed with a great climate and hence they don't love money as much as other Europeans do is complete nonsense and a fantasy land and deluded statement in order to justify the lack of development, industry and technology based industries.

The USA and Australia have great climates too in the most part. In fact, it is better than the climate in both Greece and Cyprus and they both have better beaches and coastlines on top of that. There is no comparison. They also love the outdoors, barbecues, beer and just being very social.

And yet, Australians in the most part enjoy having money. They love money as much as any European, including Greeks. Why? Well Aussies love to travel (Asia, Europe, North America), and they also like many lifestyle activities. Houses are usually huge now, soccer mums have big 4 by 4s to pick the kids up from their tie schools and on weekends they go for their little excursions, beach, fishing or whatever it is they do.

That is the what many people aspire to, and they are fortunate enough to have the opportunity where most of the Middle Class can do these types of things, have expensive cars, luxury homes and travel to their holiday shacks in Australia and even abroad. In Greece there is no middle class. Greeks just got denied many opportunities because the system there is corrupt. Politicians are corrupt and for decades there has been zero investment in industries and technologies reducing the entire population to minimum wage shop assistant roles in tourism, hospitality, and agriculture. Why is this so? Because they Government has always made it difficult for foreign investment. Why would a business set up in Greece and have to deal with all the nonsense when they can set themselves up in other countries by filling out some simple forms?

This austerity could also be Greece's biggest opportunity for a change for the better, which is what I said a long time ago. BUT, I certainly hate and deplore the way in which Greece was treated the last few months by other European countries. That was a huge kick in the guts to a country whilst it was down. This may have been self inflicted, but there was still no excuse for denying a country and people its dignity. It was criminal in fact.
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Re: Despicable Deutschlanders!

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Aug 19, 2015 4:01 am

...i'm sorry Paphitis, i fail to see any connection between the news GIG has posted and the likelihood that Free Trade continues to expand globally. Being a Cypriot i hardly think that you would be taking any glee to see hardworking people anywhere hijacked of the assets which give them the confidence to continue to work hard; it's despicable.

Personally, i am still rooting for Tsipras, although the elections will be looming soon, i suppose. This is just the beginning, a sacage (by German Banks essentially), and according to the IMF, not sustainable.

This is not an issue that will go away in the near future, it may have another thirty years to change, but it is a European problem, more a symptom, an indication of something bigger, a decline in their civilization, without change. In any case, there is the question of onerous debt, and in that regard the answers are unclear. It may well be that the Banks are responsible for a good bit of the scandal German Industry was been implicated in, and what of the German Government, by not recognising it, complicit, in it. But, we will never know because the "Troika" does not have that public control.

..ask Papandreou, if you want to know something about the "Germans", wasn't he one of their crowd at one point?

@ Paphitis, well i was responding to the post you made before this, take it with a grain of salt now.
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Re: Despicable Deutschlanders!

Postby Paphitis » Wed Aug 19, 2015 4:16 am

repulsewarrior wrote:...i'm sorry Paphitis, i fail to see any connection between the news GIG has posted and the likelihood that Free Trade continues to expand globally. Being a Cypriot i hardly think that you would be taking any glee to see hardworking people anywhere hijacked of the assets which give them the confidence to continue to work hard; it's despicable.

Personally, i am still rooting for Tsipras, although the elections will be looming soon, i suppose. This is just the beginning, a sacage (by German Banks essentially), and according to the IMF, not sustainable.

This is not an issue that will go away in the near future, it may have another thirty years to change, but it is a European problem, more a symptom, an indication of something bigger, a decline in their civilization, without change. In any case, there is the question of onerous debt, and in that regard the answers are unclear. It may well be that the Banks are responsible for a good bit of the scandal German Industry was been implicated in, and what of the German Government, by not recognising it, complicit, in it. But, we will never know because the "Troika" does not have that public control.

..ask Papandreou, if you want to know something about the "Germans", wasn't he one of their crowd at one point?

@ Paphitis, well i was responding to the post you made before this, take it with a grain of salt now.

Tsipras lost a long time ago, and was never going to win if this was some kind of Leftist Ideologically based exercise against Capitalism.

He only had 2 options as follows:
1) suck it up and do anything to appease the Eurozone blackmail, or

After what was a brave stand off, he is now sucking it all up which has me wondering that perhaps this should have been done from day 1. If you gonna talk tough, then your only option was GREXIT, now he just looks very foolish.

Now let's be very clear. Germany has done nothing wrong really. Their politicians are pandering more-so to the expectations of their own tax payers who do not believe they should be bailing out anyone. It's a pretty fair position as a matter of fact.

Greece's issue is not the system. The system exists globally. It's not going to change. Many countries are very prosperous under this system. cyprus was very prosperous for a very long time under this system and could be on its way to recovery.

Greece however, lags behind in innovation, creativity, industry, technology and social cohesion. They even view the system as some kind of Western American cancer which has bought the country down. despite America having nothing to do with it at all. Of course it's not the people's fault who some are in fact very hard working. It's the political system in Greece that is to blame pure and simple! It is not very good when the only jobs you can offer these hard working people, often with tertiary educations, is work in tourism or in Agriculture.

What have they done in the last 4 decades? NOTHING! :roll:

What could they have done? Well, Greece could have been a very attractive country for many multi-nationals to set up there.
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Re: Despicable Deutschlanders!

Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed Aug 19, 2015 8:23 am

Why is Cyprus is home to many ship management companies founded by the so called "Despicable Deutschlanders" and not Greece, so Cyprus is a major player in the world of ship management?
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Re: Despicable Deutschlanders!

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Wed Aug 19, 2015 12:54 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:Why is Cyprus is home to many ship management companies founded by the so called "Despicable Deutschlanders" and not Greece, so Cyprus is a major player in the world of ship management?

Ah, the contradictions of capitalism! If only looking at an isolated case completely out of context is all economics required! :roll:

- Conveniently ignoring the history that Cyprus has been swept under the stranglehold of one imperialist nation after another for hundreds of years and look only at the end-result of the strongest imperialist ruling the roost now!
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