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Despicable Deutschlanders!

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Re: Despicable Deutschlanders!

Postby erolz66 » Mon Jul 13, 2015 11:54 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote: What's so difficult? I suppose since you are truly a racist (supporting racist division of Cyprus), you are bound to see evil in everything. They (Deutschlanders) are our brothers (40% similarity with some markers, I believe) that have fallen by the cultural and idealist wayside! It has nothing to do with racial differences, so stop getting excited! Boring! :roll:

That you can post something as inane and childish as 'Germans are smelly' and THEN try to claim such is NOT racist is why I genuinely pity you GiG.
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Re: Despicable Deutschlanders!

Postby erolz66 » Mon Jul 13, 2015 11:56 pm

For the record from the 'forum rules'

No racist posts allowed - Do not talk in a negative way about a whole nation or ethnic group.
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Re: Despicable Deutschlanders!

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Mon Jul 13, 2015 11:57 pm

erolz66 wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote: What's so difficult? I suppose since you are truly a racist (supporting racist division of Cyprus), you are bound to see evil in everything. They (Deutschlanders) are our brothers (40% similarity with some markers, I believe) that have fallen by the cultural and idealist wayside! It has nothing to do with racial differences, so stop getting excited! Boring! :roll:

That you can post something as inane and childish as 'Germans are smelly' and THEN try to claim such is NOT racist is why I genuinely pity you GiG.

We once went round a cave with a group of French tourists and we seriously needed oxygen masks the air smelled so heavy of garlic. Sorry, but it has nothing to do with racism and everything to do with diet! Germans eat way too many meaty sausages!
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Re: Despicable Deutschlanders!

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Tue Jul 14, 2015 12:02 am

erolz66 wrote:For the record from the 'forum rules'

No racist posts allowed - Do not talk in a negative way about a whole nation or ethnic group.

You are supposedly so concerned about some posts (but it's your misogyny at the root) and yet support the Turkish occupation and racist apartheid of Greek Cypriots from their homeland. Get lost, joker! :roll:
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Re: Despicable Deutschlanders!

Postby erolz66 » Tue Jul 14, 2015 12:13 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
erolz66 wrote:For the record from the 'forum rules'

No racist posts allowed - Do not talk in a negative way about a whole nation or ethnic group.

You are supposedly so concerned about some posts (but it's your misogyny at the root) and yet support the Turkish occupation and racist apartheid of Greek Cypriots from their homeland. Get lost, joker! :roll:

YOU claim I am a Turk - I am not (not by birth, not by what I consider myself and not in ANY legal sense). YOU claim I am a misogynist - I am not (at least in any conscious way or by my behaviour or actions). YOU claim I support the current 'status quo' and division of Cyprus - I do not (and I have a proven track record of working across Cypriot communities FOR a better undivided Cyprus).
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Re: Despicable Deutschlanders!

Postby Sotos » Tue Jul 14, 2015 1:18 am

The Germans tried the ISIS way and it didn't work out for them. Now they are trying to control Europe by different means. What happened was not just about Greece. It was mostly about other Europeans. It was a message "look what will happen to you if you don't do what we demand". If they had let Syriza to win something, even a little something, then Podemos of Spain would come to power and demand more, Italy would follow, and soon Germany would lose control of EU. With WWII they bombed other countries to the ground and committed atrocities and genocides... and yet their debts and their criminal behavior was quickly forgiven. And now they pretend to be so principled and they want to punish whole populations even though they also share part of the blame for the problems that many EU countries are facing.
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Re: Despicable Deutschlanders!

Postby erolz66 » Tue Jul 14, 2015 4:21 am

Sotos wrote:The Germans tried the ISIS way and it didn't work out for them.

Nothing more than (yet again) the laziest 'analysis' that fits the requirements of the narrative you wish to write, regardless of facts and actual evidence as far as I am concerned.

Sotos wrote:Now they are trying to control Europe by different means.

By creating with other nations a union that countries CHOOSE to want to join and can freely choose to leave and which by all accounts the vast majority of ordinary Greeks desperately want to stay a part of ? This then is Germany's 'means' to achieve the control of Europe is it, according to your 'narrative' ? How crafty and clever those Germans are and how naïve and stupid all the other nations in the EU must be , including Greece and Cyprus and the UK and all the others !

Sotos wrote: What happened was not just about Greece. It was mostly about other Europeans.

Indeed. Do you doubt for a moment that if during this crisis there had been a EU wide or EZ wide referendum a question along the lines of 'should EU member states money be used to bail out Greece on terms more favourable than any other EU member in such need had been given to date ?' there would have been any other democratic result than 'no' ? Any other member state could have held such a referendum or such could have been held EU wide. No other member state to date has done such. Instead what EZ member state after member state HAS done is spend considerable domestic political capital to support a bailout that Greece has itself ASKED FOR. Some risking their own political survival as a result. Not just Germany, but also states like Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Slovakia, Slovenia and Netherlands.

Sotos wrote:It was a message "look what will happen to you if you don't do what we demand". If they had let Syriza to win something, even a little something, then Podemos of Spain would come to power and demand more, Italy would follow, ...

Of course it was a message. The message, that was clearly given over and over to the Syriza administration, was that the EU could not allow a bailout recipient member state to simply renege on and reverse prior commitments and terms already made and agreed and expect to continue to receive funds under that agreement and or hope to negotiate a new agreements under better terms, without risk the disintegration of the entire EU. This was the message given to Syriza over and over and over for months, not JUST by Germany but by essentially ALL the other EZ members.

Sotos wrote: and soon Germany would lose control of EU.

Again with the laziness, with the narrative, despite all actual evidence, that this whole thing has simply been about and between German and its control of the EU vs everyone else, with Greeks as the 'brave fighters and resisters against German attempts at subjugation.

Sotos wrote:With WWII they bombed other countries to the ground and committed atrocities and genocides...

And again with the lazy narrative that what has happened in last few months was just a 'change of means' by Germany. The countries bombed to the ground by Nazi Germany did not REQUEST to be bombed, THREE times. Greece did CHOOSE, three times, to request bail out funds, not JUST from Germany but from all the EZ members (along with the IMF).
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Re: Despicable Deutschlanders!

Postby Sotos » Tue Jul 14, 2015 5:32 am

The fact is that Germany did try to take the whole Europe militarily and they committed genocides and atrocities ... far worst than what ISIS has committed so far. What led them to do this was not just some momentary madness but deeper geopolitical interests that still hold true today. The EU that others choose to join... especially the one Greece joined in 1981, was not one dominated by Germany and the promise was very different than the reality of today. Probably it was a mistake for Greece (and many others) to join the EU but they found out too late. In a union where there is free trade, no import taxes, no ability to protect your local businesses against foreign (EU) competition it is inevitable that each country is forced to concentrate where it has a competitive advantage and other sectors of the economy are drastically reduced... so to say that a country can just choose to leave is an oversimplification. If there was an EU wide referendum the question would not be about Greece specifically but more general about the fiscal policies of EZ. For example printing more money and abandoning strict austerity ... following the example that USA used to come out of the crisis and abandoning the German model. The result of such a referendum could be 50%-50% or close to it. The problem with EZ is that one fiscal policy does not fit all countries. The Germans want the model that fits themselves best (which also happens to fit some others). So far they have tried to convince others that theirs is the right approach. But many people across Europe are getting tired of policies that harm them and want change... the result is the rise of Syriza in Greece, Podemos in Spain and similar movements in Italy and other countries. So what the Germans have done is to punish Syriza and Greece, hoping that in this way they will scare similar movements across Europe and destroy any kind of resistance at its infancy, before it is too late for them.
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Re: Despicable Deutschlanders!

Postby Get Real! » Tue Jul 14, 2015 5:56 am

Sotos wrote:The fact is that Germany did try to take the whole Europe militarily and they committed genocides and atrocities ... far worst than what ISIS has committed so far. What led them to do this was not just some momentary madness but deeper geopolitical interests that still hold true today.

Ze Fuhrer says…

Had foolish Europe accepted Germany’s superiority they wouldn’t have been in this mess right now would they? :wink:

These days everybody wants to be born German!

Well, everyone in the right mind except for a handful of Balkanites who for some bizarre reason love gypsydom! :lol:
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Re: Despicable Deutschlanders!

Postby Get Real! » Tue Jul 14, 2015 6:17 am

Mein fuehrer, why did you leave me with these fools? :?
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