Sotos wrote:Add "Get Real" in the list of Cypriots who are not Greek

Does his imaginary community of Chirokitians also have a right to a separate and equal voice as Cypriots who are not Greek?

Or maybe that is a privilege only for the Turks, so that their "separate and equal voice" is on its own enough to block anything that the majority chooses. If we had several "separate and equal voices" then your "separate and equal" voice would be under 50% and you wouldn't be able to block anything on your own.
We have been over this some many times Sotos. I do not expect you to agree with my views, but I do have a, patently vain given the above, expectation that by now you can at least understand what I am saying.
For something to legitimately be an expression of a singular 'group' (peoples) there HAS to be some overriding commonality that binds and defines said group. A desire for Cypriot independence, by definition, can only ever be a legitimate expression of the will of a (unitary) Cypriot people. Choosing to seek a future where an independent Cypriot nation does not exist at all and where Cyprus is ruled not By Cypriots from Cyprus but by Greeks from Athens is different. You are free to want and desire and strive for such a future but you are not free to seek to impose such a future on a significant number of people for whom Cyprus is validly also their own (shared homeland) and for whom such a future to them would represents colonial rule in their own (shared homeland) in the NAME of a unitary Cypriot people. That is true (from my perspective) if that significant number of people for whom Cyprus is validly also their own (shared homeland) and for whom such a future to them would represents imposed colonial rule in their own (shared homeland) are 'Turks' or 'Chirokitians'. So if following the end of British rule there was a significant number of CYPRIOTS of greek ethnic background for whom enosis would have represented 'colonial rule' (Chirokitians) then yes I believe that they would have had a right to resist such an imposition on them in their own shared homeland against their will even if there were less of them than those who chose to be Greek rather than (independent) Cypriots. In fact there were such Cypriots leading up to the end of British rule, though who can know their numbers I do not know, and 'you' murdered (some) of them
because for them enosis rather than Cypriot independence was just a change of colonial rule. Just as 'we' murdered (some) of those Cypriots of turkish ethnic background for whom taksim was just a change of colonial rule'.
If I was in a room with GR and say two others with the same 'Chirokitian' views, and as an individual and one without children, I would be prepared to 'risk' signing an agreement with them based on A unitary Cypriot state, with no bi-zonality, no bi-communality and no 'exceptional' clauses what so ever. If I were in a room with you and GiG and one other of similar outlook and in the face of your relentlessly telling me I am a Turk and that 'native' people who live in Cyprus are Greek and any resistance by me to having imposed on me against my will what would to me amount to change of colonial ruler in my own (shared) homeland can only be considered as part of an unbroken continuation of Ottoman / Turkish oppression of Greeks in Cyprus since 14xx whatever, then the best absolutely paired down agreement I could sign would be that I have already described to you elsewhere and countless times before. In neither scenario could it be rationally said that my views are the 'same as the official Turkish position', yet that is what your 'narrative' requires, so that you can continue to label me and define me as 'Turk' or no different from 'Turk' and claim over and over that I support the current division of Cyprus and support apartheid and ethnic cleansing and so on and so on, despite any and all evidence to the contrary.
I have no hope or dream or expectation that you would or could ever accept that my views are 'right. I do dream at times that you might one day be able to accept that actually in situations such as these there can be different perspectives of the same events of which neither is absolutely 'right' or 'wrong' but that are just different, but judging from you response to this thread / video I posted recently that is but a dream. I do however hope that one day I will not have to go round and round and round and round stating my position again and again, but even that feels a pretty vain hope most of the time.