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Are Germans Alien to Earth?

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Re: Are Germans Alien to Earth?

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Mon Jul 13, 2015 11:52 pm

erolz66 wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:Erolz, please understand that discussing European matters is beyond your understanding. We (Europeans) are one family and when some of our brethren fall foul, we must re-educate them towards forgotten Classical axioms. Now run along, stop spreading falsehoods - you do not belong in this elitist European world.

To you I am not a 'European'. Yet to the rest of the SANE world, as the son of an English mother and a Cypriot father, born in the UK as a UK citizen and subject and holder of a UK European Union passport, I am most definitely European in every possible sense and meaning of the word.

Good for you. Europe is multicultural and you are most welcome if you behave appropriately!
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Re: Are Germans Alien to Earth?

Postby erolz66 » Tue Jul 14, 2015 12:22 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
erolz66 wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:Erolz, please understand that discussing European matters is beyond your understanding. We (Europeans) are one family and when some of our brethren fall foul, we must re-educate them towards forgotten Classical axioms. Now run along, stop spreading falsehoods - you do not belong in this elitist European world.

To you I am not a 'European'. Yet to the rest of the SANE world, as the son of an English mother and a Cypriot father, born in the UK as a UK citizen and subject and holder of a UK European Union passport, I am most definitely European in every possible sense and meaning of the word.

Good for you. Europe is multicultural and you are most welcome if you behave appropriately!

Well make you mind up. Am I, in your warped mind, European or not ? In one post you state I "do not belong in this elitist European world" and in the next you state "I am most welcome", all be it with conditions.

So is the average German Jane or John Doe's 'Europeanness' dependent on them 'behaving appropriately' (with you being the sole arbiter presumably of what 'appropriate behaviour' is) ? Your average Greek's ? Is yours ?
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Re: Are Germans Alien to Earth?

Postby Lordo » Tue Jul 14, 2015 12:24 am

you have more chance to get blood out of a stone then common sense out of our o.
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Re: Are Germans Alien to Earth?

Postby Sotos » Tue Jul 14, 2015 1:01 am

Why are some people so selectively sensitive about racism? The Germans for years now have been promoting racist stereotypes about Greeks (and others) using terms such as "PIGS" to describe millions of people and their mentality about other races is very clearly recorded in history and apparently unchanged. Even more hypocritical is when the "sensitive ones" are Turks who support ethnic cleansing as a "solution" and deny the genocides they committed (at least the Germans admitted their own)
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Re: Are Germans Alien to Earth?

Postby erolz66 » Tue Jul 14, 2015 3:40 am

Sotos wrote:Why are some people so selectively sensitive about racism? The Germans for years now have been promoting racist stereotypes about Greeks (and others) using terms such as "PIGS" to describe millions of people and their mentality about other races is very clearly recorded in history and apparently unchanged. Even more hypocritical is when the "sensitive ones" are Turks who support ethnic cleansing as a "solution" and deny the genocides they committed (at least the Germans admitted their own)

It is not just Germans who use the abbreviation PIGS to refer to the countries Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain. It is widely used around the world and is a function of the 'abbreviated' world we live in. What are the 'non racist' possible alternative abbreviations for those 4 countries ? SIGP ? GIPS ? The idea that the use (worldwide) of the abbreviation PIGS is clearly indicative of German racism, whilst ignoring or excusing or denying that an individual expression of the kind 'Germans are smelly' is racist , is indeed to be 'selectively sensitive' about racism.

As to the idea that Germans 'mentality about other races' is unchanged today as it is recorded in History (meaning as it was in Nazi Germany) is just ludicrous.

And for the umpteenth time. I am NOT Turkish. I do not speak Turkish. I was not born in Turkey. I do not hold and have never held Turkish citizenship. I have no relatives that I know of who live in Turkey or were born in Turkey. I do not and never have considered myself Turkish or described myself to others as Turkish. I have no legal right to Turkish nationality. I am both Cypriot and British. My father was Cypriot and my Mother is English. I consider myself both British and Cypriot and that is how I have always described myself. I was born in Britain. I hold a British passport and have a legal birth right to RoC citizenship under the RoC's own laws (and it the UK does leave the EU I may well choose to exercise said right to obtain a RoC passport). My relatives on my fathers side were born and live in Cyprus and have done for generations. So why is it Sotos given these facts, do the likes of you and GiG constantly, relentlessly persistently obdurately stubbornly and pigheadedly choose to describe me as a 'Turk' ? I suggest the reason you and posters like GiG do so is because you narrative, your world view, requires that I be a 'Turk' so you simply relentlessly describe and portray me as such despite and regardless of the overwhelming evidence that I am not.

And again for the umpteenth time, I do not 'support' 'ethnic cleansing' as solution in Cyprus. Never have. The idea that as a (part) Cypriot because I chose to come and live in Cyprus in an area in which my father grew up in and in which all my Cypriot relatives lived in at the time and still do, rather than not come to Cyprus at all or come to live but in area that was not where my father grew up and in which none of my Cypriot relatives now live in, therefore I am and can only be someone who 'supports ethnic cleansing in Cyprus' is not just totally untrue in reality, it is also pure intellectual laziness. It is perfectly possible to be a Cypriot (or TC if YOU prefer) that lives in the north of Cyprus and does not 'support' 'ethnic cleansing' as a 'solution' in Cyprus.
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Re: Are Germans Alien to Earth?

Postby Sotos » Tue Jul 14, 2015 4:32 am

The "PIGS" term was just an example and it is a racist term and not a coincidence that the letters were arranged in that way instead of any of the other 23 ways that those same letters could be combined. If they couldn't combine them in such a way they wouldn't even bother with an abbreviation. GIG writing in a forum that "Germans are smelly" is nothing compared to the racist propaganda that goes on in Germany (and not only, didn't say that the Germans are the only racists) against other nations... especially Greeks recently. This is how it started with the Jews and we all know how that ended. I don't think any German was actually harmed by GIG's comment.

I already know your views about the Cyprus problem and you are lying to yourself if you believe that those are the views of somebody who is not affiliated with the official Turkish position in Cyprus. You are like this new member "cyprusnand"(?) who thinks the same as you but I could very easily tell what he is with just a few posts! I will not go into details in this thread but I will just say that your attitude toward the "trnc", which is an entity created based on ethnic cleansing and racism, reveals your true colors.
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Re: Are Germans Alien to Earth?

Postby erolz66 » Tue Jul 14, 2015 4:56 am

Sotos wrote:The "PIGS" term was just an example and it is a racist term and not a coincidence that the letters were arranged in that way instead of any of the other 23 ways that those same letters could be combined. If they couldn't combine them in such a way they wouldn't even bother with an abbreviation. GIG writing in a forum that "Germans are smelly" is nothing compared to the racist propaganda that goes on in Germany (and not only, didn't say that the Germans are the only racists) against other nations... especially Greeks recently. This is how it started with the Jews and we all know how that ended. I don't think any German was actually harmed by GIG's comment.

Do you even read what you type here Sotos ? Are you REALLY claiming that referring to Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain as 'PIGS' rather than 'GSPI' (or any other unpronounceable combination) was 'how it stared with the Jews' under Nazi Germany ? Do you have no shame at all ?

Sotos wrote:I already know your views about the Cyprus problem and you are lying to yourself if you believe that those are the views of somebody who is not affiliated with the official Turkish position in Cyprus.

Indeed you SHOULD know my views about the Cyprus problems as I have explained them often enough in the past. Shall we look at fact rather than the fiction your narrative requires ? It is a fact that I have stated quite clearly what I would personally be willing to accept as a basis for a settlement in Cyprus. Let me express once more and let us see if it is REALLY the view of someone "affiliated with the official Turkish position in Cyprus".

A unitary state. No Bi zonality. No Bi communality. No quotas', no extra ordinary representation for TC. I have just one single and simple 'atypical' provision, that is an acceptance and recognition that if GC should CHOOSE to act on mass not merely as Cypriots regardless and despite the ethnic community they belong to but instead choose to act as Greeks who live in Cyprus and because they are Greeks who live in Cyprus, then my community has a right to a separate and equal voice as Cypriots who are not Greek - and the only reason I require this 'atypical' provision is because of the atypical history of Cyprus in the 20th centaury.

That you can present the above as someone who is clearly and beyond any doubt "affiliated with the official Turkish position in Cyprus" just show the absurd lengths you will go to , indeed are forced to go to, in order to fit me into the requirements of your narrative.

Finally do not think I have not noticed your total absence of any comment on your relentless need to portray and label me as 'Turk' despite all actual evidence. As they say your silence speaks volumes.
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Re: Are Germans Alien to Earth?

Postby Get Real! » Tue Jul 14, 2015 6:08 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Are Germans Alien to Earth?

Hmm... let's put it this way:

They can kick your arse in football, decimate you in a war, embarrass you in commerce, and run circles around you in science.

So on the basis of all the above I'd have to conclude that they are (at the very least) a superior breed to Greeks and indeed to every other breed on this planet, so there is some substance in your question.

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Re: Are Germans Alien to Earth?

Postby Sotos » Tue Jul 14, 2015 6:26 am

It seems that you don't read what I write. "PIGS" was just an example and the order of letters is NOT a coincidence. You are stupid if you believe that it is. What I am talking about is the general racist attitude of the German media which transfers to the German society. Yes, this is how it started with the Jews... some widespread negative stereotype against them that existed for a very long time which was later used by the Nazis. And again... I am not saying that this is just for Germans.

We are Cypriots and our ethnicity is Greek and this has been the case long before Turks invaded our island. There are many groups of "Cypriots who are not Greek"... Armenians, Latins, Maronites, people from around the world who have the the Cypriot citizenship etc and yet none of those groups of people would demand from the native majority to act as something different from what we truly are! Those who have such ridiculous demands are in fact not just "Cypriots who are not Greek", but Turks. So basically you are saying that your position would be different from the official Turkish position only if we were not what we are!! Thanks a lot! You are very generous :lol:
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Re: Are Germans Alien to Earth?

Postby Sotos » Tue Jul 14, 2015 6:30 am

Add "Get Real" in the list of Cypriots who are not Greek ;) Does his imaginary community of Chirokitians also have a right to a separate and equal voice as Cypriots who are not Greek? :lol: Or maybe that is a privilege only for the Turks, so that their "separate and equal voice" is on its own enough to block anything that the majority chooses. If we had several "separate and equal voices" then your "separate and equal" voice would be under 50% and you wouldn't be able to block anything on your own.
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