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Postby Garavnoss » Sat Jul 11, 2015 10:10 am

Last year [during a period of Rail Disruption] I was caught quite unaware of the problems and had to dash from Bedford to Luton in order to catch a flight at the airport, I "Borrowed" a car from the people who lived next door and sped off without informing them of my action.

I took the route down the M1 motorway and [within a speed controlled zone] drove at almost 90 m.p.h. and was pulled over by the motorway police who arrested me for various reasons:-

They were able to determine that the vehicle I was driving had no M.O.T. was neither taxed nor insured, that I did not have a driver's license and that [after enquiries] I had taken the vehicle without the consent of the owner.............. I was in BIG trouble.

I made matters a little worse when I offered them a few quid to let me go but unfortunately they would not co-operate with my plan.

Two weeks ago, the matter came to court and my only hope was to rely upon the expertise of my solicitor [Legally Aided since I only get £47,500 per annum benefits] who presented my case and pleaded mitigating circumstances [that a severe penalty would result in great hardship to my family] and the Magistrate reluctantly [I could tell] agreed with him.

It was mentioned that the gravity of my offences were such that they should be dealt with in a higher court [I think I heard the word "Sessions" mentioned] but it was decided that the law would be better served if my case was dealt with at a later date and I was placed on remand [Bailed] since it might result in a prison sentence.

Now, I don't fancy being locked up with a load of "Riff-Raff", my solicitor has advised me to get out of the country, change my name and come back in a couple of weeks, I will STILL qualify for all my benefits since my new name will fit in nicely with my family and everything will be "Hunkey Dorey" [a Brit expression] and I will have enjoyed a couple of weeks back in my homeland.

The ONLY problem I can see is that [according to the new "Budget"] my housing benefits may be cut and that might be inconvenient, I think I will apply for a bigger house and fetch my sister and her family back with me, we can all live together and [as they say] " Two people can live as cheaply as one" [although it could be extended to "Twelve people can live as cheaply as six"].

In due course, I will let you know of any further developments.

I'm thinking of suing the police for harassment, they made me miss my flight and a close family member [overseas] was very sick, I explained that to them but they didn't take any notice of me, in fact, I feel as though they were racially biased, we will see. 8)
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Postby Paphitis » Sat Jul 11, 2015 10:48 am

Are you trying to take advantage of the British Justice system despite spewing your contempt and hatred for the same country?

Maybe you should move to Australia for a little while and see how you will get along in its stringent anti terror and home security laws.
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Postby Garavnoss » Sat Jul 11, 2015 11:09 am

Paphitis wrote:Are you trying to take advantage of the British Justice system despite spewing your contempt and hatred for the same country? .

Absolutely NOT :shock: , my every action [in dealing with my dilemma] is in strict compliance with the Laws of the land. 8)
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Postby B25 » Sat Jul 11, 2015 11:57 am

Paphitis wrote:Are you trying to take advantage of the British Justice system despite spewing your contempt and hatred for the same country?

Maybe you should move to Australia for a little while and see how you will get along in its stringent anti terror and home security laws.

Perhaps you should also tell that to the Brits that live in Cyprus that nothing but hatred for their host country. Oh but wait, it is their freedom of speech! They live here, pay tax so they can freely slate the people and the country at their hearts content.

All Garav. is doing is pointing to the obvious.
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Postby Get Real! » Sat Jul 11, 2015 12:27 pm

Paphitis wrote:Are you trying to take advantage of the British Justice system despite spewing your contempt and hatred for the same country?

Maybe you should move to Australia for a little while and see how you will get along in its stringent anti terror and home security laws.

That Australia is a racist police state run by puppet midgets controlled from Washington is an old story, but please don’t brag about it… :)
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Postby Garavnoss » Sat Jul 11, 2015 12:29 pm

B25 wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Are you trying to take advantage of the British Justice system despite spewing your contempt and hatred for the same country?

Maybe you should move to Australia for a little while and see how you will get along in its stringent anti terror and home security laws.

Perhaps you should also tell that to the Brits that live in Cyprus that nothing but hatred for their host country. Oh but wait, it is their freedom of speech! They live here, pay tax so they can freely slate the people and the country at their hearts content.

All Garav. is doing is pointing to the obvious.

I'm glad someone has got a bit of common sense around here. :lol: .
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Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sat Jul 11, 2015 3:44 pm

B25 wrote:All Garav. is doing is pointing to the obvious.

I wouldn't go as far as saying he's pointing to the "obvious". He's the master of allegory, after all. But I think we all have a fair idea he's having another dig at one of our member's vices ...
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Postby Sotos » Sat Jul 11, 2015 3:58 pm

He's the master of allegory

I am surprised that some people believe that his stories have anything to do with reality! :lol:
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Postby Garavnoss » Sat Jul 11, 2015 8:03 pm

Sotos wrote:
He's the master of allegory

I am surprised that some people believe that his stories have anything to do with reality! :lol:

I am obliged to concur, although it could be argued that many of them are equally worthy of belief as the rubbish the newspapers do churn out on a daily basis.

The unfortunate result of being unable to determine which is real and which is false [particularly in matters political] ensures that the general public can be depended upon to support the actions of their leaders, even though they know them to be wrong.

There is NO difference between the killing of one innocent human being and the killing of another [by whosoever] and the fact that the Western powers have stronger military forces [and more political astuteness] to impose their will upon the less well equipped, does not give them the automatic right to cause havoc among other weaker nations in order to satisfy their own hidden agendas.

It should come as no surprise that the offended nations retaliate against aggression, it should come as no surprise that among those who DO retaliate, are those [offshoots] who adopt the same [or worse] horrific methods of redress as is imposed upon them.

Have you ever heard the expression [usually when a lie is told] "You should have been a politician" ? that just about sums it up. 8)
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Postby miltiades » Sat Jul 11, 2015 8:14 pm

Have you ever heard the expression "
Have you ever heard the expression " GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE YOU FUCKING IDIOT !"
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