Oceanside50 wrote:i think this is Tsackoui..
tsukoui wrote:I do not know what I am permitted to share... I was born with a smart phone... marijuana disabled its video features which thankfully I have now partially regained (editing features still function rarely)... I used the phone up until I was twenty and then disabled that myself because of nuisance calls... with the aid of marijuana I substituted my phone for radio, but I find it much more cumbersome to use and have still not mastered it... there is a lot of interference... using Babylon technology, girls are often, consciously or not, interfering with my radio and controlling my movements and thoughts... such interference has been blamed as one of the reasons for the decline in bees...
GreekIslandGirl wrote:tsukoui wrote:I do not know what I am permitted to share... I was born with a smart phone... marijuana disabled its video features which thankfully I have now partially regained (editing features still function rarely)... I used the phone up until I was twenty and then disabled that myself because of nuisance calls... with the aid of marijuana I substituted my phone for radio, but I find it much more cumbersome to use and have still not mastered it... there is a lot of interference... using Babylon technology, girls are often, consciously or not, interfering with my radio and controlling my movements and thoughts... such interference has been blamed as one of the reasons for the decline in bees...
Too much microwaved food.
Sotos wrote:GreekIslandGirl wrote:tsukoui wrote:I do not know what I am permitted to share... I was born with a smart phone... marijuana disabled its video features which thankfully I have now partially regained (editing features still function rarely)... I used the phone up until I was twenty and then disabled that myself because of nuisance calls... with the aid of marijuana I substituted my phone for radio, but I find it much more cumbersome to use and have still not mastered it... there is a lot of interference... using Babylon technology, girls are often, consciously or not, interfering with my radio and controlling my movements and thoughts... such interference has been blamed as one of the reasons for the decline in bees...
Too much microwaved food.
Is microwaved food harmful because it is microwaved... or just because it is usually junk food? And since we are talking random things I have another question: Some ovens have those systems which allow the trays to slide all the way out without the risk of falling off. But in order for those things to slide smoothly they have some lubricant applied to them (white grease kind of thing). Is that substance something safe to have in an oven together with food?
Sotos wrote:I searched online ... it seems there are food grade lubricants. I guess they are using those. What your oven has is the usual shelves. They don't pull out all the way... and they stop at the notch but if you have something on the shelf it declines... it doesn't stay level on its own.
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