Cap wrote:It's right up there with negroes having natural rhythm.
You'll be surprised though.
And yes, Greek immigrants or 2nd or 3rd generation Greeks do make up a significant percentage of the scientific contribution globally.
But it's almost never officially credited as 'Greek' since the institutions they work for are almost always foreign.
It's bizarre I know, do some research.
I'll agree, that little to nothing ever comes out of Greece directly.
its the weird Greek wave .. ... eek-cinema
Like Emma Donoghue's novel “Room”, “Dogtooth” was an attempt to imagine the daily existence of a family kept captive by a psychopathic father. It studies how the children's minds are warped by confinement, and how the underlying horror of their situation begins to manifest itself in violent games and disturbing conversations. Despite its subject matter, “Dogtooth” retains a sense of dark humour. One of the daughters of the family accidentally discovers some rental videos, which means her first glimpses of the outside world come via “Jaws”, “Rocky” and “Flashdance”.
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