The Greeks harnessing the power of the Greek lobbies overseas needs at least two things: Greeks to stop treating the emigrants as idiots because they do not speak good Greek. I will get to that in a minute, and to concede some local knowledge and expertise to those emigrant Greeks.
There is the Ministry department of Emigrant Greeks that supposedly maintains and cultivates contacts with emigrants. I know that some friends who work therein have enjoyed sumptuous holidays in USA and Australia en famille, at government expense, because it is regarded as unfair to send an employee alone overseas on a work mission, the family should go along.
As to the language thing. Some years back a young Greek Australian medical researcher who made international news with a breakthrough in cancer diagnostics was invited to Greece. It was shameful to see local professors, most of whom inherited their seats, treat her like an idiot because she did not speak good Greek. I wanted to go to that meeting and address them in Cypriot terms, starting with gamo ton kapile sas pezevenghides.
I can understand George Stephanopoulos, the former Clinton aide and current TV newsman, refusing to speak Greek in interviews with the Greek press. He listens to the question in Greek and responds in English. He knows the ridicule he would receive if he got a word wrong despite being recognised as one of the most brilliant minds in the USA.
The same problem is faced by current finance minister Tsakalotos, an Oxford qualified economics professor, who labors a little with his Greek. But he manages to write the comments on his testicles as they say here, good for him.