Nikitas wrote:In the USA where there are figures abou these things Greeks are, in inverse proportion to their numbers, the most educated minority group with a high representation in the top echelons of most professions.
Why there and not here?
Because they do well in regulated systems where the rules are set by others. WHen they set the rules themselves they will revert back to the "everything is politics" bullshit, ie we need to control the rules and bend the game meme and fuck things up.
Two years ago they finally got a cross the political board education law that modernised education with a 258/300 vote. Before the ink dried on the law they started to undermine it and now we have an education minister who stated publicly that excellence is a stain!!!! Can you believe that!!!! Compare that to the achievements of Greek doctors in Texas, London and Sydney and reconcile their excellence there with this asshole's opinion re excellence!!!
The appeal to the lowest common denominator is the rule for Greek politicians. Anyone who prosposes simple and workable solutions, as with Manos and his pension reform proposal, is derided and ridiculed. Twenty years ago professor Yannitsis compiled a report re the pension problem.He was ridiculed and forced to resign from his ministerial post, now, after the savage pressing of the Troika, the same report is being forced on the country and the minister entrusted with its implementaion is a second rate comedian who made his living by advertising sausages on TV. Greeks voted for him!
For fucks sake! The place needs an overhaul FAST!
In the USA and AUS, the Greeks as well as everyone else found structure, organization, functioning institutions, a great education system (probably the best in the world), and a booming economy full of opportunity. They came, got jobs quickly, saved for the future, bought land, opened businesses and they succeeded.
This did not exist in Greece for various reasons which is not the fault of the average Joe in Greece.
There is no difference between Greeks in the Diaspora than those that remained in Greece. It's just that in Greece, the population has been denied the same regimental organization, functioning institutions, education system, because the politicians were and still are the most corrupt in the world as they are too busy ripping off the public purse and appointing their family and others in plum positions for votes.
The same thing has been occurring in Cyprus for decades. Look at the real reasons why Cyprus Airways went bust.
So of course, Greece needs reform and an urgent overhaul. So does. Cyprus because Cyprus is not much better so let's stop kidding ourselves that we are.
But how are you going to achieve this by reducing and embarrassing the entire State and People?
Sorry Nikitas, the EZ has trashed Greece and its people.
At the same time, one of the best things about Greece, is the Greek way of life. It's quite unique and we shouldn't harm this way of life either because Greeks do enjoy a great work/life/family balance which the Bankers are trying to errode away because this is something that Western Europeans don't have which makes them very jealous and easily controllable! If you're up to your eyeballs in debt, then you would work a lot more than 8 hours a day which is great for the economy and productivity but it's not such a good life wasting away in an office just to make ends meet.