Robin Hood wrote:What are your views on a New Drachma either as a replacement for the Euro or run as a parallel currency?

Very informative video.It revealed among other things that the Troika individuals make money for their own pockets out of these all out sales.
The austerity measures are not bad per se but they cause unemployment and lower the GDP. Within the current economic system where the State of Greece is big compared to the private enterprise any austerity measures should be such to allow the private enterprise to grow enough to absorb the diminishing public personnel. For example diminishing the public sector by say 10% per year, with an increase in unemployment by 5% would be a normal/healthy procedure. This could be done even within the Euro. However due to Greece's huge dept Toika has set a rate for this procedure that is totally cancerous resulting to 30%+ average unemployment, 50% among the young.
Tsipras said the EZ and the Institutions have planned everything in detail, so even if they would revert to drachma they would suffocate them.
However after Schäuble's own proposal that they should go back to drachma I really doubt Tsipras was telling the truth. I mean there is no other way! Schäuble is right and I don't think they have any plans to suffocate Greece.
We all know that returning to Drachma Greece will default hence all debts will be put aside.
The immediate effect of returning to drachma is it will cause inflation. Inflation will create jobs, jobs will reduce unemployment. Still however the private enterprise will continue getting milked to sustain the huge State. People will not be unemployed anymore but they will be getting nearly half their labor's worth in MONEY. However money is not the only gain from labor, the other half of their underpaid labour will be wealth- which unfortunately will be accumulated by those who run the business to become richer. Assuming the state imposes effective capital control then those richer businessmen they will not have any other option to satisfy their greed other than re-invest them in Greece. Hence more jobs etc etc until everything balances out and laborers get their fair share from their labor in cashable money. When the private enterprise will INITIALLY start absorbing the unemployed through inflation THAT will be the PRECISE time to reduce the big State.
If they set a target to reduce the State by say 10% per year then Schäuble is right. Within 5 years Greece will be back on it's feet. And within 10 she will start having amazing growth.
Nikitas said the Greek system actually needs a complete overhaul, but I am convinced that even the minimalistic practice of sticking to the discipline of reducing the State by a certain %/year is enough to bring out miracles.
I am totally against the parallel currency. It will cause an apartheid between the rich and the poor. I will not be surprised if it ends up to luxurious outlets selling e.g new cars, computers, jewelry,etc posting signs saying "Only in Euro cash". It will cause a black market situation in which the poor will have to get Euros to buy one day's of luxury for themselves. No, absolutely not! That would be worse than what was happening in the Soviet Union where everybody was after dollars.
I am almost certain with the current decision Greece will just prolong her people's drama for another 3 years. I wish they get lucky and not be approved by the parliaments of the other 18 states.In which case they will have to follow Schäuble's proposal which is the only sensible way to go imo.
NB. Tsipras leftist ideas of thinking that if he reduces austerity while keeping the big State and re-employing the 400 lady cleaners and 1500 ERT journalists is the right way to go, is blatantly false.