No,it's not debt to the Banks.
You are partially correct as it could be such institutions as Pension Funds and Insurance Companies that own some of the Bonds as capital investment, that are the collateral for the loan. But I think you will find that when another Government buys bonds it does it through the Central Bank and then the commercial banks. The debt is owed to the banks ....... like happened in Cyprus.
I actually understand your point on the creation of money, our basic disagreement is that those money is not really profit for the Bank, it is just increase in turnover, and if that loan-dept procedure goes on increasing non stop there will be a time the Bank will default. There are various regulatory bodies that control these things. I also disagree on how the Banks make a start on the first place. Perhaps you should read the requirement to start a Bank.
We are not really that far apart!
It is definitely not a profit for the bank ........ I did make that point. The banks create it and destroy it; they see no profit from the capital amount. Their only profit is from the interest.
Yes .... we agree, if the procedure goes on increasing the money supply then eventually the banks will collapse (
It is a Ponzi scheme and the end game is predictable!) Regulatory bodies do go a way to limiting abuse but, unfortunately they are mostly controlled by the banks they regulate.
I don’t think I have made comment on what is required to start a bank. I assume a lot of money ..... mainly raised by shares.
What I am trying to get across is that the very first loan ever made by a bank under the fractional reserve system was the first debt that did not have wealth of an equal value to back it. At that time it was gold ...... but that first loan issued a Promissory Note that was fraudulent as it was not backed by anything of value. Once the recipient paid it into his account it became real spendable money. The whole money ‘
out of thin air’ creation process started with that single fractional reserve credit line and that method has expanded the bulk of the money supply to the quadrillions in circulation today.
I also disagree with you that Varoufakis or Tsipras knew anything special about money.
I think you are wrong there about YV. Whether Tsipras was anything other than the media attractive young family man at the helm, is debatable. Watch the video ......... YV points out in 2010 (
before Syriza achieved government) almost exactly what happened in Greece once Syriza got into government.
Tsipras said the EZ got actually prepared for the eventuality of the revolting and going back to drachma, and they were actually planning to destroy them completely? How? I don't know, he didn't tell. I assume they would perhaps declare the drachma non exchangeable to Euro until Greece has paid their debts.
That is exactly what the video explains ................. and what happened in Cyprus with the sell-off of the Greek branches of Laiki and BoC is nothing short of outright thievery. If those that suffered the loss of their money in the ‘
bail-in’ knew that €3.5bn went straight to an Ex Cyprus bank now owned by a Greek Banker ..... who incidentally had a €150 NPL with Laiki ...... that was written off days after he acquired the bank, they would lynch him!
What are your views on a New Drachma either as a replacement for the Euro or run as a parallel currency?