Paphitis wrote:Greece has been the big loser. Never seen a country so discredited since the surrender of Germany and Japan during WW2.
Greece needs to start believing in itself. Such a shame.
Really thought Tsipras was the man to make huge changes and destroy the Greek elites, nepotism and cronyism. Sad day for the little Greek Man.
Nikitas wrote:Cyprus, Portugal and Ireland faced worse problems in some ways, and they managed to extricate themselves in two years and be back in the international money markets. So it is possible to tackle this problem if you apply common sense and no histrionics.
Greece was posting a budget surplus, 3 per cent GDP growth and a deficit of one billion in December 2014, and in comes boy wonder with his merry band of psychos and within 6 months there is a budget deficit of 13 BILLION, drop of GDP by an estimated 3 per cent, some say more, a spurt of bankrupcies estimated at 60 per day, a spike in unemployment and the list of woes goes on and on.
The geniuses went into this with a spirit of conflict thinking that their half baked and antiquated marxist theories would "change Europe" and they would play daoulia and the money markets would dance to their tune, and a whole bunch of major bullshit.
Today we learned how not to negotiate.
Baroufakis, the man responsible for the negotiation failure did not appear in the parliamentary debate claiming urgent family matters. The insult to his 120 000 voters is obvious.
Hopefully this adventure will prove to Greeks that voting with your prejudices and relying on antiquated folk mytholgy is not the way to do it.
This is basically the same proposal as that was just rejected by the Greek people in the referendum…This makes absolutely no sense. The Tsipras Government has just:
• renegotiated itself into the same position it was in two months ago;
• set massively false expectations with the Greek public;
• destroyed the Greek banking system, and
• destroyed what was left of Greek political capital in EU.
If this deal gets through the Greek Parliament, and it could given everyone other than the ruling party and Golden Dawn are in favour of austerity, then Greece has just destroyed itself to no purpose.
“Syriza standing up to the Troika was tantamount to sending graduate students against a Panzer division. The outcome was predictable.”
“Syriza has thus managed to deliver to the neoliberals a victory more complete than they could ever have engineered on their own.”
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