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O X I !!!

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Re: O X I !!!

Postby Paphitis » Mon Jul 13, 2015 12:16 am

Lordo wrote:Everybody owes money dear boy, but they are making their payments. do you live in a hut over there ffs.

Well Greece is also paying a much higher interest rate than the UK.

And it's not that they can't pay but Greece has been under attack for 5 years now, and the Government has to pay the Banks to keep them solvent from the relentless Bank Run by the people.
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Re: O X I !!!

Postby Lordo » Mon Jul 13, 2015 12:20 am

welcome to capitalism. you are not a communist are you boy.
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Re: O X I !!!

Postby Get Real! » Mon Jul 13, 2015 12:22 am

Paphitis wrote:
Get Real! wrote:I suspect the Germans are thinking:

The money we will have wasted trying to raise the dead (Greece) we can just put 1/5 of that aside to safeguard Italy from a possible domino effect. Problems solved!

Makes perfect sense to me… :wink:

Italy could give in the future and it won't be because of any domino effect.

The Euro has been a huge failure so watch out in Cyprus too because one day you will be hiting your heads against the brick wall while Greece could be functioning with its Drachmas by then. :wink:

The only thing that Cyprus needs to fear is their dealings with Greece/Greeks. If my compatriots manage to steer clear from Greece then I have faith in their industriousness and business acumen.

Cyprus’ major problem has always been Greece so I think it’s better for us if they exit the E-unions and further lengthen and reinforce our distance/separation.

From me at least… its ADIOS Greece! Oh, and don’t call us... we’ll call you. :D
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Re: O X I !!!

Postby Paphitis » Mon Jul 13, 2015 12:24 am

Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Get Real! wrote:I suspect the Germans are thinking:

The money we will have wasted trying to raise the dead (Greece) we can just put 1/5 of that aside to safeguard Italy from a possible domino effect. Problems solved!

Makes perfect sense to me… :wink:

Italy could give in the future and it won't be because of any domino effect.

The Euro has been a huge failure so watch out in Cyprus too because one day you will be hiting your heads against the brick wall while Greece could be functioning with its Drachmas by then. :wink:

The only thing that Cyprus needs to fear is their dealings with Greece/Greeks. If my compatriots manage to steer clear from Greece then I have faith in their industriousness and business acumen.

Cyprus’ major problem has always been Greece so I think it’s better for us if they exit the E-unions and further lengthen and reinforce our distance/separation.

From me at least… its ADIOS Greece! Oh, and don’t call us... we’ll call you. :D

You might get your wish soon enough if Greece is forced out. You will have a different currency to them but soon enough you might also be eating their dust as you sink with the Titanic later.

There aren't enough lifeboats mate but Greece is on the first one.
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Re: O X I !!!

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Mon Jul 13, 2015 4:33 am

One of the Greek assets to be forfeited, if Greece exits, will be Cyprus. Without Greece in the EU (and veto), they will finally offer Cyprus to the Turks for trade.

Be careful what you wish for, GR!

Turkey has been strangely quiet whilst Schauble does their dirty work, no?
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Re: O X I !!!

Postby Oceanside50 » Mon Jul 13, 2015 5:27 am ... n-project/

[quote]["This Eurogroup list of demands is madness. The trending hashtag ThisIsACoup is exactly righ. This goes beyond harsh into pure vindictiveness, complete destruction of national sovereignty, and no hope of relief."/quote]
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Re: O X I !!!

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Jul 13, 2015 6:11 am

Paphitis wrote:
Lordo wrote:still with the spelling you stupid charlui. no wonder cyprus is in such a mess cntus like exists. and a lot of you at that.

Cyprus is well into its recovery and austerity will end in a few months as the economy transitions to surplus.

Wait till you get here ..... and look around at reality on the ground. Recovery ...... bull sh*t!!! I have never seen so many empty shops and offices in my life..... and still they build more. A Cypriot friend took some special bread to the Church and was asked by a young woman if she could have what was left ..... she had no money to buy food. Cyprus will never recover until they get rid of the blood sucking elite, including all those in government, just as Greece has to for them to recover. :x
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Re: O X I !!!

Postby erolz66 » Mon Jul 13, 2015 6:19 am

Garavnoss wrote:In short words, the GREEKS have got the negotiators by the bollocks and they know it

Really ?
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Re: O X I !!!

Postby miltiades » Mon Jul 13, 2015 6:28 am

More than 50% of Germans want the D.mark back. Could a Greek exit be Germanys way of a feasible excuse for the demise and eventual downfall of the monetary union ?

There is no recent poll on Germans preference for their sovereign currency to be brought back but polls contacted a few years back showed that the majority of Germans want the D.M brought back. If a new poll was to be taken the results would be overwhelmingly in favour of the D.M

Something sinister is happening right now, Germany is determined to see a Greece out of the EZ , all commentators concur that a Grexit would have very serious implications for the future of the monetary union. The Germans do not appear bothered... ... tsche-mark
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Re: O X I !!!

Postby erolz66 » Mon Jul 13, 2015 6:55 am

miltiades wrote:Something sinister is happening right now, Germany is determined to see a Greece out of the EZ , all commentators concur that a Grexit would have very serious implications for the future of the monetary union. The Germans do not appear bothered...

Yes Grexit will have serious implications, financial and political, but so would caving in to Greek demands for an end to austerity. Greece, a country of 11 million people, has simply miscalculated how much it can use the threat of Grexit to force the other countries with a population of 500 million to agree to their terms. The lending powers have consistently said since Syriza came to power that delay in agreeing a deal can only lead to a worse deal. Syriza and the Greek people did not believe this. They believed that delay and then the referendum would increase their bargaining power. They were simply wrong. All it has done is make any deal more onerous on Greece and its people and thus harder to agree, which is exactly what the creditor powers have said consistently over and over, only to be ignored by Greece. Such massive and fundamental miscalculation is indeed humiliating.

You can lay all of this at the door of a corrupt and evil banking system if you like but only a fanatical fantasist of the likes of GiG could do so whilst at the same time requesting from the very same "corrupt and evil banking system" that they lend you another 85 billion euros on top of 240 billion already loaned and whilst you chose to unilaterally reverse measures you had previously agreed to when the 240 billion was loaned.

Yes Greece is now being 'punished'. It is being 'punished' because of how it chose to behave leading up to this point.
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