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O X I !!!

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Re: O X I !!!

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sun Jul 12, 2015 2:10 pm ... ll-too-rea

how in a daisy chain collapse of European countries which could only be sustained, paradoxically, by an exponential expansion in the EFSF, could result in Germany easily footing 32% of its GDP (and in reality up to 56%) in "contingent liabilities":

And the biggest concern, one which WiWo only briefly touches upon, is that once the EMU exits begin, and the Eurosystem collapses, all those receivables due to the Bundesbank become null and void, or at best payable in drachma, peseta, escudo, and lira. In other words: completely worthless.
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Re: O X I !!!

Postby Lordo » Sun Jul 12, 2015 2:19 pm

Jerry wrote:
Lordo wrote:Anybody who is unable to live within their means or unable to repay what they borrow is a drain on the system. either they behave or ship out. when they are ready to behave they can return. you try doing to your bank who lent you the money for your house as greace is doing to the eu and see what you get.

letting greace get away with what they have done is the real problem then all the weaker countries will demand the same deal and so they should.

What! You mean like the "trnc" that has sponged off Turkey since 1974. Time to ship yourself out. :lol: :lol: :lol:

its not as if tcs have done a griik innit. the griiks of cyprus yeah they are weakest link, it makes more sense to sent them to greace and kill two birds with one stone. job done whats next.
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Re: O X I !!!

Postby Lordo » Sun Jul 12, 2015 2:21 pm

you mean to tell me the germans have lent all this money to greace with no guarantee. they deserve what they get. if not acropolis will have a german flag on it soon.
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Re: O X I !!!

Postby cypriotnado » Sun Jul 12, 2015 3:45 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
cypriotnado wrote:The Troika does not exist. Please keep up!
The majority of Eurozone govts no longer trust this
Greek govt. A fact acknowledged yesterday by the new Greek
Finance minister.

Does any government trust another government?

The Greek finance minister at least was being honest; and, shaming the pretext that is a United Europe.

(And I'll try to keep up with your first hand knowledge, if only you didn't contradict yourself so much in so few posts. :P )

:D You are funny! I love the way you get personal with people when your unable to justify yourself.
Last edited by cypriotnado on Sun Jul 12, 2015 3:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: O X I !!!

Postby cypriotnado » Sun Jul 12, 2015 3:55 pm

Lordo wrote:you mean to tell me the germans have lent all this money to greace with no guarantee. they deserve what they get. if not acropolis will have a german flag on it soon.

It's true much of the money will never be paid back if the Greeks exit the Euro. However they will still owe it to the creditors. Greece will have great need of investment and other funds to kick start the economy and keep things going. Who can and who will lend Greece money?

It is also a myth that it's all German money, the French and Italians are not far behind. The Dutch contribution is also vast based on population. The Euro is clearly a bad thing for Greece, they blame all the problems onto the Eurozone yet they are desperate to stay in it. Why?
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Re: O X I !!!

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun Jul 12, 2015 4:25 pm

cypriotnado wrote: ... Greece, they blame all the problems onto the Eurozone yet they are desperate to stay in it. Why?

Greeks voted "OXI" or hadn't you noticed? Those desperate for Greece to stay in the Eurozone are everyone else - or why are they still trying to negotiate with Greece to stay under better terms?

Another one joins the ranks to make it easier for Germany to back down and not be "humiliated":

Jean Asselborn, the Luxembourg foreign minister, has declared that “Grexit has to be prevented" warning that:

“It would be fateful for Germany’s reputation in the EU and the world."
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Re: O X I !!!

Postby cypriotnado » Sun Jul 12, 2015 4:42 pm

Calm down !! We can all quote selectively. Try to be less nationalistic, being democratic and widely read as you claim to be is about being refelective, listening and not just spilling all this Greece can do no wrong crap. I hope Greece stays in but at what cost? Germany will not be humiliated, if Greece gets kicked out it will be forgotten in a week. Far more serious is if Germans turn Eurosectic and leave themselves. Who will pay the bills then?

Also who cares what the finance minister of Luxembourg says he is slighly more significant then the finance minister of Cyprus.
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Re: O X I !!!

Postby Nikitas » Sun Jul 12, 2015 5:15 pm


You need to READ the actual questions of the referendum. OXI referred to a rejection of a specific text, NOT to the status of Greece as a Eurozone member. ALL polls taken show that over 70 per cent of Greeks want to remain in the Euro.

Right now, Sunday July 12 2015 the Greek prime minister is participating in a Eurozone summit trying desperately to keep Greece in the Euro backed by a 251/300 parliamentary cross party vote.

Are you more patriotic than him?
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Re: O X I !!!

Postby Nikitas » Sun Jul 12, 2015 5:42 pm

This is characteristic of the action of what are "proggressive" parties according to GIG.

"επαναπρόσληψη στην Αττικό Μετρό εταιρεία λειτουργίας (ΑΜΕΛ) των 285 ατόμων που είχαν απολυθεί το 2009–οι συμβάσεις που είχαν υπογραφεί τον Αύγουστο και τον Σεπτέμβριο του 2009 δεν ανανεώθηκαν- καθώς ο έλεγχος του Γενικού Επιθεωρητή Δημόσιας Διοίκησης Λεάνδρου Ρακιντζή είχε αποκαλύψει ότι οι προσλήψεις αυτές ήταν υπεράριθμες και πραγματοποιήθηκαν χωρίς αξιολογικά κριτήρια. Είναι χαρακτηριστικό ότι, σύμφωνα με το πόρισμα Ρακιντζή, η πρόσληψή τους είχε προαποφασιστεί, καθώς τα βιογραφικά και οι συνεντεύξεις ήρθαν μετά την ημερομηνία απόφασης του Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου για την πρόσληψη. η διάταξη έγινε δεκτή από τον υφυπουργό Μεταφορών Μιχάλη Παπαδόπουλο με τη συμφωνία του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ, του ΚΚΕ και των Ανεξάρτητων Ελλήνων"

To give the gist, 280 people fired from the Athens Metro in 2009 because their hiring was deemed to have been unnecessary and their qualifications insufficient, were rehired. As civil service monitor Leandros Rakintzis reported their rehiring was decided before they even submitted CVs and applications, these being received AFTER their appointment was announced, and after their appointment was approved by the three political parties SYRIZA ANEL and the KKE.

These are the tactics of antiquated brains, who cannot appreciate the value of public service jobs being open to all and not handed down to underqualified party aparatchnik.

The civil service monitor is one of the independent insitutions who reports on civil service performance. His quasi judicial status means that he cannot fired by the government, on the other hand his reports do not compel the government to take them into account.
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Re: O X I !!!

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun Jul 12, 2015 5:51 pm

Nikitas wrote:GIG,

You need to READ the actual questions of the referendum. OXI referred to a rejection of a specific text, NOT to the status of Greece as a Eurozone member. ALL polls taken show that over 70 per cent of Greeks want to remain in the Euro.

Right now, Sunday July 12 2015 the Greek prime minister is participating in a Eurozone summit trying desperately to keep Greece in the Euro backed by a 251/300 parliamentary cross party vote.

Are you more patriotic than him?

In the context of classifying Greece as a country desperate to cling onto EU membership (as nado asserted), then the definitive OXI to the question of accepting further austerity measures from the Eurozone leaders is a direct indicator against such aspersions of desperation to cling to the EU.

Furthermore, if the other Eurozone members were not also desperate to keep Greece in, the discussions would have and could have ended long ago. Most likely, Greece is no more and no less desperate to see the success of the EU as any other member.
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