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O X I !!!

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Re: O X I !!!

Postby Get Real! » Sat Jul 11, 2015 5:45 pm

Robin Hood wrote:I thought we were at last going to see 'The People' fighting back lead by the Greeks. I think the .001% have other ideas. A turning in Greece would not only have destroyed the Eurozone but would have had serious implications for the global banking system and those that profit from it! If only people understood how the iniquitous banking system works ...... no chance now. :(

:shock: What a fucked up thought process! :lol:

You just don’t get it do you?

The problem isn’t the existence of loan sharks but the corrupt idiots who squandered their country’s wealth to the point where they had to apply to these loan sharks! Nobody forced them to sign across the dotted line!

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Re: O X I !!!

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Jul 11, 2015 5:47 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:They started well and the confrontation with the Troika took the wind out of the EU sails. These guys were actually fighting back against the IMF/ECB/EU,

:? Had Tsipras been “fighting back” for his country he would’ve arrested all the former Greek politicians, bankers, and other individuals who squandered all the state money in the last 10-12 years; and starting with the 2004 Olympic Games, that led to all that ridiculous unsustainable borrowing but instead the average idiotic Greek considers the IMF/ECB/EU to be the problem!

That’s how stupid and irresponsible Greeks are. :roll:

GR The guy never had the opportunity to tackle those problems but Varoufakis would have put the country onto a sound financial footing, with an independent sovereign currency. This is where Varoufakis got up LaGardes nose ...... he knew more than she did! THEN they could have sorted out those that were the cause of this mess the Greeks are in.

No chance of that now either! I think both Tsipras and Varoufakis among others have been left in no doubt, as to what will happen to them (and maybe their families :shock: ) if they try to rock-the-boat!
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Re: O X I !!!

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Jul 11, 2015 6:34 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:I thought we were at last going to see 'The People' fighting back lead by the Greeks. I think the .001% have other ideas. A turning in Greece would not only have destroyed the Eurozone but would have had serious implications for the global banking system and those that profit from it! If only people understood how the iniquitous banking system works ...... no chance now. :(

:shock: What a fucked up thought process! :lol:

You just don’t get it do you?

The problem isn’t the existence of loan sharks but the corrupt idiots who squandered their country’s wealth to the point where they had to apply to these loan sharks! Nobody forced them to sign across the dotted line!


I think we all know what the cause was but before you can deal with the problem you need to power to implement the process of retribution. To do this you need either the backing of the people or the backing of the Army! To me the first option is the preferred. Syriza would have done this by following through on their election promises, which is what they were doing and thus getting the backing and support of the majority of the Greek people.

The confrontation over the debt showed the .001% that the Greeks were prepared to put up a fight, would not be pushed around and were ready for an exit from the Eurozone! This would have set the ball rolling and the Eurozone and the Global monetary system would have been under serious threat. If the US had tried to interfere then Greece could have turned to Russia. Unthinkable for the 001%! Russian bases in Greece and a banking system aligned with the BRICS and Asian economic system ..... NO WAY. Think about it ...... the dollar and the western markets would tumble.

That is why I think SYRIZA, Tsipras, Varoufakis and others in a position of influence were got at and given a warning!

So ..... not fucked up thinking ......... just logical thinking. :wink:
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Re: O X I !!!

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sat Jul 11, 2015 9:46 pm

For me all their actions upto the time Varoufakis abandoned the negotiations pointed to sure Grexit.
What happened next, with the referendum etc is unexplainable. Probably Tsipras himself changed his mind or waited for their own kicking out of Greece so as Greece to be legally covered. Probably he is still hoping for their own kick out. Notice that 17 of Syriza's MPs abstained from the recent voting for approving the new proposals to Eurogroup. Varoufakis himself went on vocation to an island!!

In any case even if Greece stays in the Eurozone (under a 3rd!! program) she will surely not follow the conditions -like she was always doing with the other 2 programs- and get kicked out after it expires in 3 years time. This is a slow death situation.
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Re: O X I !!!

Postby cypriotnado » Sat Jul 11, 2015 10:08 pm

Finnish government have announced will veto deal to save coalition. Everyone seems to have a Greekexit plan except the Greeks ....that's Greek politics.
Also French back Greek figures based on inaccurate figures Greece needs over 100 billion.
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Re: O X I !!!

Postby Paphitis » Sat Jul 11, 2015 10:38 pm

Robin Hood wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:They started well and the confrontation with the Troika took the wind out of the EU sails. These guys were actually fighting back against the IMF/ECB/EU,

:? Had Tsipras been “fighting back” for his country he would’ve arrested all the former Greek politicians, bankers, and other individuals who squandered all the state money in the last 10-12 years; and starting with the 2004 Olympic Games, that led to all that ridiculous unsustainable borrowing but instead the average idiotic Greek considers the IMF/ECB/EU to be the problem!

That’s how stupid and irresponsible Greeks are. :roll:

GR The guy never had the opportunity to tackle those problems but Varoufakis would have put the country onto a sound financial footing, with an independent sovereign currency. This is where Varoufakis got up LaGardes nose ...... he knew more than she did! THEN they could have sorted out those that were the cause of this mess the Greeks are in.

No chance of that now either! I think both Tsipras and Varoufakis among others have been left in no doubt, as to what will happen to them (and maybe their families :shock: ) if they try to rock-the-boat!

Got to agree with you 100%. I was looking forward to Greece really sticking it up to the Troika. They did for a while but as I suspected, Greece has once again sold out making Tsipras no different to all the previous administrations. It would have been better if ND stayed in power because at least that way, Greece would not have lost the last 6 months.

Tsipras had given me hope for a little while! :roll:

I thought Greece could write History but all they get now is 50 years of austerity where Greece will remain a third world country.
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Re: O X I !!!

Postby cypriotnado » Sun Jul 12, 2015 6:05 am

The only thing this govt has achieved is the name change from Troika to The institutions. No one trusts what they say.
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Re: O X I !!!

Postby Get Real! » Sun Jul 12, 2015 7:13 am

Robin Hood wrote:The confrontation over the debt showed the .001% that the Greeks were prepared to put up a fight, would not be pushed around and were ready for an exit from the Eurozone! This would have set the ball rolling and the Eurozone and the Global monetary system would have been under serious threat. If the US had tried to interfere then Greece could have turned to Russia. Unthinkable for the 001%! Russian bases in Greece and a banking system aligned with the BRICS and Asian economic system ..... NO WAY. Think about it ...... the dollar and the western markets would tumble.

That is why I think SYRIZA, Tsipras, Varoufakis and others in a position of influence were got at and given a warning!

So ..... not fucked up thinking ......... just logical thinking. :wink:

I think you read too many Marvel comics. :lol:

You're Greek aren't you? :lol:
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Re: O X I !!!

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun Jul 12, 2015 8:39 am

cypriotnado wrote:The only thing this govt has achieved is the name change from Troika to The institutions. No one trusts what they say.

You'll need to be clearer than that when using pronouns. I'll take it the "they" that you do not trust refers to the Troika.
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Re: O X I !!!

Postby cypriotnado » Sun Jul 12, 2015 9:14 am

The Troika does not exist. Please keep up!
The majority of Eurozone govts no longer trust this
Greek govt. A fact acknowledged yesterday by the new Greek
Finance minister.
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