Did they jump or were they pushed!!!!!!!Just six months ago Syriza got into power in Greece on a mandate of restricting austerity and tackling greed and corruption by the wealthy. They had the overwhelming support of the ordinary Greeks and the hostility of the privileged classes who stood to lose their hold on the Greek finances.
They started well and the confrontation with the Troika took the wind out of the EU sails. These guys were actually fighting back against the IMF/ECB/EU, something I don’t think the Troika were expecting. Result? ..... Confrontation between a bunch of bureaucrats protecting the interests of the international banking cartels........... and an economist called Varoufakis.
There is little doubt in my mind that Varoufakis was the driving force behind the proposals made to the Troika and that he is well aware of the way the banking and global monetary system works. I would love to have been a fly on the wall at those meetings ..... I have searched but apart from quotes there appear to be no transcripts of the exchanges.
Whilst ‘
conspiracy theorists’, which is what anyone who questions the banking system is refered to, are tolerated and ridiculed for their views, when it gets down to a nation state kicking back against the system, that could not be tolerated by the Troika and their backers.
Why did Tsipras dump Varoufakis? Was he told to do so or else ? Did those who disliked Varoufakis in his own party demand that he went? Why have there been no explanations by Varoufakis ..... was he told to keep his mouth shut or else?
Now Tsipras has conceded to virtually all the demands for further austerity that the Troika demanded, which is a betrayal of the people who voted them into power. Last Sunday the people again endorsed the Tsipras/Varoufakis line and today ............... Parliament has approved Tsipras’ proposals for more austerity.
The whole thing stinks of dirty goings on behind the scenes! About a month ago an article I read said that the US had already started preperations for another regime change ....... this time in Greece, and it wouldn’t be the first time!
I see violence on the horizon.