What do people think the impact of Sunday's referendum will be on Cyprus? Obviously, if there is a 'yes' vote and Greece remains within the same Troika programme, things here should also continue as before. Otherwise, if Greece were to default on its sovereign debt and revert to the drachma, which in all probability will devalue quite quickly, what will the impact be here? I wonder how much exposure Bank of Cyprus and other local banks have to Greek sovereign debt. Could this be the final blow that pushes them over the edge? If Greece has a devalued drachma, it will become a much cheaper destination for European tourists and Cyprus could find itself with far fewer tourists. Greece's exports will become more competitively priced, too, although I am not sure if Cyprus exports many things that compete directly with Greek goods (citrus fruits perhaps).
On the other hand, there is speculation that some Greek companies would choose to relocate to Cyprus.
I haven't noticed longer than usual queues at the banks here this morning, the last chance for people to get their money out before the vote. This suggests that there is not too much concern here.