I do not know about them being drug peddlers, but there will be more Greek people seeking jobs for sure. There are already 39 000 Greeks with residence permits in Cyprus while the number of Cypriots in Greece has dropped to below 35000.
Greek companies will definitely relocate, and Cyprus is at par with Bulgaria, the other popular destination for corporate tax domicile, with Cyprus having the advantage in terms of language and public administration.
Greece is aware of this potential and recently passed a law penalising contracts with subsidiaries in several jurisdictions, among them Cyprus. If you present Cypriot company invoices in your books then you must pre pay 26 per cent tax which will be returned only if you can prove the transaction was "genuine". This is in contravention to EU aquis on freedom of establishment and I expect it to be challenged in the EU court soon. A blanket condemnation of ALL companies in one country cannot stand.
A personal observation- the influx of Greeks so far has caused the displacement of talatouri by that dubious emulsion called tzatziki. This is an intolerable situation hinting at the balkanisation of our gastronomy. Push back.