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The Power of the Internet

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The Power of the Internet

Postby Get Real! » Fri Jul 03, 2015 5:24 am

The power of the Internet

I want you all to watch the old man carefully who is about to tell his story from the past for a minute or two and then freeze his picture before reading on.

In this video shot in 2007, this old man claims to be 105 years old and to have survived the Pontian massacres (1913-1922).

The problem is he doesn't look 105 and that's what aroused my initial suspicion. He is more like 80-something in the video and the stories he tells of the Pontian massacre most likely came from his parents and grandparents who would've been at the right age to remember the events in detail.

If he is indeed 80-something as I suspect, then he would've been a very young child and unable to recall details the events. Of course that wouldn't make him a non-survivor of the massacres, but rather too young to remember any of the details first hand; nothing significant to be honest as he is still a survivor.

However, I also noticed from the video that his eyes were very clear and fully functional... something that is medically impossible at 105 as fat gradually builds up over the retina ultimately leading to blindness.

By now I'm pretty certain that this man is not 105 so suspecting that he’s lying about his age I’m now curious to find out why! :?

Why on Earth would a man who survived the Pontian massacres lie about his age?

I start with a name search looking for images from the past and find these... ... 547340.jpg ... CF%822.jpg

Yup, that’s him alright… same face, same hairline, same nose… hmm… I wonder why he’s on the Internet at age 40-50! Who published these photos and why? Bingo! ... e-o-isang/

It appears that in 1968 he murdered a pretty teacher he was stalking and did some hard time!

So how can we be sure it’s him?

Well, what’s the probability that he has exactly the same name as the killer, looks exactly like the killer, and today lives very close to where the murder took place?

The murder was committed at “Γιαννιτσά” (Yianitsa) a stone’s throw away from where he’s currently living at Πλατύ (Plati) according to google maps, and not to mention his grand-daughter living in a nearby community and seeking a political career…

In 2014 she bid to become the mayor of the region… ... catid=1372

Furthermore, the criminal was 45 in 1968 and was thus born in 1923 so he would in 2007 be 84 years old… a PERFECT age for the old man I’m looking at in the video!

The old geezer is clueless about the power of the Internet and we now know why he needed to lie about his age…
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Re: The Power of the Internet

Postby Pyrpolizer » Fri Jul 03, 2015 4:00 pm

Well done!
Now do something similar for Garavnoss.
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Re: The Power of the Internet

Postby Get Real! » Fri Jul 03, 2015 4:48 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:Well done!
Now do something similar for Garavnoss.

Garavnoss, is a well educated man and I appreciate that; his ISIS/Islam/whatever biased stories (clearly intended to ruffle feathers) neither worry nor interest me, so I'd rather have 10 Garavnoss than one uneducated Miltiades whom I consider to also be a lafazanis and abadeonas just like the old man in the video.

In fact I wouldn’t be surprised if Milti has a dark past of some sort.
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Re: The Power of the Internet

Postby miltiades » Fri Jul 03, 2015 5:01 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:Well done!
Now do something similar for Garavnoss.

Garavnoss, is a well educated man and I appreciate that; his ISIS/Islam/whatever biased stories (clearly intended to ruffle feathers) neither worry nor interest me, so I'd rather have 10 Garavnoss than one uneducated Miltiades whom I consider to also be a lafazanis and abadeonas just like the old man in the video.

In fact I wouldn’t be surprised if Milti has a dark past of some sort.

In fact many think that this piece of shit Gavfuck is none other than another piece of shit that calls him self GR. Both full of shit and both totally fucked.
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Re: The Power of the Internet

Postby Cap » Fri Jul 03, 2015 8:18 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:Well done!
Now do something similar for Garavnoss.

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Re: The Power of the Internet

Postby Garavnoss » Fri Jul 03, 2015 11:15 pm

Get Real! wrote: In fact I wouldn’t be surprised if Milti has a dark past of some sort.

If old "Lick Arse" was a whippet there would be no catching him, you couldn't see his arse for the dust when he shot off to the UK to team up with the Brits for the next 50 years, he must have been keeping a close watch as they planned the destruction of Cyprus, it must have given him great pleasure when the Brits actually teamed up with the Yanks and Turks and managed to do it. 8)
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Re: The Power of the Internet

Postby Sotos » Fri Jul 03, 2015 11:28 pm

GR... why would this man lie about his age but not his name?
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Re: The Power of the Internet

Postby Get Real! » Fri Jul 03, 2015 11:55 pm

Sotos wrote:GR... why would this man lie about his age but not his name?

I have no idea if it was *his* idea or the TV channel ERT3’s idea, to claim to be 105 but it’s obvious that such an age PLACES HIM in the midst of the massacre thereby making it an EYEWITNESS ACCOUNT which of course carries far more weight than someone telling a story that was passed down from others.

With an EYEWITNESS ACCOUNT the video elevates in historic legitimacy.

I also find that the old man is a showman who thoroughly enjoyed the attention he received from ERT3 and I noticed that the criminal was ALSO a showman at 45 coming and going to the Police station with alleged evidence he’d find, if you’ve read the article I posted.
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Re: The Power of the Internet

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sat Jul 04, 2015 9:23 am

Sounds like he has some personality disorder. Disrespectful to the real memories of the people who suffered.
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Re: The Power of the Internet

Postby Nikitas » Sat Jul 04, 2015 5:38 pm

The responsibility of the journalists who put him on public display is also an issue.

Having some inside knowledge about the Greek media I would venture that his story was deemed OK for its emotional impact and who gives a stuff about facts. Seen it before, especially in "ecological" stories. Ecology is the new marxist narrative in Greece and it attracts a huge amount of bullshit journalism.

Just watch SKAI news' two famous blondes doing the "over to you Jeff" act on econews. It's hilarious.

For bullshit journalism to survive there must be an uncritical public and incompetent (or colluding) editors and lack of fact checkers. The education system with its emphasis on parroting and the cultivation of "apopsi" as opposed to "gnosi" helps. The antipathy for professional assessment (axiologisi) in public broadcasting covers the second bit. Fact checkers are an unknown profession here. The cocktail recipe is complete.

A quick glance at the rehirings of ERT personnel recently and the cringing quality of the political interviews shown lately will confirm the above.

We need an overhaul, fast.
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