Nikitas wrote:The responsibility of the journalists who put him on public display is also an issue.
Having some inside knowledge about the Greek media I would venture that his story was deemed OK for its emotional impact and who gives a stuff about facts. Seen it before, especially in "ecological" stories. Ecology is the new marxist narrative in Greece and it attracts a huge amount of bullshit journalism.
Just watch SKAI news' two famous blondes doing the "over to you Jeff" act on econews. It's hilarious.
For bullshit journalism to survive there must be an uncritical public and incompetent (or colluding) editors and lack of fact checkers. The education system with its emphasis on parroting and the cultivation of "apopsi" as opposed to "gnosi" helps. The antipathy for professional assessment (axiologisi) in public broadcasting covers the second bit. Fact checkers are an unknown profession here. The cocktail recipe is complete.
A quick glance at the rehirings of ERT personnel recently and the cringing quality of the political interviews shown lately will confirm the above.
We need an overhaul, fast.
Is there an overhaul of minds? O kalamaras en allassei mana mou...
4 million in Athens and another 2 in Salonica all public servants, doing nothing producing nothing, over a population of 12 million.
What I cannot comprehend is how come such a generally very clever people can go so wrong in everything.