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Sling 'em orf.

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Re: Sling 'em orf.

Postby Garavnoss » Thu Jul 09, 2015 2:40 pm

miltiades wrote:" Allah [the merciful" " :lol: :lol: :lol:
Listen you sick bastard. Answer one question.
How come that this false ( All religions are false ) so called religion has its roots in the most impoverished, third world countries with the highest levels of illiteracy, plus they are also all killing themselves to join the free world.
Fucking idiots like you and your mate the psycho ought to rush and join their creator.

:lol: :lol: I wondered how long it would be before "Old Lick Arse" joined forces with his "Honourable friend", actually I am a bit taken aback by the length of time which DID elapse, I suppose you [as usual] chose to hold back until you felt it safe to engage and be sure that your "Honourable Friend" had laid the groundwork for your filthy intervention. :lol: :lol:

In closing:- YOU also may take your place [as an Atheist] in the self-same realm of ignorance as your Yankee loving counterpart, one wonders if HE [like you] froths at the mouth and gnashes his teeth whilst composing his responses. 8)
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Re: Sling 'em orf.

Postby Tim Drayton » Thu Jul 09, 2015 2:50 pm

How do you conclude that I am Yankee loving?
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Re: Sling 'em orf.

Postby Tim Drayton » Thu Jul 09, 2015 3:42 pm

Regarding poisonings in Mosul:

DAESH has had to appoint a new 'governor' of Mosul after the old one, Abu Talut, died of poisoning. A resistance group to the DAESH occupation claimed responsibility for the poisoning. They obviously know how to get rid of vermin there.
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Re: Sling 'em orf.

Postby Garavnoss » Thu Jul 09, 2015 4:16 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:
miltiades wrote:" Allah [the merciful" " :lol: :lol: :lol:
Listen you sick bastard. Answer one question.
How come that this false ( All religions are false ) so called religion has its roots in the most impoverished, third world countries with the highest levels of illiteracy, plus they are also all killing themselves to join the free world.
Fucking idiots like you and your mate the psycho ought to rush and join their creator.

I often wonder which is cause and effect. Is it indoctrination in religion that makes people stupid and backward, which in turn keeps them poor, or is it poverty and hopelessness makes people turn to religion as a source of comfort?

Upon the assumption that you would not object to the slight alteration, I would be bound to agree with the RED highlighted section of your comments although I think it would be rather harsh to impose the views of a non-believer upon those who adopt a religion for the reasons you specify.

If a person embraces a religious order [be it whatsoever] for the reasons highlighted, it would be out of desperation that they did so and it would be unthinkably cruel of any person with Atheistic views to try to discourage them, after all, if one were responsible for the removal of their hope [or prayer for divine help] the unfortunate one under the influence of the Atheist who would obviously wish to impose his [or her] opinion on the non existence of the "Almighty", would be left with nothing since all hope would have gone. 8)

I really think that it is one's duty to tread carefully when dealing with such issues as religious beliefs, it is far too easy to offend those who may hold their faith firm against any contrary views [even under severe duress] and I certainly would not recommend the practise of ridiculing the legions of IS, there are too many of them about and one could live to regret such ridicule. 8)
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Re: Sling 'em orf.

Postby Tim Drayton » Thu Jul 09, 2015 4:49 pm

Garavnoss wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:
miltiades wrote:" Allah [the merciful" " :lol: :lol: :lol:
Listen you sick bastard. Answer one question.
How come that this false ( All religions are false ) so called religion has its roots in the most impoverished, third world countries with the highest levels of illiteracy, plus they are also all killing themselves to join the free world.
Fucking idiots like you and your mate the psycho ought to rush and join their creator.

I often wonder which is cause and effect. Is it indoctrination in religion that makes people stupid and backward, which in turn keeps them poor, or is it poverty and hopelessness makes people turn to religion as a source of comfort?

Upon the assumption that you would not object to the slight alteration, I would be bound to agree with the RED highlighted section of your comments although I think it would be rather harsh to impose the views of a non-believer upon those who adopt a religion for the reasons you specify.

If a person embraces a religious order [be it whatsoever] for the reasons highlighted, it would be out of desperation that they did so and it would be unthinkably cruel of any person with Atheistic views to try to discourage them, after all, if one were responsible for the removal of their hope [or prayer for divine help] the unfortunate one under the influence of the Atheist who would obviously wish to impose his [or her] opinion on the non existence of the "Almighty", would be left with nothing since all hope would have gone. 8)

I really think that it is one's duty to tread carefully when dealing with such issues as religious beliefs, it is far too easy to offend those who may hold their faith firm against any contrary views [even under severe duress] and I certainly would not recommend the practise of ridiculing the legions of IS, there are too many of them about and one could live to regret such ridicule. 8)

Respect has to be mutual. If a person wants to believe in something irrational (from my perspective), engage in empty (from my perspective) acts of worship and so on, I would be the last person to stand in their way. Indeed, I accept that a lot of good things have been done in the name of religion as well as plenty of heinous acts. However, I also expect them to show the same tolerance towards me as an atheist. I do not go out of my way to impose atheism on anybody. If, on the other hand, others try to impose their views on me, they cross a red line and I consider myself to be entitled to argue my ground. You come here and engage in propaganda in favour of the organisation most Arabs call:
and which has been transliterated as DAESH in English, an ultra-religio-fascist organisation which believes itself to have the monopoly over the truth and sees itself fit to declare those who disagree with it to be 'kafirs', even if they are Sunni Muslims, and to have the right to kill or enslave them, and this crosses the said red line in that I am undoubtedly somebody whom DAESH would deem to be a kafir, and so am threatened by them, and I see myself justified in arguing against them.

By the way, you have agreed that it is not OK to sell children as sex slaves. So, if there existed a gang of thugs who were capturing children and selling them as sex slaves you would presumably be opposed to them. For some reason, you do not believe, or wish to believe, that DAESH are doing this, but an overwhelming body of evidence is building up to the contrary, and for this among other heinous crimes against humanity that they are committing, I find them to be odious and wish for them to be eradicated. It fills me with hope for humanity to see effective resistance organisations growing in the places occupied by and suffering oppression from this gang. The end is nigh.
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Re: Sling 'em orf.

Postby supporttheunderdog » Thu Jul 09, 2015 5:29 pm

the problem with arguing with the so called religious is that they rely for circular debate on the very questionable tenets of their faith - our (alleged) holy book (about god) is true because it is the word of god - when there is no extrinsic evidence that god exists or that he wrote the alleged holy book - One quite simply cannot claim a a book contains truth simply because it is in that book.

My own view is that quran is the product of (a) man not god. Moslems may find that offensive but there is no right not be offended. I will not seek to convert them from their point of view but they must accept my right to believe that if there is any sort of god, it is almost certainly not the one portrayed in the various versions of the bible or the quran, otherwise I am entitled to be offended that they do not allow me to hold my own personal religious beliefs and it is they who are then guilty of hate crime if they seek to use violence against me because of my views.

And that is why I find some of the followers of many religious groups to be offensive, whether they be a part of Jewish, Christian, Moslem, Hindu, Animist, Mormon, Christian Scientist, etc versions of faith or belief, who would seek to deny me the bright to hold my beliefs.
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Re: Sling 'em orf.

Postby miltiades » Thu Jul 09, 2015 7:34 pm

Isn't rather odd that not one single advanced nation on the planet has embraced Islam as their false religion.

Millions have though, in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Yemen, Iran Iraq Syria and many more third world countries where democracy and freedom are cursed upon!!

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Re: Sling 'em orf.

Postby Garavnoss » Thu Jul 09, 2015 11:39 pm

miltiades wrote:Isn't rather odd that not one single advanced nation on the planet has embraced Islam as their false religion.

Millions have though, in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Yemen, Iran Iraq Syria and many more third world countries where democracy and freedom are cursed upon!!


Such a pity that you had to butt in with your inane comments...... just when an intelligent exchange of views was about to take root.

To coin one of your own phrases....."Why don't you just fuck off Lick Arse, you've got nothing to contribute". :lol: :lol:
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Re: Sling 'em orf.

Postby miltiades » Fri Jul 10, 2015 6:34 am

When dealing with a perverted mind, a disgusting individual, one who supports and praises the courage of cut throats, I m left with no option but to either ignore him or tell him to go and fuck himself.
However, if serious debates is what he craves for then I suggest he takes a look at this :
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Re: Sling 'em orf.

Postby Garavnoss » Fri Jul 10, 2015 8:18 am

miltiades wrote:When dealing with a perverted mind, a disgusting individual, one who supports and praises the courage of cut throats, I m left with no option but to either ignore him or tell him to go and fuck himself.
However, if serious debates is what he craves for then I suggest he takes a look at this :

Now look here "Lick Arse"., as indicated in the previous post :- you have got nothing of value to contribute other than the opinions of either some other members or something that you have read which fits in with your inert perception of American superiority.

The less discerning members are in danger of being influenced by your filthy expressions, you are severely handicapped when matters worthy of debate are posted since you do not possess the ability to express yourself without [in print], employing the lewd and insulting utterances which immediately identify you and negate whatever you purport to be your own view on a variety of subjects.

It might be a good idea if you published YOUR opinions at some point, we can ALL read newspapers and watch TV. 8)
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