Garavnoss wrote:Tim Drayton wrote:Garavnoss wrote:Once one accepts [and I refer to the faithful] that Allah [the merciful] is THE creator of all things, ...
Well I am an atheist and I do not accept that premise, which is simply blind dogma. Your only argument is that DAESH has a monopoly over the truth and they are entitled to kill or enslave those who think different.
The mere fact that IS [not your Americanised reference to them] has a belief in "The Almighty" [be he whosoever] places them on a far higher moral ground than yourself [a proclaimed Atheist] and the contents of your posts on the subject which you have abysmal knowledge of, is confirmation that he [who like you] have NO faith, is as a feather in a storm.
Evidenced by the fact that [as with your "Lick Arse" compatriot] you are wide open to whatever propaganda your addled brain accepts as truth, you have my complete sympathy plus my permission to wallow in your ignorance for all the days of your life... no sweat.

1. Your view that DAESH are on a higher moral ground than me is the subjective opinion of your warped, indoctrinated mind for which you present not a shred of evidence.
2. It appears to me that I know a lot more about Islam than you, and that is why you consistently shy away from discussing any of the substantive issues that I raise. Your premise that you must believe in an ideology to be able to understand it is patently false and, like all your other arguments, is based on blind dogma which you simply chant out as the absolute, incontestable truth.
By the way, DAESH - and not this is not an Americanised name for them, it is a rough transliteration for the name the vast majority of Arabs give to this depraved band of psychopaths and perverts (well, this describes the useful idiots being sent to the front line to sacrifice themselves, anyway) - is actually a huge propaganda boon for atheism in showing fanatical Islamism in all its repugnance, so thanks for that. I have no doubt that in broad historical terms this is a precursor to the consolidating of the nascent Islamic Reniassance-Enlightenment that first saw the light of day in Tahrir Square. Not that I would wish a single person to be tortured to death or a single baby to be sold as a sex slave in order that humanity may take a step in the direction of putting the delusion of religion in the dustbin.