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I am in Greece while it might write history

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I am in Greece while it might write history

Postby Paphitis » Wed Jul 01, 2015 7:19 pm

greece night write history this Sunday.

Just arrived there today. Always great to be in Greece. Cyprus is not as good inmho.

Greeks are spirited and speaking to a few of the the locals, an OXI is on the cards. Amazing resilience against all odds.
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Re: I am in Greece while it might write history

Postby yialousa1971 » Wed Jul 01, 2015 7:45 pm

Enjoy your holiday little one, you deserve it. :mrgreen:
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Re: I am in Greece while it might write history

Postby Paphitis » Wed Jul 01, 2015 7:55 pm

It's more like my home these days YiaLoser, considering how invested I am in the country.

I decided a long time ago that I will die and be buried in Greece.

I spend a lot more time in Greece than I do in Cyprus let me give you the tip. I was in Cyprus for 10 days and did 3000 kliks. The place gives me the shits and it exhausts me. Don't like Cyprus like I use to.

It's ok but it's not for me.
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Re: I am in Greece while it might write history

Postby miltiades » Wed Jul 01, 2015 8:54 pm

Paphitis wrote:It's more like my home these days YiaLoser, considering how invested I am in the country.

I decided a long time ago that I will die and be buried in Greece.

I spend a lot more time in Greece than I do in Cyprus let me give you the tip. I was in Cyprus for 10 days and did 3000 kliks. The place gives me the shits and it exhausts me. Don't like Cyprus like I use to.

It's ok but it's not for me.

Anyone tired of Cyprus is tired of life !!
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Re: I am in Greece while it might write history

Postby Pyrpolizer » Wed Jul 01, 2015 9:21 pm

Paphitis wrote:greece night write history this Sunday.

Just arrived there today. Always great to be in Greece. Cyprus is not as good inmho.

Greeks are spirited and speaking to a few of the the locals, an OXI is on the cards. Amazing resilience against all odds.

30% unemployment +half the rest=65% OXI.(my prediction)
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Re: I am in Greece while it might write history

Postby Pyrpolizer » Wed Jul 01, 2015 9:51 pm

miltiades wrote:
Paphitis wrote:It's more like my home these days YiaLoser, considering how invested I am in the country.

I decided a long time ago that I will die and be buried in Greece.

I spend a lot more time in Greece than I do in Cyprus let me give you the tip. I was in Cyprus for 10 days and did 3000 kliks. The place gives me the shits and it exhausts me. Don't like Cyprus like I use to.

It's ok but it's not for me.

Anyone tired of Cyprus is tired of life !!

What's so interesting about Cyprus that would not make one tired?
I am not saying Greece is any better, i am just curious why iyo cyprus is such a great place?
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Re: I am in Greece while it might write history

Postby Nikitas » Wed Jul 01, 2015 10:54 pm

First time in Greece's history since it was established as a state that the people experience capital controls. It was a rude shock. So do not be so sure of the NO vote.

Those of us who lived through the drachma era foreign exchange controls, including the humiliating body searches, understand why people would not want to relive them. Those were the times when only a tiny minority of the population had credit cards and inorder to order a book from overseas you applied for permission to export currency.

There were also controls on sideways attempts to export money in the form of goods. My brothers' inlaws who were refugess here in 1976, were stopped in Piraeus port and accused of by passing currency controls because they had four 1/2 kilo bags of dry beans. I told the customs guy to keep them and let the old folks move on and he had a go at me because surrendering the beans would cause him untold form filling.

We are now limited to 60 Euro per day ATM withdrawls, the banks are closed, so all banking procedures ie letters of credit, bills of lading certification etc are all stopped. All suppliers foreign and local expect cash up front before deliveries and the list goes on. The NO vote is beginning to take shape and the prospects of this situation lasting some months are not at all attractive.

It is easy to be a rebel from afar, it gets a harder when you face the choices head on.
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Re: I am in Greece while it might write history

Postby Garavnoss » Wed Jul 01, 2015 11:03 pm

miltiades wrote:
Paphitis wrote:It's more like my home these days YiaLoser, considering how invested I am in the country.

I decided a long time ago that I will die and be buried in Greece.

I spend a lot more time in Greece than I do in Cyprus let me give you the tip. I was in Cyprus for 10 days and did 3000 kliks. The place gives me the shits and it exhausts me. Don't like Cyprus like I use to.

It's ok but it's not for me.

Anyone tired of Cyprus is tired of life !!

What do YOU know about Cyprus ?, you've spent most of your life living among the English, your vocabulary is proof of that. :lol:
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Re: I am in Greece while it might write history

Postby Pyrpolizer » Wed Jul 01, 2015 11:08 pm

Nikitas wrote:First time in Greece's history since it was established as a state that the people experience capital controls. It was a rude shock. So do not be so sure of the NO vote.

Those of us who lived through the drachma era foreign exchange controls, including the humiliating body searches, understand why people would not want to relive them. Those were the times when only a tiny minority of the population had credit cards and inorder to order a book from overseas you applied for permission to export currency.

There were also controls on sideways attempts to export money in the form of goods. My brothers' inlaws who were refugess here in 1976, were stopped in Piraeus port and accused of by passing currency controls because they had four 1/2 kilo bags of dry beans. I told the customs guy to keep them and let the old folks move on and he had a go at me because surrendering the beans would cause him untold form filling.

We are now limited to 60 Euro per day ATM withdrawls, the banks are closed, so all banking procedures ie letters of credit, bills of lading certification etc are all stopped. All suppliers foreign and local expect cash up front before deliveries and the list goes on. The NO vote is beginning to take shape and the prospects of this situation lasting some months are not at all attractive.

It is easy to be a rebel from afar, it gets a harder when you face the choices head on.

And you think if you vote yes, the banks will open and everything will be back to normal?
Merkel already said it, forget whatever we agreed. We will re-negotiate.
Do you know what they will do to you Nikitas? They will step their boots on your throats. This time you will have to sign bail-in under conditions of blackmail. Cut of deposits.
Imo Tsipras planned his Grexit, and return to drahma a long time ago. He sure was honest and kept his promise:"i will not sign another mnimonio" he said.
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Re: I am in Greece while it might write history

Postby Nikitas » Wed Jul 01, 2015 11:50 pm

No, either way negotiations will start from zero point.

Going back to the drachma will let those who were astute enough and took their money out before January to reimport it and rule in a buyers' market. It will be one more instance that the Greek system rewards the "aetonychides" who know how to exploit the system to their ends. I know some of them personally and very well!

I have lived here since well before the Euro and know the pros and cons of each currency. Except this time the drachma means going in with a 50 per cent, at least, penalty for the law abiding and patriotic assholes, like me, who did not send their money overseas, who pay their tax bills and mortgages on time.

I would rather be taxed more and maintain my mortgage payments where they are. Most people do.

Before this Syriza thing came in the economy was posting a surplus, projected GDP growth of 3 per cent and unemployment fell by two points. Now all projections are worse because half a year was wasted on grandstanding and dogmatic crap.

And most ministers have appointed relatives and cronies to high salary positions. Yesterday before parliament closed it made time to confirm the appointment of a party member's "partner", who now runs a restaurant, as head of the water company. Meritocracy in all its glory, syriza style.

today the mayors of Athens and Thessaloniki, the local government association, the Archbishop, the collective leadership of the univeristy professors, the hoteliers associations, the industrial chamber of commerce, the retailers chamber, the technical chamber, the bar association, have all called for a yes vote. They are all wrong and syriza, the chemtrail guys and the fascists are right?

Like they say here in Greece, ti pineis kai den mas dineis!
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