miltiades wrote:RRichie wrote:This guy is Gavavnoss is Gavacom from years ago and a twat
This sick bastard is none other than Schnauzer. Same style of writing, brackets used, and immense hatred aimed at the West, America in particular. It could of course be the psychopath GR but somehow I cant be sure.
Interesting:- A Schnauzer is a breed of animal [Canine] and I do believe that the Male of the species [Dog] is renowned for the habit of licking it's own arse and getting stuck up anything that comes it's way, it can be quite ferocious if things do not suit his needs and is prone to a certain amount of frothing at the mouth if it becomes frustrated.
There are people who also display these traits, they target younger female companions and become very self complimentary as they grow older, they usually end up humping younger members of the opposite sex [and sometimes of the same gender but would never admit to it] and their frustrations manifest whenever they feel that they are not quite getting their own way.
Such people DO tend to latch onto those they come to admire, they make snap judgements and pass comments about others without considering the possibility that they could be wrong in their assessment and, as such, invariably resort to mouthing [and writing] THE most obscene condemnations of any that disagree with them [particularly when they suffer the aforementioned frustrations], quite sad really, beyond redemption when it becomes their natural characteristic.
On the PLUS side, such people are VERY subservient to authority and since [as humans] they are unable to lick their own arse, they may be depended upon to administer a good "Arse-Licking" to anyone they wish to curry favour with.
Who's a lucky boy then ?.