Garavnoss wrote:Tim Drayton wrote:
Re: Stroumbou:
"Stroumbou is a locality and is located in Lefkosia, Cyprus. The estimate terrain elevation above seal level is 425 metres.",16499
This is a long way from the village of Stroumbi, in Paphos district, from which Miltiades hails, so I don't know why you expect him to know this fellow.
Don't you know that it is a big sin for a Muslim to lie during Ramadan?
I do apologize for my obvious spelling mistake..... kindly substitute the 'ou' for an 'i' and the job will be done.
There are several other closely spelled areas in Cyprus I am sure, a nightmare for tourism I would imagine, do you not agree ?.
Your response smacks of plagiarism, an attribute which one should endeavour to avoid lest the reader forms the opinion that your political views may be the product of the same source.
I am sure you would not relish the idea of being addressed as "Tim the Copycat"on this forum, you could fall foul of the resident plagiarist who relies upon the Daily [and Sunday] Mail to source his opinions, he actually presents them 'Verbatim et Literatim' on many occasions.
His only REAL presentations are those which contain insults and filthy outbursts, quite an entertaining chap actually but certainly not worthy of emulation.
The Greek language [ Grammar ] can be extremely difficult sometimes, I again apologize for my error.
Referring to a relevant source is not plagiarism.