Garavnoss wrote:Garavnoss wrote:miltiades wrote:He is full of skata !!!
Funnily enough [and since you introduce the word SKATA] I have just been conversing with a chap from the region of Strombou by the name of Georgious Georgiou [or some such] who would be about your age.
He tells me that he used to be a messenger for EOKA when he was a youngster and that he went to school with a chap who also was supposed to be doing the same, however, it would appear that this young whelp was getting very friendly with the Brits and was last heard of doing a runner to the UK for his own safety, the old chap is not too sure about the correct name but DOES remember that his nickname was "SkataYiannis", I wonder if YOU knew him. ?.
I've got a sneaking suspicion that Milti DOES know who this chap is but chooses to dodge the question by uttering obscenities.
A simple yes or no would be quite acceptable, therefore... Do you know of a person who's nickname is SkataYiannis ?.
Oh look! More name calling!

Boys will be boys!