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In Praise of IS.

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Re: In Praise of IS.

Postby Tim Drayton » Sat Jun 27, 2015 11:44 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:Every time I see you Garavnos posting praising IS you remind me of this:
The picture of a coward slaughtering another human for no reason.


I see now you changed your picture from what would perhaps indicate a westerner to the core to a stupid monkey.
No, that's not suitable for you either.

Just throw away the veil and use a picture that describes you accurately while not making the rest of us puke.
I was about to suggest you this, but i changed my mind


This would do though, we need some laughter after all..


Was that the taxi driver from Lancashire who went to Syria to deliver aid to starving people? He was given a guarantee by Muslims that he would not be harmed, yet the bandits of DAESH (who, from the name they like to call themselves appear to consider themselves to be Islamic) killed him, and it is not permitted under Islamic law to harm a person whose safety has been guaranteed by a Muslim unless in self defence.
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Re: In Praise of IS.

Postby Tim Drayton » Sat Jun 27, 2015 11:51 am

Every day life under DAESH oppression:

He had no trouble until the day of his cousin’s wedding when disaster struck. He says: “my cousin came to my salon and asked me not only to dress his hair, but to shave his beard.” Salem was horrified by such a dangerous proposal because he was conscious of the punishment Isis was likely to inflict on any barber ignoring the shaving ban. He turned his cousin down flat, but the man then asked for his hair to be cut short in a modern way rather left to grow long as Isis demanded. The cousin argued that “nobody would notice because it was the afternoon and the street was empty.” Unwillingly, Salem complied with his cousin’s request and “dressed his hair, adding gel to make it look good.”

Salem and his cousin soon found out that they had badly underestimated how closely Isis monitored illicit haircuts. Four days after the wedding, Salem learned that his action had been reported by an Isis informant to the local religious authority. He was arrested and then sentenced to 80 lashes to be administered in public and, in addition, his barber’s salon was to be closed. In the event, he had received only 50 lashes, when “I fainted and was taken to hospital.” ... 48151.html

Eighty lashes for giving somebody a haircut? No. Not the kind of lifestyle I aspire to or the values I embrace. Thanks for the offer, now go away.
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Re: In Praise of IS.

Postby miltiades » Sat Jun 27, 2015 11:54 am

Thanks for the offer, now FUCK OFF !!!! More appropriate I think !!
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Re: In Praise of IS.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sat Jun 27, 2015 12:00 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote: Was it better or was it worse?
I have to admit it was neither.

That's exactly right, Pyro. I believe this is the only response you could have on the matter. A sign of the free-thinking intellectual. Now, threatened by the likes of IS.

No one should dictate the "roles" of women or men to children or adults. And that is the difference between where Islamic State are heading and where the Intellectual World is trying to go.

- And for this reason, since I care about the idea of a Free Will and the Rights of the individual, I will not enter into the wrongful debate (with Garavnoss, initiated above) of issuing rights and wrongs on people's "roles".
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Re: In Praise of IS.

Postby Tim Drayton » Sat Jun 27, 2015 12:22 pm

Why has DAESH sent some zealot here to reason with us, anyway? DAESH deal in dogma, in the conviction that they are absolutely right and are justified in brutally murdering anyone who thinks differently from them, not in reason. They simply impose their deluded idea of the truth on the populations of the places they occupy using total brute force. Reason is not part of these thugs' vocabulary. If the thread starter so believes in this deluded cause, why is he not out decapitating people who disagree with him?
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Re: In Praise of IS.

Postby Tim Drayton » Sat Jun 27, 2015 12:41 pm

Let’s see how much value the DAESH thugs attach to persuading people through debate once they have established their rule of fear. There is a website called “Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently” bravely kept going by opponents of DAESH in the Syrian city of Raqqa, known for being a secular place. I wonder how the ruling bandits view this attempt at free debate. Let’s see (from that very web site):

ISIS detained many youths on charges of supporting “Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently”

Raqqa city has seen over the past two days, a campaign of raids and arrests affected many of the young men of the city, in addition to set up temporary checkpoints to inspect pedestrians and vehicles, and arrest anyone who carry a laptop in order to inspect and examine it.

This campaign of arrests has affected also some young people inside Internet cafes, under the pretext of put “Like” mark for the posts of “Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently” page on Facebook, the detainees were taken to the province building for interrogation. Mostly, multiple charges may be brought for these young people, such as dealing with ” RBSS “, and trying to abort the Islamic State project and causing damage to the prestige of the organization.

What a nerve for somebody to come here, where there is free debate, and exploit that to make propaganda for a gang that believes itself to have the monopoly on the truth and suppresses all debate in the places it occupies using unbelievable brutality.
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Re: In Praise of IS.

Postby Tim Drayton » Sat Jun 27, 2015 12:52 pm

Another example of the sort of ‘debate’ DAESH conducts with its opponents:

Abu Mohammed knew he had to get his family out of Raqqa as soon as he heard the news. Militants in the Islamic State group’s de facto headquarters beat and tortured with electric shocks one of his fellow Syrian activists’ 49-year-old father, for 77 days.

Yet somebody feels free to take advantage of the open debate we enjoy here to conduct propaganda in favour of this odious gang of psychopaths!
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Re: In Praise of IS.

Postby Garavnoss » Sat Jun 27, 2015 1:54 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:I see now you changed your picture from what would perhaps indicate a westerner to the core to a stupid monkey.

I actually tried to change the avatar to a picture of President Obama.., unfortunately this is as close as I could find. :lol:
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Re: In Praise of IS.

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sat Jun 27, 2015 1:55 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:Why has DAESH sent some zealot here to reason with us, anyway? DAESH deal in dogma, in the conviction that they are absolutely right and are justified in brutally murdering anyone who thinks differently from them, not in reason. They simply impose their deluded idea of the truth on the populations of the places they occupy using total brute force. Reason is not part of these thugs' vocabulary. If the thread starter so believes in this deluded cause, why is he not out decapitating people who disagree with him?

It's not the first time he initiated similar topics. And every time he talks in riddles. Doesn't make himself clear, just tries to spread doubts and "ifs" around. He looks like an educated person seeking for answers to complicated social issues.
Unfortunately religion and simplistic dogmas of uneducated thugs are often enough to disarm even Phd holders, and I am afraid he is one of those victims..
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Re: In Praise of IS.

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sat Jun 27, 2015 1:59 pm

Garavnoss wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:I see now you changed your picture from what would perhaps indicate a westerner to the core to a stupid monkey.

I actually tried to change the avatar to a picture of President Obama.., unfortunately this is as close as I could find. :lol:

You could do without a picture rather than humiliate yourself. Picturing yourself as a westerner to the core, while praising the Islamic State, is imo a paradox.
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