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In Praise of IS.

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Re: In Praise of IS.

Postby miltiades » Sat Jun 27, 2015 10:30 am

Garavnoss wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Garavnoss wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:I take it you are a woman-hater. Love the company of men. Men of action. Hmm.

On the contrary....any man who does not appreciate the fact that a woman [in her correct role] is of more a fool.

And would you, being a man and not a "fool", please point out to me what is that "correct role" for women?

I will, in the course of time explain what I consider the correct role of a woman should be, it is not an easy subject to broach in a few words and [to a westernized woman] the introduction to the subject might be received by many members of the female gender as an attack on their person.

Such is absolutely NOT the intention.

Rather, I would prefer to approach the subject from an opposite direction and deal with the issues which may highlight those principles which are NOT the acceptable role of a woman.

May I begin with one particular aspect ?, it has become increasingly prevalent in society's where Western habits have been adopted by the female gender that the foremost attribute they wish to endow upon themselves is..."How do I look ?", it should be of more importance to them to reflect upon the issue of "How do I cook ?" and THAT will probably be received as some kind of insult which is why I mentioned the probability initially.

Is there any basis for some agreement thus far ?, I note that you are an intelligent woman and would appreciate a candid reply.

Shut the fuck up you stupid moron !
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Re: In Praise of IS.

Postby Tim Drayton » Sat Jun 27, 2015 10:30 am

I notice that you studiously avoid commenting on whether you find it OK to give sex slaves as prizes in competitions. I find this to be repugnant and find it hard to believe that any sane, civilised person would not share this view.
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Re: In Praise of IS.

Postby Tim Drayton » Sat Jun 27, 2015 10:53 am

DAESH is not about 'restoring harmony to humanity'. It is an apocalyptic death cult. Their ultimate aim is to bring about the final battle spoken of in a hadith (a collection of stories about the life and times of the early Muslims that form the basis of Sharia law but are completely riddled with contradictions and nonsense, such that any system of law based on them is unworkable) which they believe will usher in the apocalypse: ... -end-days#
“The Last Hour would not come until the Romans would land at al-A’maq or in Dabiq.”

Given that God is a delusion and there will be no apocalypse, and the above prophesy has no objective basis at all, DAESH is ultimately promoting futility and, sadly, a lot of people are suffering because of it.
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Re: In Praise of IS.

Postby Tim Drayton » Sat Jun 27, 2015 10:59 am

True belief in the justice of their cause. Yes, that's what I have. I have total belief in the advances made by Western civilisation as it passed from the Renaissance through the Reformation and the Enlightenment, and will continue to flourish. It threw the blind dogma of believing in that which does not exist in the bin, and replaced it with human reason. Look at the results in terms of the unprecedented advances made in science and technology. Please name one important scientific discovery or invention made in the past 500 years in a country where people are imprisoned in the ignorance and backwardness of dogmatic religious belief.
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Re: In Praise of IS.

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sat Jun 27, 2015 11:00 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Garavnoss wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:I take it you are a woman-hater. Love the company of men. Men of action. Hmm.

On the contrary....any man who does not appreciate the fact that a woman [in her correct role] is of more a fool.

And would you, being a man and not a "fool", please point out to me what is that "correct role" for women?

The correct role of a woman is (AMONG OTHERS) to provide emotional stability to her children. To make them strong characters, while also keeping them emotionally rich.The correct role of the father is to set the limits, so that the children won't get out of the way.

When my children were young I was so sad to collect them from the kindergarden -say concentration camp/say army camp for children, where they were dropped from 7 o' clock in the morning. Luckily I could pick up my own soon after noon. Once a week though both me and my wife were off from work late in the evening. There were children there terribly tired, in a place so crowdy and uneasy, that almost made me cry.
I was telling myself "what are those children going to become when they grow old??" Luckily my own children were not abandoned there all day, but the majority of the rest were there from early morning to evening. Sad.... extremely sad.

The I had to compare my own raising up when my mother abandoned her work after having children. Was it better or was it worse?
I have to admit it was neither. Placing the pros and cons on a scale unfortunately it was the same shit.

We don't need IS to tell us the role of the mother_and_father. We know what it is. It's upto the individual parents to do their best. Locking women at home is not the answer. Reverting to the Middle ages is not the answer. Barbarism of IS is not the answer.
Last edited by Pyrpolizer on Sat Jun 27, 2015 11:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: In Praise of IS.

Postby Tim Drayton » Sat Jun 27, 2015 11:06 am

At least 38 innocent people have been slaughtered in Tunisia and DAESH is claiming responsibility. And you have the audacity to start this thread now? Show some respect.
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Re: In Praise of IS.

Postby miltiades » Sat Jun 27, 2015 11:20 am

Tim Drayton wrote:At least 38 innocent people have been slaughtered in Tunisia and DAESH is claiming responsibility. And you have the audacity to start this thread now? Show some respect.

Tim, you must agree that this complete and utter idiot deserves the descriptive words that I use to describe him. He is a psychopath and a bloody menace to the civilized world.
His admiration for these barbaric savages is sick, nauseating and thouroughly disgusting.
He should piss off to Syria and join these savages.
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Re: In Praise of IS.

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sat Jun 27, 2015 11:22 am

Every time I see you Garavnos posting praising IS you remind me of this:
The picture of a coward slaughtering another human for no reason.


I see now you changed your picture from what would perhaps indicate a westerner to the core to a stupid monkey.
No, that's not suitable for you either.

Just throw away the veil and use a picture that describes you accurately while not making the rest of us puke.
I was about to suggest you this, but i changed my mind


This would do though, we need some laughter after all..

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Re: In Praise of IS.

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sat Jun 27, 2015 11:27 am

miltiades wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:At least 38 innocent people have been slaughtered in Tunisia and DAESH is claiming responsibility. And you have the audacity to start this thread now? Show some respect.

Tim, you must agree that this complete and utter idiot deserves the descriptive words that I use to describe him. He is a psychopath and a bloody menace to the civilized world.
His admiration for these barbaric savages is sick, nauseating and thouroughly disgusting.
He should piss off to Syria and join these savages.

Everybody deserves the right to think wrong.
Nobody deserves the right to ACT wrong, and this includes IS, Garavnos, and you.
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Re: In Praise of IS.

Postby Tim Drayton » Sat Jun 27, 2015 11:40 am


No, thank you. Not the life I aspire to. If a handful of brainwashed lunatics think that the answer to all of humanity’s ills is to go back and live just as the first Muslims did, primitive people living in the desert in the dark ages, that’s fine. All they have to do is to find some uninhabited, desolate place and live out their dreams. Instead, DAESH forces these delusions on the entire population of the places they occupy.

An interesting side note from the above article (listing the punishments inflicted by the DAESH bandits for what their warped minds perceive to be offences):
“Using the word “Daesh”, the Arabic acronym for Isis, is forbidden and the punishment is 70 lashes”

For some inexplicable reason DASEH do not like to be referred to as such. All the more reason to do so.
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