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TCypriots see Turk settlers as biggest obstacle to Cyprus

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TCypriots see Turk settlers as biggest obstacle to Cyprus

Postby Oceanside50 » Thu Jun 25, 2015 9:07 pm ... 648-69.htm

Many settlers live illegally in houses abandoned by Greek Cypriot refugees that were forced to flee during the 1974 Turkish invasion.

..and where do Turk Cypriots live?
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Re: TCypriots see Turk settlers as biggest obstacle to Cypru

Postby Lordo » Thu Jun 25, 2015 10:29 pm

similar places gc live dear ocean. where else was 60,000 tcs could go to live in after they were rounded up by the gc national guard put into concentration camps and forced to move north.

act your age, you are talking like a 7 year old who has not passed his kindergarten exams and did not make it to primary school.
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Re: TCypriots see Turk settlers as biggest obstacle to Cypru

Postby Nikitas » Sat Jun 27, 2015 12:32 am

"forced to move north"

I recall them getting voluntarily on buses, in Akrotiri, to be bused north. The last thing the GCs wanted back then was to participate in a population exchange.
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Re: TCypriots see Turk settlers as biggest obstacle to Cypru

Postby Get Real! » Sat Jun 27, 2015 5:50 am

You’re wasting your time with the lying fool Nikitas.

It’s well known that Denktash’s orders from Ankara were to “encourage” them to move north one way or another; and not excluding false flags, to facilitate partition.

Give it up Lordo, you’re just making a total dick of yourself.
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Re: TCypriots see Turk settlers as biggest obstacle to Cypru

Postby Lordo » Sat Jun 27, 2015 11:47 am

and there were no tcs held concentration camps in limasol and larnaca? are you people for real. do you have any memory of what happened. what a bunch of tossers you gcs are furquin hell. a person makes dick of himself when he does not know his own history. learn it assholes and learn it furquin well.

ankara did more than that. the terks warned you that if you go on a killing spree and kill all the tcs you have in your concentration camps, you will pay for it in blood. which is what saved the tcs in your concentration camps. assholes.
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Re: TCypriots see Turk settlers as biggest obstacle to Cypru

Postby Sotos » Sat Jun 27, 2015 12:24 pm

Lordo wrote:and there were no tcs held concentration camps in limasol and larnaca? are you people for real. do you have any memory of what happened. what a bunch of tossers you gcs are furquin hell. a person makes dick of himself when he does not know his own history. learn it assholes and learn it furquin well.

ankara did more than that. the terks warned you that if you go on a killing spree and kill all the tcs you have in your concentration camps, you will pay for it in blood. which is what saved the tcs in your concentration camps. assholes.

You are the one who doesn't know the history... but you are excused because you are a foreigner. I hope you at least know the history of your own homeland of Mongolia. If you knew the history of Cyprus you would know that the foreign Ottoman Turks invaded our island in 1571 killing 20.000 people in Nicosia and 10s of thousands more elsewhere and then went on to oppress the native Cypriot people for three more centuries during which time they killed 1000s more of native Cypriots and they imported their own foreign settlers on our island. As far as partition goes that was the aim of the Turks from the 1950s and since then they are doing everything they can to achieve it. The ethnic cleansing and the partition has been the Turkish dream since the 50s, so own up to your own barbaric crimes. Whats next? Blame the native Cypriots for the Ottoman Turkish invasion of 1571? :roll: Is it so hard for you to admit that the Turks are the cancer of Cyprus and they had been murdering native Cypriots and stealing our lands for centuries? I guess it is hard .. because then you would have to admit that you are a piece of shit... so you make up your own history and ignore the real one! Like you do with the Armenian genocide... where you made up the "history" that 1.5 millions Armenians just died by falling of the pavement (or a similarly stupid excuse) instead of admitting the you committed a genocide against the native Armenian people so that you Mongolic invaders from Central Asia could steal their lands, like you stole ours.
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Re: TCypriots see Turk settlers as biggest obstacle to Cypru

Postby Lordo » Sat Jun 27, 2015 1:15 pm

sotos how many times have i got to tell you take your head out of your arse and stop licking your balls.
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Re: TCypriots see Turk settlers as biggest obstacle to Cypru

Postby Jerry » Sat Jun 27, 2015 1:43 pm

Sotos wrote:
Lordo wrote:and there were no tcs held concentration camps in limasol and larnaca? are you people for real. do you have any memory of what happened. what a bunch of tossers you gcs are furquin hell. a person makes dick of himself when he does not know his own history. learn it assholes and learn it furquin well.

ankara did more than that. the terks warned you that if you go on a killing spree and kill all the tcs you have in your concentration camps, you will pay for it in blood. which is what saved the tcs in your concentration camps. assholes.

You are the one who doesn't know the history... but you are excused because you are a foreigner. I hope you at least know the history of your own homeland of Mongolia. If you knew the history of Cyprus you would know that the foreign Ottoman Turks invaded our island in 1571 killing 20.000 people in Nicosia and 10s of thousands more elsewhere and then went on to oppress the native Cypriot people for three more centuries during which time they killed 1000s more of native Cypriots and they imported their own foreign settlers on our island. As far as partition goes that was the aim of the Turks from the 1950s and since then they are doing everything they can to achieve it. The ethnic cleansing and the partition has been the Turkish dream since the 50s, so own up to your own barbaric crimes. Whats next? Blame the native Cypriots for the Ottoman Turkish invasion of 1571? :roll: Is it so hard for you to admit that the Turks are the cancer of Cyprus and they had been murdering native Cypriots and stealing our lands for centuries? I guess it is hard .. because then you would have to admit that you are a piece of shit... so you make up your own history and ignore the real one! Like you do with the Armenian genocide... where you made up the "history" that 1.5 millions Armenians just died by falling of the pavement (or a similarly stupid excuse) instead of admitting the you committed a genocide against the native Armenian people so that you Mongolic invaders from Central Asia could steal their lands, like you stole ours.

You are a real arse sometimes Sotos. Lordo isn't my favourite Cypriot but if he was born in Cyprus and his forbears were born here too then he cannot be a foreigner. It's nationalist c..ts like you who perpetuate the Cyprus problem. Yes, most of the island's problems were caused by Turkey, I agree but to deny the likes of Lordo his Cypriot roots clearly demonstrates your ignorance since it's quite possible you share the same DNA.
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Re: TCypriots see Turk settlers as biggest obstacle to Cypru

Postby Maximus » Sat Jun 27, 2015 2:12 pm

Dont buy his crap. He wants to be Cypriot and separate and keep importing Turkish manure to fertilize and transform his Cypriot roots.
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Re: TCypriots see Turk settlers as biggest obstacle to Cypru

Postby Sotos » Sat Jun 27, 2015 2:26 pm

Jerry wrote:
Sotos wrote:
Lordo wrote:and there were no tcs held concentration camps in limasol and larnaca? are you people for real. do you have any memory of what happened. what a bunch of tossers you gcs are furquin hell. a person makes dick of himself when he does not know his own history. learn it assholes and learn it furquin well.

ankara did more than that. the terks warned you that if you go on a killing spree and kill all the tcs you have in your concentration camps, you will pay for it in blood. which is what saved the tcs in your concentration camps. assholes.

You are the one who doesn't know the history... but you are excused because you are a foreigner. I hope you at least know the history of your own homeland of Mongolia. If you knew the history of Cyprus you would know that the foreign Ottoman Turks invaded our island in 1571 killing 20.000 people in Nicosia and 10s of thousands more elsewhere and then went on to oppress the native Cypriot people for three more centuries during which time they killed 1000s more of native Cypriots and they imported their own foreign settlers on our island. As far as partition goes that was the aim of the Turks from the 1950s and since then they are doing everything they can to achieve it. The ethnic cleansing and the partition has been the Turkish dream since the 50s, so own up to your own barbaric crimes. Whats next? Blame the native Cypriots for the Ottoman Turkish invasion of 1571? :roll: Is it so hard for you to admit that the Turks are the cancer of Cyprus and they had been murdering native Cypriots and stealing our lands for centuries? I guess it is hard .. because then you would have to admit that you are a piece of shit... so you make up your own history and ignore the real one! Like you do with the Armenian genocide... where you made up the "history" that 1.5 millions Armenians just died by falling of the pavement (or a similarly stupid excuse) instead of admitting the you committed a genocide against the native Armenian people so that you Mongolic invaders from Central Asia could steal their lands, like you stole ours.

You are a real arse sometimes Sotos. Lordo isn't my favourite Cypriot but if he was born in Cyprus and his forbears were born here too then he cannot be a foreigner. It's nationalist c..ts like you who perpetuate the Cyprus problem. Yes, most of the island's problems were caused by Turkey, I agree but to deny the likes of Lordo his Cypriot roots clearly demonstrates your ignorance since it's quite possible you share the same DNA.

Would you say the same for the more recent Turkish Settlers? A settler that came in 1974 could have children and grandchildren in Cyprus already. So what? Isn't the fact that the Turks keep invading us and keep bringing their Settlers on our island and giving to them our lands the problem in the Cyprus Problem? If the first wave of foreign Turkish Settlers had acknowledged the mistake of their side and accepted freedom and democracy for Cyprus then I would have no problem with them today. But they remain hostile to the native population and an extension of Turkey in Cyprus. They are the excuse that Turkey uses to bring even more of its foreign Settlers on our island. So to me there is no difference between the different waves of foreign Turkish Settlers because they were all bought to our island for the same purpose... to expand the Turkish control over our lands. If you distinguish the waves of Turkish Settlers based on how much time they occupied our lands then sooner or later you will also have to accept ALL the Settlers that Turkey brings to our island using the same reasoning.
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