A group of 27 holidaymakers from Dundee...
... were all pissed!

(Sun getting to everyone. Don'cha just love stereotypes?)
A group of 27 holidaymakers from Dundee...
"They made friends on holiday. It's just beyond belief. We're absolutely horrified and just can't believe what's happened."
Holiday hell: Gang dressed as waiters try to snatch children from Cyprus resort packed with Scots holidaymakers
Cap wrote:Oh my gawd, the British media is almost as pathetic as ours.
Check out this Scottish headlineHoliday hell: Gang dressed as waiters try to snatch children from Cyprus resort packed with Scots holidaymakers
"Salmonella found in breakfast served in major London hotels"
According to undisclosed sources, a major luncheon meat supplier to top hotels in London was found to…
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