"you should be able to walk across the line anywhere any time you like. there will be no crossing points."
You are dreaming. There will be clear demarcation lines, and strict rules about jurisdiction of state agencies, like the police, municipal workers and the like,a and above all tax inspectors. The regions will guard their areas more zealously than nation states with international frontiers.
Back to the original post. Who pays for this scheme with its nature reserves and eco friendly cycle ways and radical reorganization of the beach front? While they tout the input from the public there is little provision, like an open forum, for views to be expressed.
The idea is interesting but it is put forth with no consultation with the onwers who obviously will have a lot to say about plans that take away their property, eco or no eco friendly.
Re spraying for mosquitoes. In a nature reserve you let nature take its course, you do not use insecticides. The people living in the adjoining areas might have a different opinion about this.