Jerry wrote:Lordo wrote:Nikitas wrote:Let's see what TCs say- here is a view by a TC journalist speaking to the Guardian yesterday:
"There is a sense that Turkey came and helped us in 1974, since then she wants us to keep paying for it. What we want to regain is our dignity" Esra Aigin.
I understand what she means, and guess that many if not most TCs wanted the same thing all along and resent being treated like an immature outpost of Turkey. The irony is that in this imbroglio the only player who sees things the same way is Greece. Not Turkey, not the GCs not even the British. Funny how things turn out sometimes!
in your dreams. leave the odd rouge journalist and what they say and listen to the real tcs, guarantee stays. you do believe in democracy dont you. it is a bloody greek word ffs.
Democracy and sovereignty go hand in hand. Cyprus has never had true sovereignty because of the guarantees and therefore no real democracy.
let me be direct if i can, we will never have what you call real democracy because you lot are arseholes. bbf with guarantees is the nearest you will get to it for now.