GreekIslandGirl wrote:Lordo wrote:miltiades wrote:Lordo wrote:GreekIslandGirl wrote:There is a popular but inaccurate narrative that presents Alexander the Great as a rapacious conqueror. But the contextual facts of the time suggest there was a need to secure Greece from attacks and build a buffer of allies and not enemies around Greece so that invasions were less likely. Stability was the game. That was why Alexander turned East - that was were the enemy at the time (and now ?) was to be found. No major enemies in the West, then...
Indeed, Greeks had in fact turned West also and did much good as far as Britain, France and Italy were concerned - seeing much from early Greek explorations.
How much worse the enemies from the East would have been today without Alexander's early spread of learning?
10,000 gazans and 80,000 indians killed. these numbers compared to todays population would be 3.5 million. rapacious my left foot genocidal.
By the same idiotic reckoning the 6 million Jews of the 2nd WW would amount to 150 million, with ...inflation that is!!
Have you always been this stupid?
has the world population gone up by 2500 percent since ww2. get your medication checked old man those blue tablets you are taking are not for your dementia and are making your brain turn to mush.
talking of mush
mush mush mush.
Hey, mush-mush, have you found that holiday video evidence of Alexander and his mates killing all those people 2,500 years ago? His selfie next to a beheaded woman would support your claims nicely? No?
And never mind inflating figures to index-link to today's population (since there were no body- counters keeping such records back 2,500 years ago) - have you done the sums for the recent genocided bodies that we do have numbers for? Those 2 Million Greeks and Armenians Turkey killed during its birth as a terrorist nation only 100 years ago?
Hmm .... I make that 30 Million Greeks and Armenians genocided by Turkey in little over a few months ...
The Byzantines deleted all public records including his Facebook and Twitter account!