Re: IS v US
Postby Garavnoss » Sat Jun 27, 2015 5:42 pm
Latest information from the front line:- IS are preparing the terms of surrender by the US, it is not yet clear how many trillions of dollars the Yanks will pay in order to save face but the sum is likely to dwarf any of the other payments made in the past to other anti-US forces.
The above is worthy of resurrection since the signs are that "Deals" will be struck soon.
The IS are not quite the "Sitting Ducks" the Yanks thought they were engaging and the prospect of them committing ground forces is understandably one which they would like to avoid for as long as possible.
The "Hornets" are still "A-Buzzing" and far too many of the enemies of IS have had their arses stung in retaliation to the cowardly bombing raids of the "Lilly Livered" forces of the mighty Western military forces [and the Aussies
It would appear [judging from close scrutiny} that "Bombing Raids" only serve to further antagonize the forces of IS and the suggestion that "Ground Offensives" might be effective are more easily talked about than put into practise for obvious reasons.
The "American Dollar" might be called upon to calm the situation down for a while, whilst there may even be discussions about how the formation of a "Caliphate" [in a selected region] might not be such a bad idea after all.