Garavnoss wrote:Whilst everyone is throwing their hands up in horror at the prospect of seeing the relics of the past destroyed, it might be a good idea to reflect upon the fact that these great works of [so called] ART are in fact representative of the great sufferings imposed upon the poor bastards who were forced to build them at the behest of those that ruled over them.
Slave labour was commonplace in the glory days of early civilisation and most of those who built these mighty monuments to their imposed cultures [and harsh rulers] were obliged to devote their entire lives engaged in their construction.
The END PRODUCT of their efforts [Today's Society] is testament to the fact that the idea of glorifying earthly deity's did not produce a fair and sustainable standard of existence for the populations of whichever culture followed the same ARTISTIC route, nor did the example it was supposed to set, prove to be a sound one for, had it done so, WE would not be in the predicament we are now in.
The destruction of these monuments [and relics] is seen as a great loss to WE who live in our comfortable cocoons and may consider ourselves privileged in that we may visit them in order to admire the cultures [long gone] which produced them, however, to a member of IS, they epitomise everything that is wrong with today's society and the destruction of the humble homes of those who are now engaged in battles for survival midst the turmoil they are forced to live in, is a far greater loss to THEM, for they seek only to create THEIR society and [in the process] bring about the total destruction of those reminders of the past which weigh upon us ALL to these current days ....Civilisation [as WE view it].
Good luck to IS, they are doing no less than the US is doing [destruction of a humble home is as great an evil as the destruction of an ancient monument] it's just that they are on the other side of the same coin, it's a coin that is spinning in the air at the moment and when it comes to rest on the ground, we may ALL be a little wiser than our ancestors.
In the eyes of the Almighty, the humble HOME is of greater value than the palatial one, perhaps WE may soon come to realise it.
Insha Allah.
Surely this is an argument for maintaining these monuments and relics for future generations so that people can remember the slaves who were forced to build them. If you are opposed to slave labour, I trust you are aware that DAESH practices slavery and has even put Yazidi children on sale in market places with price tags on them.