Cypriots are racists and what is more they also fall in the other category called WHITE SUPREMACY.
Slightly different from racism, I believe Cypriots fall into that category as well and probably many that aren't racist do too.
People in our forum, older and younger are all people who care other more and others less about Cyprus and its future. And I believe in a forum you can find brilliant people who - because they are interested in reading other people's thoughts and writing their own hoping for a change - are a bit more civilized, if it's the right word. Profound. Less cynical. I want to know your opinion and if you think you are racists yourselves.
I, myself do NOT think I am racist - except from the hatred Cypriot education developed in my heart for Turks. So, maybe you could call me a racist.
I admit, I hear Turkey and darken inside, I see their flag and feel 'That is the enemy', did not yet get over that. I am brainwashed indeed.
So, If asked I say I am not a racist BUT..

However, what I am for sure is a part of White Supremacy which is something I try to subside over the last few years and I am succeeding.
Despite that I may not like Indian culture the way I love Spanish culture, it doesn't mean they are less of people.
I have met some respectable Indian people here in UK - which is full of them.
One of my very good friends calls all brown people Pakistanous, just because she things everyone with that colour is on the same level and should fall in the same category for our own convenience... Because they are all Aloutoi, Mannoi, Kleftes and so on...
People that, yes they are very different from us, but very similar as well..
(You see, humans forget that we have more things in common than our differences)
Us (Cypriots) looking down on many other cultures just because they are different and we are the CIVILIZED (kai kala) ones. The CLEAN ones. Because they smell or do not bath or whatever stories and ASSUMPTIONS we grow our own fictions on how these people are as a nation. People who, in other countries that we would "bend over" to those today like UK, have management positions. All races that we bring over to do"the dirty jobs" for us so that we would pay less labour costs instead of giving jobs to other Cypriots. But no, the Cypriot would not clean windows or look after an old lady. Why do we treat them like slaves? Not like.. Why do we treat them AS Slaves?