So, let's have our very own HOT TC CHICK thread. You can post any bueatiful TC girl, in bikinis, in lingerie or in not very much at all! I will start!

No photos of sheep allowed please. OK Lordo?

Lordo wrote:you bastards are disgusting. sick in the head stupid idiots.
miltiades wrote:Imagine if all women the world over were as ...gorgeous as this lot
tsukoui wrote:miltiades wrote:Imagine if all women the world over were as ...gorgeous as this lot
Funny how chauvinists like you, when they criticize the burka, claim to be defending women's liberation, when all they want is a perv
Paphitis wrote:tsukoui wrote:miltiades wrote:Imagine if all women the world over were as ...gorgeous as this lot
Funny how chauvinists like you, when they criticize the burka, claim to be defending women's liberation, when all they want is a perv
There is another side of the coin.
Many people believe (and they are not wrong) that the Burkha is a symbol of repression and inequality against women. It is far too Medieval for this day and age. I am sure most women agree.
But you are correct. It would seem to be a big shame for an attractive young woman to be forced into covering themselves up like this from head to toe and with only a slit to look through. It's not chauvinistic to admire really attractive women. It would be quite flattering I should imagine and the body of a woman realy is bueatiful but not just the body, but the facial features, hair and eyes. Eyes are the mirror to the soul for both men and women. They too like looking at men, it's just they are not as open about it as men are. And it doesn't bother me. Why should it?
Everyone just be happy!
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