(Greek migration minister Ioannis) Mouzalas said that the Greek border is “perfectly protected” and stressed that threatening to suspend his country from the Schengen area was “absolutely senseless,”
This then would be a threat that GiG claims does not exist and that I made up as a lie.
Athens rejected the (EU Commission) criticism, saying that the Schengen Evaluation visits were conducted at a time when the situation differed greatly from the current one
This would be the criticism that GiG claims does not exist and that I made up as a lie.
Best then dismiss well know greek hating news outlet (Russia Today) entirely I guess. What other option is there (if you are a raving fanatic of the likes of GiG that is).
Some more news outlets to add to the list of lying Greek hating organisations.
Financial Times http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/6b4bd41e ... z3yern0TPB
Threat of Schengen expulsion a new EU humiliation for Greeks
The Telegraph http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldne ... ended.html
Greece given three months to fix border or Schengen is suspended
Greekreporter.com http://greece.greekreporter.com/2016/01 ... -possible/
Migration Deputy Admits Greece’s Expulsion from Schengen Zone Is Possible
and on and on and on - all in response to criticism from the EU Commission that GiG claims never happend and threats from them that never existed.