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Cyprus' Sister Island - Greek Heroics on Rhodes

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Re: Cyprus' Sister Island - Greek Heroics on Rhodes

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun May 15, 2016 11:57 am

You're defencing a body-building mugger that stealthily attacked a defenseless pensioner going about his daily business.

The pensioner was left bleeding and dying because of the force from the hammer the mugger used to strike the pensioner.

Your defence is that the pensioner 'was deficient' and should have been better prepared, perhaps had a thicker skull to thwart the hammer-blow. A brick wall for a head. Eyes behind his head to see it coming.

Unfortunately, the pensioner had none of these and you find him guilty of being 'deficient'.

You defend the hammer-wielding mugger (aka Turkey) very well ....
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Re: Cyprus' Sister Island - Greek Heroics on Rhodes

Postby erolz66 » Sun May 15, 2016 12:15 pm

You write the nonsense above having previously accused me of paraphrasing you incorrectly.

I am defending truth and reality over denial and distortion. Nothing more and nothing less.

I have said nothing about if I think Greece is or has been deficient. I have stated the truth that the EU concluded that Greece was seriously neglecting it's obligations with regards to management of external boarders. I have defended that truth against your months of systematic distortion aimed at trying to deny this reality because you do not like it.
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Re: Cyprus' Sister Island - Greek Heroics on Rhodes

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun May 15, 2016 1:37 pm

erolz66 wrote:I am defending truth

You started off with a lie. You tried to defend the lie by throwing media headlines to support it (easy to do). The rest has been a big cover-up to bolster the lie. Keep repeating the lie and you hope one day people will think it's the truth - or, it might become a self-fulfilling prophecy (your sick wish, no doubt).

- Your diversionary tactics to cover-up Turkey's vile actions both in Cyprus and now in Greece is disgusting!
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Re: Cyprus' Sister Island - Greek Heroics on Rhodes

Postby erolz66 » Sun May 15, 2016 3:05 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
erolz66 wrote:I am defending truth

You started off with a lie. You tried to defend the lie by throwing media headlines to support it (easy to do). The rest has been a big cover-up to bolster the lie. Keep repeating the lie and you hope one day people will think it's the truth - or, it might become a self-fulfilling prophecy (your sick wish, no doubt).

- Your diversionary tactics to cover-up Turkey's vile actions both in Cyprus and now in Greece is disgusting!

The truth and reality is there for all to see but as ever this means nothing to you. It never did, it does not and almost certainly never will.

The EU said that the evaluation report on Greece concluded that Greece was seriously neglecting its obligations. You have spent 4 months trying to claim they did not say this - a blatant denial of reality and you are still doing so. This is what you do. This is what you always do.

You claimed it was not the Eu who said this , when it was. You claimed it was just a 'discussion site' that had said then when it was not. You claimed that the report that concluded this was an entirely different report and tried to use that as evidence that the report that concluded this did not conclude this. You claimed that the report that would be used to make decisions was not the evaluation report on Greece, even after the EU Council made implementing decisions based on the conclusions of the evaluation report on Greece and explicitly said this. You claimed the deficiencies identified were with Frontex, despite the fact that they were detailed and listed and published and were clearly NOT to do with Frontex. You You claimed the deficiencies were IN Greece but not BY and OF Greece, despite the EU repeatedly explicitly saying the opposite. You claimed other EU countries and Frontex, not Greece were responsible for the deficiencies despite the EU explicitly saying that primary responsibility was that of Greece.

You have spent 4 months blatantly trying to deny reality, over and over and over again, all whilst accusing those who challenge you for doing so of being liars, regardless of and despite the overwhelming undeniable evidence presented to you. This is what you do, it is what you have always done here.
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Re: Cyprus' Sister Island - Greek Heroics on Rhodes

Postby Robin Hood » Sun May 15, 2016 4:07 pm

However, if you delve a little deeper to answer his final clause, that's because Frontex had an out-clause on responsibility - now to be corrected. And all your rants will be seen for what they are - nothing more/less than racist.

If you were to look a little deeper into this you would see that what you think the wording should be or was, and who you think was responsible ..... is totally irrelevant! To bring ‘racism’ into the argument is also not justified. You read it wrong or did not understand what you were reading.

However unfair it was to accuse the Greeks of being responsible ..... they were, that is a fact in Law. The Government signed the contract with this Fortrex and they failed to do what they promised. But the Government is ultimately responsible as Fortrex in this instance was being employed as a contractor by the Greek Government. Guilty .... as charged .... full stop!

Now that may be grossly unfair but that is not the argument. I have agreed with your sentiments that it was unfair, because if you really look into what the Troika have done to Greece is little short of economic rape! To understand why, you need to know something about money and the financial/banking system. Understand that and the crimes committed by the Troika are all too evident.

Maybe you have read the previous links and will understand this ..... but I somehow doubt it ..... few people will and mainly because they are not interested but it was lack of knowledge that got the Greeks into this mess in the first place.

(BTW: A lawyer called Daly was taken to court for failing to pay his mortgage ..... he used this as an argument in his defence. The Judge agreed, the Mortgage was deemed null and void and the Minesota Bank lost the case. They appealed the next day to the Supreme court and although the judgement was not overthrown, the Supreme Court said the Judge did not have the authority to cancel the mortgage. So, in Law the judgement was correct and still is today.)
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Re: Cyprus' Sister Island - Greek Heroics on Rhodes

Postby Paphitis » Sun May 15, 2016 4:20 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
erolz66 wrote:I am defending truth

You started off with a lie. You tried to defend the lie by throwing media headlines to support it (easy to do). The rest has been a big cover-up to bolster the lie. Keep repeating the lie and you hope one day people will think it's the truth - or, it might become a self-fulfilling prophecy (your sick wish, no doubt).

- Your diversionary tactics to cover-up Turkey's vile actions both in Cyprus and now in Greece is disgusting!

You should avoid the trolling attempt on this page about the Banks and getting raped.

Every topic is being changed to the Banking System for whatever that has to do with the migration issues from Syria and the illegal economic refugees from elsewhere.

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Re: Cyprus' Sister Island - Greek Heroics on Rhodes

Postby Robin Hood » Sun May 15, 2016 4:59 pm

You should avoid the trolling attempt on this page about the Banks and getting raped.

Every topic is being changed to the Banking System for whatever that has to do with the migration issues from Syria and the illegal economic refugees from elsewhere.


You mean in the same way you turn a thread on the Eurovision Song Contest into a rant about 'Pootin' and the superiority of the Australians and the US above all others'?

It is people like you who think they know what it is all about, that have got many countries, including Greece, into trouble. Greece is in trouble because know-all's like you, with a very arrogant self opinion, failed to back the one man who could have sorted it out .... Varoufakis, Tsypras just sold his country out to the Troika and the Greek people are paying for it.

You really should refrain from commenting on things you know nothing about ..... even those people you think are going to support your very hollow ill-informed opinions, fail to back you when push-comes-to-shove. I wonder why? :roll:

BTW: This thread is about Greece not Syria and the economics of events there is very significant, you are just too dumb to understand that and too lazy to find out why. Solve the economics and you solve the problem! :roll:
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Re: Cyprus' Sister Island - Greek Heroics on Rhodes

Postby Paphitis » Sun May 15, 2016 5:06 pm

Sorry Robin Hood, but the game is up for you on this forum.

I never said anything about the superiority of anyone in Eurovision just made my subjective comments that the Australian song was clearly the better song on the night. Last year's song I didn't like that much. Either way Eurovision is not a serious thing but yes, I was happy that Ukraine won this year. Every little bit counts for this battered country as it does for Cyprus too, which is itself suffering an illegal occupation and invasion like Ukraine.

You have a history of changing every subject to your pet subject of Banking. Well no one is going to be taking your bait anymore.

You would change a topic from the Cyprus Problem/invasion to a problem of Banking.

Nice try, but it will not work here.

This is not an economics problem or a Banking issue. The Greek Military is one of the strongest forces on the planet and is more than capable of securing its borders without outside interference. Greece will not be dictated to, or ridiculed.

They had to face an influx on an unprecedented scale.

And there is nothing Varoufakis could have done either.

What is on show for everyone to see is Europe's lack of support for Greece. They were hung out to dry and even excluded by the Austrians from important meetings where all countries agreed to close their borders leaving Greece all alone to deal with the issue.

The only organisation that has offered serious help to Greece has been NATO. Many countries have sent naval ships to help Greece out.
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Re: Cyprus' Sister Island - Greek Heroics on Rhodes

Postby erolz66 » Sun May 15, 2016 7:09 pm

Paphitis wrote:What is on show for everyone to see is Europe's lack of support for Greece.

The only organisation that has offered serious help to Greece has been NATO. Many countries have sent naval ships to help Greece out. ... ece_en.pdf

This is direct EU funding to Greece to help deal with the migration crisis. There has also been donation of 'goods' to help Greece deal with migration crisis ... ort_en.pdf

Then there is the 3 billion deal with Turkey which the EU is paying for that principally seeks to reduce the pressure on Greece, the EU funded federal bodies like Frontex and others.

Then as well as this 'EU' help and assistance you have UNHCR. UNICEF, Red Cross, International Rescue Committee, Danish Refugee Council, Medicens du Monde, Save the Children and Arbiter-Samariter-Bund all as 'offical' humanitarian aid partners working in Greece to help them deal with the migration crisis. Then you have the individuals, both Greek and non Greek doing what they can to help.

This is before you add in any non EU financial or other aid from other countries around the world to Greece.
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Re: Cyprus' Sister Island - Greek Heroics on Rhodes

Postby Robin Hood » Sun May 15, 2016 8:22 pm

I never said anything about the superiority of anyone in Eurovision just made my subjective comments that the Australian song was clearly the better song on the night.

But it clearly wasn’t ...... it came second!
Every little bit counts for this battered country as it does for Cyprus too, which is itself suffering an illegal occupation and invasion like Ukraine.

Cyprus thrived after the illegal occupation and Ukraine has not been invaded! So when did the rot start in Cyprus? After they joined the EU, and then the Euro just made it even worse. They gave up their economic independence by ditching the Cyprus Pound ...... because they were convinced it would make them real Europeans and rich, like the Germans. Deluded or what?
You have a history of changing every subject to your pet subject of Banking. Well no one is going to be taking your bait anymore.

Because it is economics that has the greatest affect on the World we live in and yet is the one subject most people know the virtually nothing about. You being a classic example of ignorance on the subject. I will let other members decide whether it is of interest or significance ..... I doubt they would take direction from you any way.
You would change a topic from the Cyprus Problem/invasion to a problem of Banking.

Not really ..... The Cyprus Problem that is pure politics not economics.
This is not an economics problem or a Banking issue. The Greek Military is one of the strongest forces on the planet and is more than capable of securing its borders without outside interference. Greece will not be dictated to, or ridiculed

What a ludicrous comment! One of the strongest forces on the Planet you say...... I think you need a dose of reality ...... the Turks would out gun them in any conflict and, in spite of their bravery and determination .... they would lose without a lot of support and they are sensible enough to know it.
They had to face an influx on an unprecedented scale.

Agreed ..... and at just the point where their economy was in the terminal stages of decline .... and why was that?
And there is nothing Varoufakis could have done either.

Varoufakis could have made a big difference because he understands economics as opposed to being a Banker who only understands numbers and book keeping! That is why Le Garde disliked him ..... because he was a lot smarter than she was/is .... he understood the origin of the numbers, La Garde only knows how to manipulate them.
What is on show for everyone to see is Europe's lack of support for Greece. They were hung out to dry and even excluded by the Austrians from important meetings where all countries agreed to close their borders leaving Greece all alone to deal with the issue.

Agreed. Maybe not quite as simple as that but on the right lines.
The only organisation that has offered serious help to Greece has been NATO. Many countries have sent naval ships to help Greece out.

How much have NATO spent €90m? ...... and have made no difference, they are still crossing in their droves! The smugglers outsmarted NATO and changed tactics. They swapped wooden boats for cheap dinghies, with just enough fuel to get them outside Libyan territorial limits, for NATO to pick the lucky ones up and take them to Europe. :roll:
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