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Cyprus' Sister Island - Greek Heroics on Rhodes

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Re: Cyprus' Sister Island - Greek Heroics on Rhodes

Postby erolz66 » Fri Feb 26, 2016 6:38 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:You're a broken record.

No you are a broken record. It was you who chose to reactivate this thread, not me.

GreekIslandGirl wrote: Your lies are spinning out of control.

You blatant and persistent gross distortion of actual factual reality has been clearly and meticulously shown, yet you just go on and on and on as if this is not the case and calling me a liar. This is what you do. It is what you have always done.

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Your hatred for, and vile defamations of Greece, the only country in the EU that is looking after your muslim brother refugees, is contemptible!

Again you just shown once more how detached from actual reality you are. It is not defamation of Greece to say the EU Commission has criticised Greece, if the EU commission has criticised Greece. It is just a statement of fact. Greece is not the only EU country that is looking after Syrian and other refugees, who are of many religions. It is just your usual nonsense detached from any objective reality to claim it is. I am no more Muslim than I am Christian and I do not practice either religion. Your ability to pack so many distortions of reality in to one single sentence is rivalled only by your ability to then go on and on and on denying that you have done so.
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Re: Cyprus' Sister Island - Greek Heroics on Rhodes

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Fri Feb 26, 2016 6:47 pm

erolz66 wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:You're a broken record.

No you are a broken record. It was you who chose to reactivate this thread, not me.

After 3 days 'rest', it was in fact your partner, STUD, who did in fact 'reactivate' the thread.

But isn't it my prerogative to post on my own thread if and whenever I feel there is anything to add ? - You on the other hand are only here to troll and derail!
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Re: Cyprus' Sister Island - Greek Heroics on Rhodes

Postby supporttheunderdog » Fri Feb 26, 2016 7:04 pm

It is a sad fact that the situation is that bad that even with Frontex and other help it msy still be necessary to enforce border controls for travel from Greece to the rest if the Eu. I even saw reports that Greece is even looking to try to control internal travel in some way within Greece from the Islands to the mainland, to slow the flow.

The BBC program on Greece interviewd a migrant who indicated he came to Greece because it was basically an open border....
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Re: Cyprus' Sister Island - Greek Heroics on Rhodes

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Fri Feb 26, 2016 7:15 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:It is a sad fact that the situation is that bad that even with Frontex and other help it msy still be necessary to enforce border controls ....

So if the WHOLE of NATO fails plus the WHOLE of the EU as FRONTEX fails to control the migrants, are YOU and erolz STILL going to be criticizing Greece as being singularly incompetent in this matter?

Or will you finally admit this is a unique situation that the WHOLE of the EU shares responsibility for (OK, maybe Germany more, but let's be generous)??
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Re: Cyprus' Sister Island - Greek Heroics on Rhodes

Postby erolz66 » Fri Feb 26, 2016 7:37 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:and erolz STILL going to be criticizing Greece as being singularly incompetent in this matter?

Yet more distortion and straw men, heaped on top of all the others. Same old same old.

I did not criticise Greece. I pointed out the FACT that the EU Commission had done so, causing you to spin out of control in your usual manner of systematic distortion and accusations of 'Greek hater' and 'liar' and all the rest as part of your pathological pathetic attempts to try and prove that 2+2 does not equal 4 if that looks bad fro Greece. It was, is and remains a fact that the EU Commission (and subsequently the EU Council) did criticise Greece. Neither they nor I ever said Greece was singularly incompetent. That is just yet more made up fairy dust from you.
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Re: Cyprus' Sister Island - Greek Heroics on Rhodes

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Fri Feb 26, 2016 7:43 pm

erolz66 wrote:I did not criticise Greece. I pointed out the "FACT" that the EU Commission .......

"FACT" = LIE. Exactly! You are an evil spin merchant! The very fact you came in with a derailment on a thread to do with praise for the good efforts of local people to lie about the EU Commission threatening sanctions is proof enough of what you are.
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Re: Cyprus' Sister Island - Greek Heroics on Rhodes

Postby supporttheunderdog » Fri Feb 26, 2016 8:45 pm

You are the liar gig, and that is mostly to your self. Read the official eu documents.
Greece has been told in accordance with Art 19b SBC it MUST implement steps to overcome the serious problems found in how it was exercising Schengen obligations to control its borders, which under the Schengen ruleas as set out in EC2007/2004 is Greece's responsibility. (And yes they are getting help) . GReece has slso been threatened with the prospect that unless the measures are successful then the Council may exercise powers under article 26 to suspend Greece in whole or in part from Schengen and be obliged to implement border controls. What is factually incorrect about that? That is all that Erolz or I have ever said.
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Re: Cyprus' Sister Island - Greek Heroics on Rhodes

Postby erolz66 » Fri Feb 26, 2016 8:56 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:"FACT" = LIE. Exactly! You are an evil spin merchant!

That your ear can receive the necessary sound waves to make up a given word and yet your brain tells you, you can not hear that word if it does not suit your agenda and you can then go on to claim that is what 'we' all hear, actually shows the extent and depth of your problem.

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Re: Cyprus' Sister Island - Greek Heroics on Rhodes

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Fri Feb 26, 2016 9:08 pm

You are both ruled by:
(i) idiocy
(ii) hatred

You looked up general untested guidelines and pretended they were solely for Greece.

Since then, you have both been proved wrong.

Greece has not been sanctioned nor was there such a threat made and I have posted the quotes (unlike you with failing to find EU Commission 'threats of sanctions' and 'expulsion').

Countries can however close their own borders as some have - but under criticism.

Moreover, the actual course of action stated was to give Greece more help. This has materialized - both from Frontex, as I said, and unbelievably, even from NATO!

Go figure why the two of you are stuck in some press room gossiping over vile bile. :roll:
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Re: Cyprus' Sister Island - Greek Heroics on Rhodes

Postby erolz66 » Fri Feb 26, 2016 9:42 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:You looked up general untested guidelines and pretended they were solely for Greece.

And on and on and on you go with the same total distortion of actual reality. The Schengen evaluation report on Greece - called the Schengen evaluation report on Greece and referred to the various EU Commission and EU Council press releases was an evaluation report specific to Greece. It found serious deficiencies in application of the Schengen acquis in the field of management of the external borders by Greece and only Greece because it was only about Greece, following the visit of inspectors to Greece. The specific recommendations, adopted by the EU Council at its 3445th meeting held on 12 February 2016 on addressing the serious deficiencies identified in the 2015 evaluation on the application of the Schengen acquis in the field of management of the external borders by Greece, apply to Greece. These specific recommendation start with the text

Greece should

There is nothing in these specific recommendations , adopted by the EU Council, about any other country 'should'. Only Greece because the whole thing, from the sending of the inspectors to Greece, to produce an evaluation report on Greece, which identified serious deficiencies by Greece, that was adopted by the Commission who then drew up recommendation solely about Greece which were adopted by the EU Council, was and is about Greece. ... NIT/en/pdf

This is so obviously and undeniably true , that only a fanatic could try and make out that all these things that were and are specific to Greece and only Greece were "general untested guidelines" and not solely about Greece. You are that fanatic. Same old same old.

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Since then, you have both been proved wrong.

Just as your brain tells you you did not hear the word 'leave', even though the necessary sound waves arrived in your ear drum, because it suits your agenda to have not heard it, so to you brain is telling you you have proved us wrong even though every piece of actual real world hard physical evidence shows that it is you that is wrong. You literally can not even trust your primary senses to not distort reality to your needs. I think your mental disorder is clinical.
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