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Re: Akinci

Postby Pyrpolizer » Thu Apr 30, 2015 8:13 pm

Maximus wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
B25 wrote:Here is my prediction, and I hope I am wrong.

Akinci will be assassinated or be involved in a fatal accident, sooner rather than later.

You place too much faith in the TCs and their ability to change things. Only about 70k TCs and 150k voting Turks. You decide you has the power. Seems very obvious to me.

You too like Maximus should learn to get your data right ... is-voting/

Even with those numbers, this article is saying that there are 190k eligible voters in the north. The republic of Cyprus's record for the same time says that there were 92k eligible TC's to vote in EU elections. 190k - 92k = 98K settlers eligible to vote, which is greater than the total eligible TC vote. This was 4 years ago.

If we consider that we are assuming that all the TC's voted for Akinci and all the settlers voted, the TC could not elect him by themselves. If we assume that it is more likely that they all did not vote for Akinci, then some of the settlers did. In other words, the TC could not give him 60% of the vote by themselves. Its unrealistic to think so unless we make some other assumptions, like, many settlers did not turn out to vote and all the TC voted for Akinci.

This is a minor point, I am more concerned about what they voted him in for. His policy on the CY prob. Which you don't want to educate me about even though you are feeling so hopeful about him.

The data confirms what I told you before. That if ALL Tcs voted for him then he would only need 0-5% from the settlers. Maybe I was a few percentage points away, but the point is that your numbers were wrong (if I remember you said settlers were 3 times as many?)
Now the only thing I could "educate" you, and you will not find this in any newspaper, is that just like our Romanians and Sri Lankans left Cyprus because there are no jobs anymore the same happened during the past 2-3 years in the occupied. Many settlers abandoned the place because they found better jobs in factories in Turkey. This turned the REAL TC % higher than what it was a few years ago.

My hopes for Akinci are in relation with Eroglu. At this point our equity with Eroglu was 0% with Akinci is 30%. This 30% could rise and one day become 100% or could fall down to 0% again. Should I start crying like most people did in this forum or should I get happy for the fact that our chances for a solution jumped up from one day to another?
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Re: Akinci

Postby Maximus » Thu Apr 30, 2015 8:15 pm

bill cobbett wrote:Hot news... !!!

InCY reporting that Mr Akinci, the newly chosen Spokesperson for the CYs living directly under the Occupation, wants to deal with the matter of Occupied Varosi within a wider CBM package ...

"... “We will … seek an agreement whereby the closed area of Varosha is opened under UN auspices while at the same time relieving the bottleneck in trade and tourism by opening Famagusta port to direct trade, and Ercan Airport to direct flights,” Akinci said in his inauguration speech. ... " ... m-package/


Sounds like Eroglu.
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Re: Akinci

Postby Maximus » Thu Apr 30, 2015 8:38 pm

So here we have Akinci

He wants direct trade and tourism from air and sea in exchange for an uninhabitable city. He is not even willing to return Varosha to the GC's but wants to share it under someone else's auspices. I presume minus the costs.

Whats changed?
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Re: Akinci

Postby Pyrpolizer » Thu Apr 30, 2015 8:42 pm

Maximus wrote:Will they make an extra $500m a year? very easily I think. Then they will break even. Everything that was looted will indirectly appreciate in value too. If you think it is hard to solve the CY problem now that there is an embargo, it will get even harder with direct trade to the north.

They already have direct trade with the EU, via the greenline regulations. They already organize chartered flights via L/ca. Nothing dramatic really happened. Imo the direct flights issue was raised just to get recognition. I don't think the RoC will consent to any kind of recognition.
Notice 500m additional GNP doesn't mean much. Consider they need to raise 1b taxes just to sustain the administration costs.
I see the whole matter as a booster for reaching a solution rather than anything else.
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Re: Akinci

Postby Maximus » Thu Apr 30, 2015 8:50 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Maximus wrote:Will they make an extra $500m a year? very easily I think. Then they will break even. Everything that was looted will indirectly appreciate in value too. If you think it is hard to solve the CY problem now that there is an embargo, it will get even harder with direct trade to the north.

They already have direct trade with the EU, via the greenline regulations. They already organize chartered flights via L/ca. Nothing dramatic really happened. Imo the direct flights issue was raised just to get recognition. I don't think the RoC will consent to any kind of recognition.
Notice 500m additional GNP doesn't mean much. Consider they need to raise 1b taxes just to sustain the administration costs.
I see the whole matter as a booster for reaching a solution rather than anything else.

They dont have direct trade with the EU, they have a regulation which means the RoC can trade on its own turf.

I know $500m GNP does not mean much, that's why it will be easy for them to cover Turksih Subsidies, everything else is in the black and a huge boost to the economy. The looted property goes up in value too.

Now, why would a thief be any more inclined to return stolen property when you are making him richer and his life easier staying put? What does he need you for afterwards?

You also take money out of the RoC's pocket because everyone will be able to trade with and go direct to the north.
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Re: Akinci

Postby Lordo » Thu Apr 30, 2015 9:22 pm

precisely maximuimmu that explains why groc does not return tc properties she has stolen. you showed us how to do the furking thing didnt you sonny.
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Re: Akinci

Postby Maximus » Thu Apr 30, 2015 9:50 pm

Lordo wrote:precisely maximuimmu that explains why groc does not return tc properties she has stolen. you showed us how to do the furking thing didnt you sonny.

Precisely Mr. bordo kefalos, with just a few modifications to your comment.

Why would the RoC return the few properties the TC's abandoned while they and the thieving turkish trash can in north Cyprus continue to occupy far too many?
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Re: Akinci

Postby Lordo » Thu Apr 30, 2015 10:27 pm

a few properies you have gavole. there are 60,000 properties which are anything from 5 to 10 times the value of the equivalent 160,000 properties in the north.

ise delya vosgos gavole. blind and deaf and dumb too.
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Re: Akinci

Postby Maximus » Thu Apr 30, 2015 11:16 pm

Lordo wrote:a few properies you have gavole. there are 60,000 properties which are anything from 5 to 10 times the value of the equivalent 160,000 properties in the north.

ise delya vosgos gavole. blind and deaf and dumb too.

I hear its closer to 200k properties + business's in the north.

They are worth 5 to 10 times less because its stolen property and that is what some chancer is willing to pay for it.

Anyway, it seems that Akinci is negotiating along the same lines as Eroglu, and Talat before him.

What has and how have the TC's changed?
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Re: Akinci

Postby Sotos » Fri May 01, 2015 12:04 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Sotos wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
Sotos wrote:That can be the case because I love my wife. Turkey doesn't care about the TCs other than using them to get what she wants. The TCs know this. It is not "one way road". It is two way road, where Turkey gives to the TCs and TCs give back to Turkey. You are the one who expects it to be one way with Turkey to give to TCs whatever they want without taking anything back in return. It doesn't work that way.

Oh yes I forgot your constant fixation that they share the profits they gained on the expense of the GCs. :P
Now how come those gains are not even enough to finance their administration by 1b euros/year so that they would at least get financial independence from Turkey, only God knows.

They have gains of land but they have lost all recognition, they have no direct trade, no direct flights etc. So their loss is greater than their illegal gains, resulting in a net loss. You don't need to be God to understand this. Just somebody with a brain ;) What they want is to keep most of their gains (land), zero their losses (direct flights, trade, recognition) and gain even more (big share in gas). They can do this only together with Turkey since they don't have the power to steal from us on their own. And of course in return Turkey gets a big part of the profits. Start using your brain Pyro.

I am glad you admit so far they are on nett loss. So your theory that so far they used the guarantees blah blah, to gain on our loss blah blah flies out of the window.
Now whether they will brake even with direct trade or even direct flights is very very questionable.
Recognition or gas shares?? They already know they will never get without a solution. However with a solution we all win.
So what's your problem?

What solution? BBF? What do we win with such a solution? Here is how things should be: GC as the native majority rule the whole island. TCs have minority rights. So tell me what we win over what belongs to us? Unless by "win" you mean being given back part of what was stolen from us. In that case if tomorrow you are robed of everything you have and the next day the thief gives back to you €5, you are going to celebrate for "winning" €5 :roll: The Turks took our land but we have legality on our side so they are at net loss. It seems you want this to change so they will come up with a net gain on our loss :roll:
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