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Cyprus Mespila fruit.

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Re: Cyprus Mespila fruit.

Postby supporttheunderdog » Thu Apr 09, 2015 8:36 am

It is important to note that there are several bushes/trees with similar small orange fruit, all of which can be found in Cyprus (and elsewhere in the E med.) and where they are sometimes confused.
The first is the Mespilus Germanica (known sometimes as the Medlar) which is local to the E Med/Black Sea.
The second Crataegus azarolus, a Hawthorn type bush, also known as the Mediterranean Medlar, or Mosphilla. This is apparently the one giving its name to the village just off the highway to Nicosia, Mosphiloti.
The Third is Eriobotrya japonica, (the Loquat) which originated in China but has become spread throughout the world, including throughout the Med.
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Re: Cyprus Mespila fruit.

Postby kurupetos » Tue Apr 14, 2015 11:39 pm

Lordo wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:Reminded of mosfilo jam. Yum!

BTW - The Cypriot language is most like ancient Greek because we didn't make the major changes Greece made as we were stuck in a vacuum due to the Brits helping to turkify us. All it proves is we have the same roots as our mainland brothers - Greek Cypriots thru and thru even if a little behind! :D

considering they stole cyprus fromthe tergs and gave it to you on a plate to do as you wish except enosis, i think you are being unfair on our brit friends.

yenidunya is the fruit gavole.

:lol: vardostogolosu.
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Re: Cyprus Mespila fruit.

Postby gardash » Wed Apr 15, 2015 10:49 am

Aren't these also known as Malta Plums?
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Re: Cyprus Mespila fruit.

Postby CBBB » Wed Apr 15, 2015 11:39 am

In English it is a medlar, the loquat is related though.
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Re: Cyprus Mespila fruit.

Postby Lordo » Wed Apr 15, 2015 12:41 pm

you been drinkin carrot juice again.
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Re: Cyprus Mespila fruit.

Postby supporttheunderdog » Thu Apr 23, 2015 5:33 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Reminded of mosfilo jam. Yum!

BTW - The Cypriot language is most like ancient Greek because we didn't make the major changes Greece made as we were stuck in a vacuum due to the Brits helping to turkify us. All it proves is we have the same roots as our mainland brothers - Greek Cypriots thru and thru even if a little behind! :D

Bullshit, Madam. Bullshit. Proves nothing about ancient roots. Greek was imposed by fiat of a conqueror in 300 BC displacing other languages. All the rest is propaganda.

The Brits were here for just over 80 years - I very much doubt they created a vacuum , rather they seemed to have encouraged education whereby illiteracy levels fell - the vacuum (if it existed at all) which you claim meant Greek in Cyprus did not develop in the same way as Greek in Greece was , if anything, in the previous Millenia but it is convenient to your particular bigoted racist view point to bash the Brits.
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Re: Cyprus Mespila fruit.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Apr 23, 2015 9:51 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:Reminded of mosfilo jam. Yum!

BTW - The Cypriot language is most like ancient Greek because we didn't make the major changes Greece made as we were stuck in a vacuum due to the Brits helping to turkify us. All it proves is we have the same roots as our mainland brothers - Greek Cypriots thru and thru even if a little behind! :D

Bullshit, Madam. Bullshit. Proves nothing about ancient roots. Greek was imposed by fiat of a conqueror in 300 BC displacing other languages. All the rest is propaganda.

The Brits were here for just over 80 years - I very much doubt they created a vacuum , rather they seemed to have encouraged education whereby illiteracy levels fell - the vacuum (if it existed at all) which you claim meant Greek in Cyprus did not develop in the same way as Greek in Greece was , if anything, in the previous Millenia but it is convenient to your particular bigoted racist view point to bash the Brits.

Why don't you first brush up on your colonial British history and matters such as how they even de-welshified the Welsh in the 1950s ?

So full of British Colonial Pride are you that facts defeat you!
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Re: Cyprus Mespila fruit.

Postby supporttheunderdog » Mon May 11, 2015 4:37 pm

From a Welsh Speaker

I do not fully agree that the decline is all down to English repression. I think Welsh is being replaced by English as people find it easier to communicate and conduct business in the dominant language. As economic and cultural globalization and development continues to push forward, growing numbers of languages are becoming minority languages – Welsh is no exception.

Despite Millions being poured into the language and its teaching it is still declining...

see also
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Re: Cyprus Mespila fruit.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Mon May 11, 2015 6:44 pm

Stud, you're describing the consequence of the "Welsh NOT" campaign by the English to eradicate Welsh.

You're basically stating it has worked and that's why nowadays Welsh is in decline, English being more common.

Proves my point.
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Re: Cyprus Mespila fruit.

Postby Oceanside50 » Mon May 11, 2015 6:48 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Reminded of mosfilo jam. Yum!

BTW - The Cypriot language is most like ancient Greek because we didn't make the major changes Greece made as we were stuck in a vacuum due to the Brits helping to turkify us. All it proves is we have the same roots as our mainland brothers - Greek Cypriots thru and thru even if a little behind! :D

The jelly is the best. Has anyone tried to make it into ice cream?
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