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Short Survey for a University Project!! Please spare 5 min!!

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Short Survey for a University Project!! Please spare 5 min!!

Postby Melan » Sat Apr 04, 2015 5:45 pm

Hey guys!!

I am Cypriot studying in UK and as part of my Dissertation this year is Primary Research.
In Primary Research you have to gather a lot of bits of information.
I am doing a User Centered Design Research for my project, so this research needs to be involved with a lot of people as well.
One of the methodologies used is Surveys/Questionnaires to gather vast amounts of data and form diagrams (Quantitative Research).
Thus, the need for as more responses as possible!!

Therefore, I am kindly asking any Cypriots to fill in this survey for me please.
It only takes 5 minutes. Very simple questions!!
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Re: Short Survey for a University Project!! Please spare 5 m

Postby Melan » Sat Apr 04, 2015 9:05 pm

Quite a few of you have already done the survey..

Many many thanks everyone!!
I greatly appreciate your help =]
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Re: Short Survey for a University Project!! Please spare 5 m

Postby Melan » Thu Apr 09, 2015 4:03 pm

Another short survey for a UNIVERSITY PROJECT..
Please, spare 5 minutes to fill in the questions is possible..

I greatly appreciate your responses..
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