Paphitis wrote:DT. wrote:So are most of us agreed that this German pilot was a terrorist?
No. Terrorism is politically motivated and there is no evidence that this was.
DT. wrote:Paphitis wrote:DT. wrote:So are most of us agreed that this German pilot was a terrorist?
No. Terrorism is politically motivated and there is no evidence that this was.
I see, so had the co-pilot been of middle eastern ethnicity having flown a planed with 150 into a mountain, no one would be saying this was a terrorist then?
kurupetos wrote:Unlike popular belief, Germans are known for not being very organized. German airports are very badly organized and flights are always delayed.
I am not surprised that they let this psycho to fly.
Pyrpolizer wrote:Paphitis wrote:
I have also experienced a suicide in my life. The individual was a PILOT, working for the same company, and I use to socialize with the person not frequently but on a few occasions per year where we would go to a Belgium Pub just for a couple of beers. I did not see it coming. No one did.
Yeah Kikapu mentioned the same thing. It looked rather strange to me that people who commit suicide might not exhibit any signs early enough, so i did a quick search over the net. The truth is the majority (75%) do exhibit clearly identifiable signs It should be noted that some people who die by suicide do not show any suicide warning signs.But about 75 percent of those who die by suicide do exhibit some suicide warning signs,
My point is that this particular incident could have been prevented, although I understand the difficulties in setting up rules in the aviation industry that might lead to false positives, stigma etc.
Germanwings 4U9525 accident investigation: IFALPA strongly condemns
leaking of CVR data
MONTREAL, Canada – The International Federation of Air Line Pilots’ Associations (IFALPA) deplores
and condemns yesterday's leaking of certain elements of the Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR)
of the Germanwings flight 4U9525.
Not only do these leaks contravene the internationally agreed principles of accident investigation
confidentiality set out in ICAO Annex 13, they are also a breach of trust to all those involved in the
investigation and to the families of the victims. Furthermore, leaks of this nature greatly harm flight
safety since they invite ill-informed speculation from the media and the general public and discourage
co-operation with investigators in future accidents.
IFALPA once again stresses that the sole purpose of a CVR is to aid investigators in determining
the factors leading to an accident and not to apportion blame or be used outside of its safety context.
CVR details should only be publicly released following a thorough and complete investigation
of the events that occurred, and not prematurely during the course of the field portion of the accident
investigation, underway for less than 48 hours.
Leaking premature, unanalyzed, and partial CVR recordings, which lack the context of the entire
body of factual investigative data, severely interferes with the investigative process, and can only
lead to early conclusions on what exactly occurred during the time leading up to the accident. Any
other use of CVR data is not only invalid, but is an unacceptable invasion of privacy best described
as a search for sensationalism and voyeurism of the worst kind.
It is vital for the investigating body to ensure all information under their control is properly handled
until the completion of the investigation.
In this early stage of the investigation, many critical questions remain to be answered, and IFALPA
stresses the need for an objective accident investigation process through the collection of all the
facts needed to draw an accurate analysis of events. Once again, IFALPA’s resources are at the disposal
of the Accident Investigation Agencies to achieve these aims.
IFALPA once again stresses that the sole purpose of a CVR is to aid investigators in determining
the factors leading to an accident and not to apportion blame or be used outside of its safety context.
CVR details should only be publicly released following a thorough and complete investigation
of the events that occurred, and not prematurely during the course of the field portion of the accident
investigation, underway for less than 48 hours.
Not only do these leaks contravene the internationally agreed principles of accident investigation
confidentiality set out in ICAO Annex 13, they are also a breach of trust to all those involved in the
investigation and to the families of the victims. Furthermore, leaks of this nature greatly harm flight
safety since they invite ill-informed speculation from the media and the general public and discourage
co-operation with investigators in future accidents.
Paphitis wrote:Pyrpolizer wrote:Paphitis wrote:
I have also experienced a suicide in my life. The individual was a PILOT, working for the same company, and I use to socialize with the person not frequently but on a few occasions per year where we would go to a Belgium Pub just for a couple of beers. I did not see it coming. No one did.
Yeah Kikapu mentioned the same thing. It looked rather strange to me that people who commit suicide might not exhibit any signs early enough, so i did a quick search over the net. The truth is the majority (75%) do exhibit clearly identifiable signs It should be noted that some people who die by suicide do not show any suicide warning signs.But about 75 percent of those who die by suicide do exhibit some suicide warning signs,
My point is that this particular incident could have been prevented, although I understand the difficulties in setting up rules in the aviation industry that might lead to false positives, stigma etc.
Very dangerous thinking and one which will easily destroy many already functioning processes within the industry.
You see, if someone suicides, invariably someone will come up with "but I heard him say he was down because his wife left him, took the kids with her, and left him with nothing".
Then, they will be sending everyone with Marital Problems to the quack because they will think he is going to neck himself or kill 150 passengers!
Eventually, most aircraft will end up grounded because all Pilots will need to see a shrink, and the entire global economy will collapse as everything will grind to a halt!
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