tsukoui wrote:Oceanside50 wrote:tsukoui wrote:As you know I suffer from psychosis. I used to think I was psychotic because I couldn't get a girl, now I think that I can't get a girl because I am psychotic. The truth is slightly more complex. From a very early age I noticed a difference between Cypriot women and English women. English women were friendly but cold whereas Cypriot women actually flirted with me even though I couldn't have been more than two. This actually scared me, and I retain a fear of sexual energy to this day
maybe your psychosis stems from the fact that your villoue, like everyone else's, is worthless and you have come to figure it out at two....dthkiaole!!! you may really be a tshakoue
There are certainly spiritual treasures that are worth more than a quick f*ck, but to say sex is useless is jumping the gun a bit. Science and technology may soon be able to take the place of natural procreation, so far only God has managed to actually create a human being spiritually without intercourse, unless you believe he descended in human form to knock Mary upin fact I believe there were other cases apart from Mary. But is sex merely for procreation? The ancient Egyptians used masturbation in their mystical ceremonies, and exploring pleasure with a partner is an important part of tantric tradition. Sex magic may be haram but uncovering the secrets of orgasm and sexual energy is certainly halal. This is why the church recognises marriage as a legitimate spiritual journey. But for me marriage is simply a commitment before God, there is not need for the church to get involved. Anyone who engages in sexual intercourse is either married or a rapist. I don't buy the idea of slaves.
When I was growing up kids were playing football and basketball until late evening, the streets an open field , nowadays I challenge you to go out and find kids playing football in the streets like I used to do. Today there is Nintendo and Xbox. Tomorrow there will be virtual sex or a robot that can be human like and change from a brunette to a red head with a flip of a switch. Woman today are choosing to be artificially insiminated, they have careers and don't have time for a marriage and this all within a few generations from woman in cyprus needing chaperones to have ice cream at a parlor. Fast forward one hundred years, where will western society be?... As for the church in a hundred years. Who will have the time To sit in a church and worship something they can't see or need? Everything people will want will be theirs, with a touch of a button. Spirituality may come from studying zen or having a chip Implant that guides you through a past life...you tend to want to go back to the Egyptians and Indians but what percentage of people in western society masturbate to a mystical ceremony? Almost zero.. Face it tshakoue, your villlouie is worthless ..