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Postby Paphitis » Thu Mar 05, 2015 12:57 am

Garavnoss wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Is there a Goodwin's Law on the American Indians?

I reckon there should be. It seems to be the fall back fail safe for those who don't have a keg to stand on! :lol:

I don't know about that, one could always refer to "Napalm Bombs" dropped indiscriminately over innocent civilians in "Nam" (as the Yanks like to call it) if one wished to highlight the capabilities of the Yanks when it comes to committing atrocities.

There are several others which one could focus on BUT, lets be fair, the great conquest of "Grenada" wasn't a particularly difficult task for the mighty forces of "Uncle Sam", they didn't really have time to think up any outrageous actions in that campaign, although there were one or two new weapons at their disposal and Grenada was a handy exercise to test them out.(didn't take much courage).

Cannot really think of ANY American military action (since it's founding) where they were engaged in a fair fight, overwhelming force has ever been their yardstick in any military engagement.

Amazingly, they are strangely prone to getting a good boot in the arse on most occasions but they have the nasty habit of buying their way out of trouble and declaring themselves victor. (it may not work so well dealing with the vengeance of IS).

They are taking a back seat in this one, but all the signs of American involvement are there. (but you have to look for it).

Why not?

I will claim Goodwin's Law on behalf of the Americans. You even went as far back as the Native Indians.

That's pretty desperate if you ask me.

Oh BTW, it was not just the Americans. Australia also dropped napalm, but I wouldn't say they did it to innocent civilians because that's pretty damn bogus.

Another thing they did is use Chemical Warfare - Agent Orange to flush the enemy out while our soldiers would wear Gas Masks.

We are very proud of our Military heritage and stand by it through thick and thin.
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Postby miltiades » Thu Mar 05, 2015 6:49 am

Garavnoss wrote:
miltiades wrote:When and if I hihadist john, I promise I shall have a civil debate with him on how it feels to slit a mans throat. You are a fucking idiot, shove off you mental degenerate moron.

The purpose of this "Debate" (which actually leaves YOU out of it due to your lack of understanding) was to highlight the fact that the issue of "Courage" has NOT been properly discussed.

"Courage" or the lack of it, is not the exclusive possession/dispossession of those that YOU deem to be savages.

It is often lacking in the greatest among us and abundant in the least among us.

In order to discuss the subject, one must understand what it is, you obviously do not therefore are not qualified to comment.

As I have said many times, I would never indulge in a " civil" debate with a proponent of insidious acts such as paedophilia, incest, necrophilia, premeditated cold blooded murders and other disgusting inhumane acts such as taking 21 men on a stroll along the beach and beheading them.

Those who consider such acts as courageous deserve my utmost contempt.
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Postby Garavnoss » Thu Mar 05, 2015 8:45 am

miltiades wrote:
Garavnoss wrote:
miltiades wrote:When and if I hihadist john, I promise I shall have a civil debate with him on how it feels to slit a mans throat. You are a fucking idiot, shove off you mental degenerate moron.

The purpose of this "Debate" (which actually leaves YOU out of it due to your lack of understanding) was to highlight the fact that the issue of "Courage" has NOT been properly discussed.

"Courage" or the lack of it, is not the exclusive possession/dispossession of those that YOU deem to be savages.

It is often lacking in the greatest among us and abundant in the least among us.

In order to discuss the subject, one must understand what it is, you obviously do not therefore are not qualified to comment.

As I have said many times, I would never indulge in a " civil" debate with a proponent of insidious acts such as paedophilia, incest, necrophilia, premeditated cold blooded murders and other disgusting inhumane acts such as taking 21 men on a stroll along the beach and beheading them.

Those who consider such acts as courageous deserve my utmost contempt.

Once again you publish your aversion to Paedophilia, Necrophilia, Incest and other unnatural activities and I think it is quite strange that you should do so.

Do you know of any proponents of the above activities ?. (If you do, I sincerely hope they are not among your circle of close friends).

Do you think that by advertising your abhorrence to such activities it increases your stature in the arena of public debate ?.

I seriously doubt that ANYONE on this forum (or elsewhere) would disagree with your views on any of the subjects you highlight above
and cannot understand your constant need to allude to them.

It may well be that in so doing, you are sure that others will agree with you and in THAT respect, I share your abhorrence.

How do you feel about the dropping of bombs on sleeping civilian populations, of slaughtering innocent children and engineering the situations that force millions to flee their homes in terror ?, how do you feel about those unfortunates that are facing starvation and deprivation because bullying nations have decided that millions should suffer the consequences of THEIR aggression.

How do you feel about a far smaller force of resistance fighters who are ready to die fighting the injustices of the above ?.

I think they deserve a bit of credit for their "Courage" in facing such overwhelming odds..............that's all.
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Postby miltiades » Thu Mar 05, 2015 9:15 am

I list those disgusting acts alongside the other disgusting acts committed by the so called ISIS whom you support.
The rest of your comments are irrelevant since the " debate" here is your insistence that ISIS are courageous.
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Postby Garavnoss » Thu Mar 05, 2015 10:51 am

miltiades wrote:I list those disgusting acts alongside the other disgusting acts committed by the so called ISIS whom you support.
The rest of your comments are irrelevant since the " debate" here is your insistence that ISIS are courageous.

I DO NOT support IS (I think I have mentioned that a few times already), what I DO support is the "Courage" that is required by ANY smaller force that is prepared to engage in battle with a greater one.

A little bit beyond your comprehension it would appear.

Stick with Paedophilia, Necrophilia, Incest and the rest, it seems to occupy the greater part of your thinking time. :lol:
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Postby miltiades » Thu Mar 05, 2015 11:33 am

Garavnoss wrote:
miltiades wrote:I list those disgusting acts alongside the other disgusting acts committed by the so called ISIS whom you support.
The rest of your comments are irrelevant since the " debate" here is your insistence that ISIS are courageous.

I DO NOT support IS (I think I have mentioned that a few times already), what I DO support is the "Courage" that is required by ANY smaller force that is prepared to engage in battle with a greater one.

So a lone maniac who blows himself up obviously, in your warped mind, is ...courageous !!
Here is a defenition: : brave, plucky, fearless, valiant, valorous, intrepid, heroic, lionhearted, manful, bold, daring, daredevil, adventurous, audacious; More
undaunted, unflinching, unshrinking, unafraid, dauntless, indomitable, doughty, mettlesome, venturesome, stout-hearted, stout, spirited, gallant, stalwart, resolute, determined, death-or-glory;
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Postby Garavnoss » Thu Mar 05, 2015 11:57 am

miltiades wrote:
Garavnoss wrote:
miltiades wrote:I list those disgusting acts alongside the other disgusting acts committed by the so called ISIS whom you support.
The rest of your comments are irrelevant since the " debate" here is your insistence that ISIS are courageous.

I DO NOT support IS (I think I have mentioned that a few times already), what I DO support is the "Courage" that is required by ANY smaller force that is prepared to engage in battle with a greater one.

So a lone "Freedom Fighter" (formally maniac) who blows himself up obviously, in your "analytical" (formally warped) mind, is ...courageous !!
Here is a defenition: : brave, plucky, fearless, valiant, valorous, intrepid, heroic, lionhearted, manful, bold, daring, daredevil, adventurous, audacious; More
undaunted, unflinching, unshrinking, unafraid, dauntless, indomitable, doughty, mettlesome, venturesome, stout-hearted, stout, spirited, gallant, stalwart, resolute, determined, death-or-glory;

If you remove the two purposely inserted slurs "Maniac and warped" and insert "Freedom Fighter and analytical" in their stead, then I suggest that the action WOULD require a certain amount of "Courage".............yes, quite a few of your definitions would apply. :lol:
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Postby boomerang » Thu Mar 05, 2015 12:20 pm

Nelson mandella was to some a terrorist and to others a freedom fighter....milti to which one do you subscribe?

See 2 sides to every coin...
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Postby miltiades » Thu Mar 05, 2015 1:22 pm

boomerang wrote:Nelson mandella was to some a terrorist and to others a freedom fighter....milti to which one do you subscribe?

See 2 sides to every coin...

Its obvious to me that you both loath America.
The question you pose on Mandela bears no relation to the ISIS Savages that this thread is about.
ISIS ARE NOT, FFS fighting for freedom, they are fighting driven by a perverted and sick ideology.
Now, both of you wake up and stop posing stupid questions.
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Postby Garavnoss » Thu Mar 05, 2015 1:32 pm

boomerang wrote:Nelson mandella was to some a terrorist and to others a freedom fighter....milti to which one do you subscribe?

See 2 sides to every coin...

If I may ?, during the period of time I spent in Yangon, Nelson Mandela passed away and I learned of the outpourings of grief that the public were encouraged to express.

He was hailed as a great statesman and received accolades from state leaders from every corner of the world, statues are built in his honour and henceforth his place in history will be secure.

Now, MY opinion of the Black Bastard might be somewhat different to that of Miltiades, (or other sycophants who are ready to forget his murderous activities in the past), however, (to emulate the proposal of Miltiades) I am entitled to stand alone if necessary) :lol:

As a footnote:- I would have to credit him with a certain degree of "Courage" during his terrorist days but, I think it deserted him when he became the "TOOL" of the white politicians and adopted his "Uncle Tom Negro" status for which he is now remembered.
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