could i also propose "aharnis" by aristofanis?
anti-war comedy. its actually the tragedy of civil war presented in a funny would be surprised by the similarities with today. (a small advise for the hellenenchristians : if you consider yourself more orthodox than greek, then aristofanis is not for you. the greekorthodox church already prevented one of his plays ).
it is amazing that the play was performed in the middle of the war. freedom of speach or what ?
a small suggestion for the greek speakers: while reading aristofanis you can add savvopoulos music to it
...on the sixth year of the pelloponisian war the athenian citizen dikaiopolis decides to make peace alone, (for him and his family) with sparta.... a number of coal producers having interests in the war, with stones in their hands, are searching for the traitor in order to stone him to death....
you know what i am talking about