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Postby Garavnoss » Tue Feb 24, 2015 8:19 am

The Word "Psychopath" has been used very frequently lately and those towards whom the description has been directed should not have to suffer the indignity of being "Psychoanalysed" by any other than a professional.

The "Traits" of a "Psychopath" are very easily identified and, (if one wished to study a "Self-Analysis") it is quite an easy task to discover just what those "Traits" may be.

Therefore, I would like to submit the following list which focuses on a few of them which may assist us in the search for such "Traits" in ourselves. (I use the Male gender although both sexes are similar).

A "Psychopath" considers himself to be superior to others and finds it difficult to accept anyone else's opinion.

When his opinion is challenged, he may become furious and resort to insult and particularly foul language.

He HAS to be right, if he is told he is not, his mood immediately changes and he flies into a rage.

He always has an inner feeling that he has been (or is being) misunderstood.

He is very self-centred and considers HIS needs are greater than any others.

He does not feel regret for any misdeeds or misconduct and his conscience does not bother him.

He is quite insensitive to the needs of others, but often pretends otherwise in order to impress.

He has a very low stress level and can fly into his rages without warning for ANY reason that does not suit him.

He tries to manipulate others to suit his needs, he seeks younger female company (a sexual predator).

He twists conversations to his advantage and changes subject or gets angry if proven wrong.

Considers himself to be quite charming and often enthuses about it (particularly in the company of females).

Never accepts fault for any of his misconduct, always blames others.

He is known to be highly contradictory and will argue readily about things he has no knowledge of.

He MUST convince people to side with him, he either withdraws into his shell or flares up if they do not.

He is quite "Anti-Social" and does not like "Uniformed Officials" who can tell him what to do.

He is often unable to hold down a steady job and therefore is likely to work on his own account.

Can be very underhanded and is often drawn to businesses which handle other people's money.

Can often lean towards "Alcoholism" and hides his true feelings from those close to him.

The above are NOT my views or opinions, they are but a few of MANY of the "Traits" that are well documented in the journals of professional "Psychoanalysts" and are presented to students at all levels of "Psychological" study.

I present them to members for a particular reason :- that the person who so regularly insults and verbally abuses others and uses "Psychopath" as a weapon of character assassination, actually displays EVERY ONE of the "Traits" he so readily imposes upon others, I personally am quite disgusted with this odious little chap and will not tolerate his vile language, accusations and insults any longer.

Above are the "Classical Traits" of a real "Psychopath".
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Postby miltiades » Tue Feb 24, 2015 8:48 am

Here is a much shorter TRUE statement:
An individual who considers the barbaric and satanic acts of savages as courageous, inspired and driven by an immeasurable hatred towards the USA, Israel and the West in general.

An individual whose logic and ability to differentiate between evil acts perpetrated by savages, like the beheadings of 21 Egyptians recently , the burning alive of scores of Syrians, the numerous beheadings of " prisoners" , and the forces made up of almost the entire world determined to put an end to this sick perverted barbarians.

This sums you correctly I believe. You are a psychopath.
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Postby Garavnoss » Tue Feb 24, 2015 8:54 am

miltiades wrote:Here is a much shorter TRUE statement:
An individual who considers the barbaric and satanic acts of savages as courageous, inspired and driven by an immeasurable hatred towards the USA, Israel and the West in general.

An individual whose logic and ability to differentiate between evil acts perpetrated by savages, like the beheadings of 21 Egyptians recently , the burning alive of scores of Syrians, the numerous beheadings of " prisoners" , and the forces made up of almost the entire world determined to put an end to this sick perverted barbarians.

This sums you correctly I believe. You are a psychopath.

And thus you immediately rise to expose one of the "Traits" aforementioned, (I note that you forgot to use foul language) :lol:
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Postby Garavnoss » Tue Feb 24, 2015 9:51 am

miltiades wrote:" Ahmed al-Tayeb, the Grand Imam of the al-Azhar mosque in Cairo, and widely considered the world’s most influential Sunni Muslim cleric, condemned the “satanic” Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL), calling for its members to be "killed, crucified or to have their limbs amputated" in revenge for the gruesome execution. "

The fact that you attach the above to your previous "Rant" would suggest that you are in favour of THIS retaliatory action.

Interesting that you should adopt such a stance, I personally think it quite horrendous that such deeds should be considered.

But THAT is the difference between us you see, I do not delight in the destruction of human life whereas YOU obviously do.


The above comments are transported from another thread, they are indicative of just how distorted the views of our insulting fellow member is.

NOWHERE have I ever indicated that I am a supporter of the gruesome activities of IS, I merely suggest (and make no apologies for having done so) that they must be possessive of a certain amount of "Courage" to face the enormous amount of opposition to their cause.

Whether their cause is just or unjust, is a matter for sensible discussion, NOT insult.
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Postby miltiades » Tue Feb 24, 2015 10:10 am

Garavnoss wrote:miltiades wrote:" Ahmed al-Tayeb, the Grand Imam of the al-Azhar mosque in Cairo, and widely considered the world’s most influential Sunni Muslim cleric, condemned the “satanic” Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL), calling for its members to be "killed, crucified or to have their limbs amputated" in revenge for the gruesome execution. "

The fact that you attach the above to your previous "Rant" would suggest that you are in favour of THIS retaliatory action.

Interesting that you should adopt such a stance, I personally think it quite horrendous that such deeds should be considered.

But THAT is the difference between us you see, I do not delight in the destruction of human life whereas YOU obviously do.


The above comments are transported from another thread, they are indicative of just how distorted the views of our insulting fellow member is.

NOWHERE have I ever indicated that I am a supporter of the gruesome activities of IS, I merely suggest (and make no apologies for having done so) that they must be possessive of a certain amount of "Courage" to face the enormous amount of opposition to their cause.

Whether their cause is just or unjust, is a matter for sensible discussion, NOT insult.

I quoted his words, not mine. I too strongly dissaprove and condemn acts of barbarity.

You on the other hand has expressed views such as " ISIS deserve credit for their courage."

Let me give you a short summary of where I stand.

1. I detest and abhore barbaric acts comitted by ISIS.
2. I support Israels right to exist.
3. I support the creation of a Palestinian state comitted to living in peace with Israel.
4. I support the withdrawal of Israel to its pre 1967 boundaries subject to Hamas removing from its manifesto the destruction of Israel and abandoning the firing of rockets at Israel.
5. I support democracy and democratic principles.
6. I support the right of all humans to practice their faith without let or hindrance, I also support my rights not to believe in a creator.
7. I condemn all premeditated indiscriminate acts committed by suicide bombers.
8. I support the Western world values, freedom of speach, freedom of choice freedom of faith.
9. I detest and abhore violent acts committed in the name of a fictitious non existent god.
10. I support the USA and its allies in their struggle to rid the world of the likes of ISIS and other barbaric groups.

Which of the above do you consider innapropriate.?

By the way, I have never refered to anyones family in derogatory or vile terms, as for instance this comment by a well known psycho. " GO AND FUCK YOUR DEAD MOTHERS CORPSE".

The forum is for memberrs only and excludes all comments directed at the forumer's family in order to vent ones frustration at a given member.
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Postby Garavnoss » Tue Feb 24, 2015 10:54 am

I am not qualified to dismiss any one of your contentions although I would have to admit that there are one or two areas where we would be at odds.

It would be remiss of me to condemn ANY of your admissions as inappropriate since they are (if truly felt) your honest opinions and should be respected as such.

Where you fall short in your assessment of my character is clearly illustrated in your final comments, I cannot comprehend where your reference to the abuse you may have been the recipient of, is in any way attributable to me personally.

I can assure you that it would NEVER occur to me to offer such an offence to ANYONE and I can only speculate that such a response (from whosoever) may have been a retaliatory one resulting from a possible goading on YOUR part in the first place.

I cannot imagine any other reason for such an affront, certainly it has NOTHING to do with me and I find it highly insulting that you should make such a connection.
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Postby GreekIslandGirl » Tue Feb 24, 2015 11:52 am

Sorry to butt in to your antagonism-fest, but there are flaws flying on the forum that I cannot resist ...

Garavnoss wrote:The Word "Psychopath" has been used very frequently lately and those towards whom the description has been directed should not have to suffer the indignity of being "Psychoanalysed" by any other than a professional.

And yet ....

Garavnoss wrote:The "Traits" of a "Psychopath" are very easily identified and, (if one wished to study a "Self-Analysis") it is quite an easy task to discover just what those "Traits" may be.

Are you a "professional"?

Garavnoss wrote:Therefore, I would like to submit the following list which focuses on a few of them

Nope! Selective lists geared to fit into the profile of another member are underhand, not scientific (and a little telling on the person who did the selection).

Garavnoss wrote:I present them to members for a particular reason :- that the person who so regularly insults and verbally abuses others and uses "Psychopath" as a weapon of character assassination, actually displays EVERY ONE of the "Traits"

Well, since you selected those traits, it stands to reason they might fit with images that you assume the member displays.

- Now, how about looking into the characteristics of a passive aggressive and some posts by Garavnoss? :roll:
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Postby Garavnoss » Tue Feb 24, 2015 12:33 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Sorry to butt in to your antagonism-fest, but there are flaws flying on the forum that I cannot resist ...

Garavnoss wrote:The Word "Psychopath" has been used very frequently lately and those towards whom the description has been directed should not have to suffer the indignity of being "Psychoanalysed" by any other than a professional.

And yet ....

Garavnoss wrote:The "Traits" of a "Psychopath" are very easily identified and, (if one wished to study a "Self-Analysis") it is quite an easy task to discover just what those "Traits" may be.

Are you a "professional"?

Garavnoss wrote:Therefore, I would like to submit the following list which focuses on a few of them

Nope! Selective lists geared to fit into the profile of another member are underhand, not scientific (and a little telling on the person who did the selection).

Garavnoss wrote:I present them to members for a particular reason :- that the person who so regularly insults and verbally abuses others and uses "Psychopath" as a weapon of character assassination, actually displays EVERY ONE of the "Traits"

Well, since you selected those traits, it stands to reason they might fit with images that you assume the member displays.

- Now, how about looking into the characteristics of a passive aggressive and some posts by Garavnoss? :roll:

Very well put and absolutely correct on every level.

In my defence, I found it quite offensive that I (and others) should be constantly verbally assaulted by one ready to stigmatise any who might disagree with his views and therefore be addressed as "Psychopaths", my reference to the traits being easily identified are solely the result of research and are readily available to anyone interested enough to avail themselves of it.

I am not a professional (in that particular field) but the research is sourced from eminent persons that are.

I did not feel it necessary to present a whole thesis on the subject since (in many areas) there are repetitions and the whole subject could become quite time-consuming and boring, therefore, I selected those "Traits" which I knew to be perfectly attributable to the one that my interest focused on (again through a research process on past history).

As to my own character, I could hardly deny that there may be some "Traits" that would also apply to me but, I do not habitually attack the character of others with quite the same ferocity as does the subject of MY analysis.

As to my "Self-Analysis" I am quite satisfied that I do not qualify for the title of "Psychopath" but take your point that I might not fare quite so well under a "Passive-Aggressive" examination.

Thank you for your input, I assure you that the constant (and if I may say so) unjustified insults and accusations of the subject of this post, prompted me to undertake the research I did.

I am perfectly satisfied that my (un-professional) assessment is correct.
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Postby boomerang » Tue Feb 24, 2015 12:52 pm

I am perfectly satisfied that my (un-professional) assessment is correct.

I are winding him up...and milti is a fool for swallowing bait, hook and sinker...

milti should do well in accepting there are sides to every coin...his beloved USA is what's keeping the cyprob in perpetuity...why?...because so far it serves US interests...

as far as beheadings and etc are concern this is another ploy by the US in rather than wasting US capital, get them to do the dirty work to each other...milti this a fact that you need to recognise...even the turks are trying hard not to fall for it...I reference the recent movement of the tomb as a prime example...

GG a very fine analysis...
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Postby miltiades » Tue Feb 24, 2015 12:57 pm

Lunatic, maniac , nutcase , mad person , mental case, just some words describing a psychopath.

In my book anyone who considers ISIS as deserving credit for courage fits the above descriptions.
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