miltiades wrote:Lunatic, maniac , nutcase , mad person , mental case, just some words describing a psychopath.
In my book anyone who considers ISIS as deserving credit for courage fits the above descriptions.
Emboldened by the apparent backing of those whom you perceive to be willing to justify your intolerable insults, you are once again off at the gallop without paying heed to any of the information contained in the foregoing exchanges.
Actually, I would have expected an apology for your personal insults, I now can appreciate that such strength of character is not part of your psyche and therefore, the lack of such comes as no surprise.
However, in order to simplify the meaning of "Courage" in the context of that which was written, I think that the fighters of IS are worthy of some praise for their "Courage" in facing an enemy of vastly superior force.
It requires a certain amount of "Courage" for some people to take a seat in a Dentist's chair for a filling, others may have to summon a little "Courage" to pick up a spider...... How much more to face death (and even embrace it) for a cause which THEY think just ?.
None of which implies that I am in favour of the slaughter of innocents, which I have indicated many times before.
Nor does it mean that I hate America, Israel or any other nation, although I do not condone many of their actions abroad.
I do hope you are able to understand.