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Postby Garavnoss » Tue Feb 24, 2015 5:41 pm

miltiades wrote:Lunatic, maniac , nutcase , mad person , mental case, just some words describing a psychopath.

In my book anyone who considers ISIS as deserving credit for courage fits the above descriptions.

Emboldened by the apparent backing of those whom you perceive to be willing to justify your intolerable insults, you are once again off at the gallop without paying heed to any of the information contained in the foregoing exchanges.

Actually, I would have expected an apology for your personal insults, I now can appreciate that such strength of character is not part of your psyche and therefore, the lack of such comes as no surprise.

However, in order to simplify the meaning of "Courage" in the context of that which was written, I think that the fighters of IS are worthy of some praise for their "Courage" in facing an enemy of vastly superior force.

It requires a certain amount of "Courage" for some people to take a seat in a Dentist's chair for a filling, others may have to summon a little "Courage" to pick up a spider...... How much more to face death (and even embrace it) for a cause which THEY think just ?.

None of which implies that I am in favour of the slaughter of innocents, which I have indicated many times before.

Nor does it mean that I hate America, Israel or any other nation, although I do not condone many of their actions abroad.

I do hope you are able to understand.
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Postby Paphitis » Tue Feb 24, 2015 6:21 pm

Garavnoss wrote:
miltiades wrote:Lunatic, maniac , nutcase , mad person , mental case, just some words describing a psychopath.

In my book anyone who considers ISIS as deserving credit for courage fits the above descriptions.

Emboldened by the apparent backing of those whom you perceive to be willing to justify your intolerable insults, you are once again off at the gallop without paying heed to any of the information contained in the foregoing exchanges.

Actually, I would have expected an apology for your personal insults, I now can appreciate that such strength of character is not part of your psyche and therefore, the lack of such comes as no surprise.

However, in order to simplify the meaning of "Courage" in the context of that which was written, I think that the fighters of IS are worthy of some praise for their "Courage" in facing an enemy of vastly superior force.

It requires a certain amount of "Courage" for some people to take a seat in a Dentist's chair for a filling, others may have to summon a little "Courage" to pick up a spider...... How much more to face death (and even embrace it) for a cause which THEY think just ?.

None of which implies that I am in favour of the slaughter of innocents, which I have indicated many times before.

Nor does it mean that I hate America, Israel or any other nation, although I do not condone many of their actions abroad.

I do hope you are able to understand.

They have not as yet encountered the military might of the coalition as the boots on the ground are simply not there at this point in time other than a few thousand in a so called training and advisory role.

When the boots on the ground are deployed, then they will be facing a superior military force and they will be completely destroyed and the ISF will establish control throughout Iraq.

All they face is sporadic Aerial bombardment whenever the targets offer themselves in the open desert. ISIL has been able to adapt its warfare to mitigate this risk. They, as a result move in small numbers.

I again challenge the notion of courage because the average Jihadist is brainwashed to adopt a corrupted Islamic ideology. ISIL prey on the weak, poor and the young who simply do not fit into society all that well. They believe that Jihad will reward them in death, so I put it to you that they would fear death a great deal less than you and I who are less resolute about the existence of anything when dead. Hence you have more suicide bombers, and generally speaking, they do not put as high a value on life than we do. You could presume that death could be a whole lot easier if you are completely believing that the Paradise you will inherit in the afterlife as a reward is accepted as fact.
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Postby miltiades » Tue Feb 24, 2015 6:42 pm

Garavnoss wrote:
miltiades wrote:Lunatic, maniac , nutcase , mad person , mental case, just some words describing a psychopath.

In my book anyone who considers ISIS as deserving credit for courage fits the above descriptions.

Emboldened by the apparent backing of those whom you perceive to be willing to justify your intolerable insults, you are once again off at the gallop without paying heed to any of the information contained in the foregoing exchanges.

Actually, I would have expected an apology for your personal insults, I now can appreciate that such strength of character is not part of your psyche and therefore, the lack of such comes as no surprise.

However, in order to simplify the meaning of "Courage" in the context of that which was written, I think that the fighters of IS are worthy of some praise for their "Courage" in facing an enemy of vastly superior force.

It requires a certain amount of "Courage" for some people to take a seat in a Dentist's chair for a filling, others may have to summon a little "Courage" to pick up a spider...... How much more to face death (and even embrace it) for a cause which THEY think just ?.

None of which implies that I am in favour of the slaughter of innocents, which I have indicated many times before.

Nor does it mean that I hate America, Israel or any other nation, although I do not condone many of their actions abroad.

I do hope you are able to understand.

You are completely out of your ...rocker !!! Courage to burn someone alive, or slit someones throat. They are bloody savages, completely possessed by a demonic doctrine.
I do hope you are able to ....understand. You made a bloody stupid remark so just accept it and move on, preferably to ...Syria.
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Postby Lordo » Tue Feb 24, 2015 6:58 pm

you remind of the 78 records that used to get stuck at the same point. where is pusdhocharlui to pick the arm of this record player and move it on a bit hoping that there is no further points milti will get stuck on.

have you taken your pills today old man.
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Postby Garavnoss » Tue Feb 24, 2015 8:16 pm

Lordo wrote:you remind of the 78 records that used to get stuck at the same point. where is pusdhocharlui to pick the arm of this record player and move it on a bit hoping that there is no further points milti will get stuck on.

have you taken your pills today old man.

Lordo, I fear this chap will never be able to master the art of engaging in a civilized debate.
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Postby miltiades » Tue Feb 24, 2015 9:39 pm

Garavnoss wrote:
Lordo wrote:you remind of the 78 records that used to get stuck at the same point. where is pusdhocharlui to pick the arm of this record player and move it on a bit hoping that there is no further points milti will get stuck on.

have you taken your pills today old man.

Lordo, I fear this chap will never be able to master the art of engaging in a civilized debate.

A civilized debate ? With you ? Not on your Nellie, you are a thoroughly disturbed man who considers the cutthroats as courageous, you are an idiot, live with it.

By the way, I have been on this forum for 9 years, I can hold my own I don't need support from anyone, although the vast majority do support the wise ...young man.
S, thank you for your support, I owe you a :lol: :lol:
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Postby Garavnoss » Tue Feb 24, 2015 10:04 pm

miltiades wrote:
Garavnoss wrote:
Lordo wrote:you remind of the 78 records that used to get stuck at the same point. where is pusdhocharlui to pick the arm of this record player and move it on a bit hoping that there is no further points milti will get stuck on.

have you taken your pills today old man.

Lordo, I fear this chap will never be able to master the art of engaging in a civilized debate.

A civilized debate ? With you ? Not on your Nellie, you are a thoroughly disturbed man who considers the cutthroats as courageous, you are an idiot, live with it.

By the way, I have been on this forum for 9 years, I can hold my own I don't need support from anyone, although the vast majority do support the wise ...young man.
S, thank you for your support, I owe you a :lol: :lol:

I know well enough that you have been on this forum for a considerable time, I have read a great many of your past posts and they confirm your inability to communicate in a civilized fashion.

Actually, I am currently reading through the exchanges of quite a few older members and yourself, I am beginning to wonder if your influence has been instrumental in ensuring that so many well respected members have departed on account of your ignorance.

Nothing to be proud of I assure you, it would appear that the forum used to be quite a lively one not so long ago.

Perhaps you could raise another poll to bolster your popularity.
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Postby boomerang » Wed Feb 25, 2015 9:22 am

you've been antagonising milti for years really surprises me and he hasn't caught on yet... lol

how are you anyway...kinda missed your posting
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Postby miltiades » Wed Feb 25, 2015 10:20 am

boomerang wrote:you've been antagonising milti for years really surprises me and he hasn't caught on yet... lol

how are you anyway...kinda missed your posting

Boom, you have known me for a long time, you also know that I challenge ferociously stupidity, been round the block a few times, nobody can say that Miltiades is not a perfect....gentleman, never swears, uses inflamatory language and loves the red and the ...blondes with blue eyes :lol: :lol:
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Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed Feb 25, 2015 10:29 am

Garavnoss appears to me to have to at least some of the stylistic traits of a certain dog known for leg my view a slightly pretentious turn of phrase.

My own view is that few if any at all have departed because of Milti. I suspect many have departed because of the attempts of some, who are avowed members / supporters of the so called "nationalists" ELAM and the Greek party with certain leaders who admire the Nazis, "Xρυσή βροχή", ( have I translated that right) to impose their own sad ideology on this Forum, frequently with abuse through tired jokes.

This topic however does seem to display that its orginator is something of a "stalker", with the admission by Garavnoss that they are deliberately trawling through old messages, ( where research of this sort is one characteristic of stalker,) - which research is then used to send targeted messages (again possible a trait of stalker) and where his particular focus on Milti can be dated back to Garavanoss' first posts (at least under this ID) in November 2014.

Wikipedia has this to say on Stalkers:

Psychologists often group individuals who stalk into two categories: psychotic and nonpsychotic.[3] Stalkers may have pre-existing psychotic disorders such as delusional disorder, schizoaffective disorder, or schizophrenia. Most stalkers are nonpsychotic and may exhibit disorders or neuroses such as major depression, adjustment disorder, or substance dependence, as well as a variety of Axis II personality disorders (such as antisocial, borderline, dependent, narcissistic, or paranoid). Some of the symptoms of "obsessing" over a person may be characteristic of obsessive compulsive personality disorder. The nonpsychotic stalkers' pursuit of victims can be influenced by various psychological factors, including anger, hostility, projection of blame, obsession, dependency, minimization, denial, and jealousy. Conversely, as is more commonly the case, the stalker has no antipathic feelings towards the victim, but simply a longing that cannot be fulfilled due to deficiencies either in their personality or their society's norms.[15]

So what is it with you Garavnoss?
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