I can not conceal my disdain for this group of ultra fanatics, yet some on this forum suggest that this group deserves credit for their courage.
I strongly and vehemently oppose this suggestion and put it to you to cast your vote accordingly.
Garavnoss wrote::lol:Well, the race is on and they're neck and neck at the moment !.
miltiades wrote:Garavnoss wrote::lol:Well, the race is on and they're neck and neck at the moment !.
I know of 3 sickos on this forum, GR, Lordo, GR ie Garvanos, and a few phantom creations by GR.
Time will tell as to how many psychopaths this forum has.
Lordo wrote:in any debate one would have to at least specified the meaning of the word before deciding one way or another.
the ability to do something that frightens one; bravery.
"she called on all her courage to face the ordeal"
strength in the face of pain or grief.
"he fought his illness with great courage"
synonyms: bravery, braveness, courageousness, pluck, pluckiness, valour, fearlessness, intrepidity, intrepidness, nerve, daring, audacity, boldness; dauntlessness, doughtiness, stout-heartedness, hardihood, manfulness, heroism, gallantry; backbone, spine, spirit, spiritedness, mettle, determination, fortitude, resolve, resolution; informalguts, grit, spunk, gutsiness, gameness; informalbottle, ballsiness; informalmoxie, cojones, sand; vulgar slangballs
the ultimate courages thing one can do is give up their lives. if that is the case surely a suicide bomber is a perfect example of a courages person.
however there is no match for our courageous keyboard heroes here who are so fast with the keys.
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